
The population of the study is made up of five subjects in senior secondary school in Nigeria. The study looks into academic dishonesty and failure among secondary school students (geography. period 2005–2011 (a case study of Nigeria). There were roughly 200 staff members and nine thousand seven hundred and fifteen (9,7,15) kids in all. To guarantee that important characteristics of the population were adequately represented, ten students from each class (JSS1-SSIII) were chosen using proportionate stratified random sampling techniques. For the second set of sample (staff), the same techniques were used to choose five staff from each school. A structured questionnaire served as the data gathering tool. While section “B” had the structured questionnaire items, section “A” contained the correspondent’s personal information, such as name, sex, and education. The responses were organized into four response categories: strongly agree (SA), agree (A), strongly disagree (SD), disagree, and others. The questionnaire was given out by the researchers themselves. The values and response code needed to apply the formula to determine the mean are displayed below.



Failure, according to the seventh edition of the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, is the inability to do or achieve something. Knowing that everyone fears failure in all facets of life is vital (related). Failure is defined as a lack of discipline or constraint (control), whereas a failure to keep a promise is referred to as indiscipline in the America Heritage (R) Dictionary.
A fundamental component of the educational system, which insists on sustaining pupils’ moral standards, is indiscipline. It encompasses a broad spectrum of meaning within a community, whether seen from a negative or positive standpoint, i.e., a certain attitude toward something.However, people have a tendency to only notice the bad smells, and this is especially true when it comes to people or groups who claim close or personal ties to particular social groups.
According to Schon, D. (1993), every child needs to go to school. Given the importance of education in today’s society and the fact that everyone must go through it, schools are viewed as providers of education. Education is therefore viewed as the key to revealing knowledge’s “treasures,” or priceless items discovered buried or whose owner is unknown. The misbehavior of students is a persistent issue that affects schools not only in Nigeria but also in many other African nations.Classroom misbehavior by students disrupts instruction and learning and is regarded to be a precursor to eventual school dropout and other undesirable social outcomes. The stress and attrition of teachers are also believed to be significantly influenced by student behavioral issues (Making somebody weaker). Abused teachers describe being afraid of their powerful feelings of wrath, shame or humiliation, isolation, and sadness.
In some situations, the teachers’ faith in the students has been shaken, the perpetrator has not been deterred, and some youngsters may never disclose the incident’s nature or its effects on them.RM Salvin (2003). However, pupils’ unwillingness to complete the work is typically one of the most prevalent causes of poor discipline. The loudest students will show their annoyance through loud outbursts (a sudden, intense display of emotion), disruptive behavior (creating issues, noise), whereas the other students may choose to keep silent (Stermbery, R.J. & Williams, W.W. (2002). Discipline issues basically arise when a student disobeys the norms of the classroom or school.The majority of students who are susceptible, or influenced or harmed to failure are those who engage in academic indiscipline such as truancy, tardiness to school, fighting, vandalism (the crime of destroying or damaging something), and others. This is revealed when a close examination of why our students fail in their Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE), especially on geography. Sometimes, school administrators and teachers will engage in unethical behavior in order to benefit the children. However, they do so so that the public will perceive them as dedicated and diligent educators in their respective institutions. Students relax rather than taking their studies seriously when they know that their lecturers will assist them throughout exams.The researchers are upset because our nation’s educational barrier is being swiftly destroyed by academic indiscipline. The researchers wonder what kind of physicians, engineers, lawyers, and accountants our country will create over the next five to 10 years. Onah, J. (2008). Dewey stressed “learning by doing” in his concept of education, which states that “the child has to do something.” He must participate if learning is to be effective.Furthermore, laws governing human conduct will eventually be disregarded and necessitate punishment. In defining disciplinary consequences for disobeying a rule, common sense must once again prevail. Rules must also correspond to the declared function of education or the educational process. Before disciplinary action is taken, all students must also be aware of the rules and responsible of them. Franken, R.E. (1998) Parent and schools both have a role to play in fostering the values and standards that we hope will assist young people in developing healthy behavioural norms.

statement of the problem

The cornerstone of each nation’s development is education. This is the rationale behind why education receives a significant portion of our money. The administration is making a valiant effort to overcome the underdevelopment. how much was voted for the budgets for education.
Everyone wants the best academic opportunities for themselves and their loved ones. Some people in colonial times understood the value of education.
Seeing the harm that academic indiscipline has done to our schools, including our secondary schools, which serve as the foundation for higher education, fills me with dismay (a troubled, sorrowful sensation).The curriculum is not being implemented adequately by the teachers, which contributes to the low attainment of basic skills, illiteracy, and innumeracy among secondary school graduates.
Everyone in the nation is corrupt as a result of the value system in place. Academic indiscipline and failure among secondary school pupils have been caused by a lack of suitable infrastructural amenities, such as teaching tools, buildings, transportation, water and power supplies, etc.

Purpose of the Study

It is ideal to investigate into academic indiscipline and failure among secondary school students based on these objectives:-
a. To critically define indiscipline and failure in secondary schools.
b. To investigate into the causes of academic indiscipline and failure into our schools.
c. To recommend possible ways of cubing academic indiscipline and failure among secondary school students.

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