An Investigation Into Design Errors And It’s Impact On Initial Cost Of A Construction Project


An Investigation Into Design Errors And It’s Impact On Initial Cost Of A Construction Project


Chapter One



Background Of The Study

When asked to define” design error,” not all disciplines in the construction process agree on a common description. Depending on which discipline you address, the proprietor, the developer or the contractor there will be a common understanding girdled by varied conclusions,” a mistake.” From the introductory delineations of” design” and” error” we conclude that a design error is a divagation from a delineation or specification, also including deletions and inscrutability. It’s the soberness of this error that must be considered to determine its consequences on the overall outgrowth of the design One of the most important challenges facing operation moment is controlling the each too frequent cost and schedule overruns that prompt the construction assiduity( Diekmann and Thrush, 1986). One of the major issues to control growth in design costs and time is the reduction of design crimes.

The proprietor, developer and contractor all have different interests in, or uses for the design of a installation. But what they do share is the commitment to complete the design safely and within a given budget and completion time. There are numerous enterprise being conducted to control the growth of cost and schedule within the construction assiduity.

The major issue is” delicacy of the delineations,” or the number of design crimes, deletions and inscrutability within the plans and specifications that affect the quality of the installation. Crunches in the plans and specifications are the major causes of changes to the contract So important emphasis is placed on the issue of time and cost that quality takes a aft seat The quality of the design depends on the conformance of the objects and conditions from the proprietor. An instructional quality operation fashion will give an agreement to procedures and delineations among the principle parties for the design. Since design crimes have an impact on the outgrowth of the effectiveness of the contractor’s trouble on the design it’s essential that all parties determine what the description of a design error should be. When asked to define design error, not all disciplines in the construction process agree on a common description. From the introductory description of design and error it can be determined that a design error is a divagation from a delineation or specification. It’s the soberness of this error that must be considered to determine its consequences on the overall outgrowth of the design


Statement Of The Problem

Design crimes indicate the total design in- effectiveness of a design. Major design quality problems do during construction when crimes, deletions and inscrutability in plans and specifications come apparent( Davis and Ledbetter, 1987). This statement directs that the crunches in the plans and specifications are the major causes of changes to the contract. There have been extreme exemplifications of design crimes similar as multitudinous structure collapse in Nigeria- systems that have wrought disaster after the construction are completed. These are exemplifications of design crimes that escaped the close scrutiny of all parties. One or two major crimes that can be corrected with only cost considerations and little effect on the schedule can impact systems. The systems that really suffer are those with numerous small crimes( design, rework or change of compass) which when eventually added up cause major impacts on the cost and schedule growth. Through Davis and Ledbetters exploration it was determined that” delicacy of the design documents” was the most critical of the criteria used in the original evaluation of design effectiveness. This delicacy was farther described as the concern for the frequence and impact of crimes in the specifications and delineations. This is due to the fact that the delineations and specifications are the most” readily identifiable labors of the design process.” It’s evermore important that the quality control of designs be addressed during the planning phase and nearly covered during the construction phase.


Objects Of The Study

The main end of the study is to probe how design crimes can affect the original cost of a design. The specific objects are


To determine what constitutes a design error.

To examine the contributing factors to design crimes in Nigeria.

To examine how these factors can affect original cost and growth of a design.

Exploration Questions


What makes or contributes to a design error?

What are the factors that lead to design crimes?

What effect can design crimes have on original cost and growth of a design?

Thesis Expression

Hi There’s no significant relationship between design error and original design cost.

Ho There’s significant relationship between design error and original design cost.


Significance Of The Study

This study gives a clear sapience into the colorful ways in which contractors in the construction companies in Nigeria can maximise gains and reduce original cost through effective and effective contract planning and operation. The study also gives a clear sapience into the colorful goods of design crimes on the cost of a design. The findings and recommendations of the experimenter will help in erecting a strong and better design operation guideline for contractors in Nigeria.


Compass Of Study

This exploration focuses substantially on the disquisition of design crimes on original cost of a design. Results and recommendations may not be used to generalise other construction companies in Nigeria, as the experimenter couldn’t cover a wider compass due to fiscal and time constraints.

Grounded on the findings of this study other possible researchable areas may include studies on the colorful goods of other aspects of contracts similar as contract laws in Nigeria and contract operation and control.


Limitation Of The Study

The only limitation faced by the experimenter in the course of carrying out this study was the detention in getting data from the colorful repliers. utmost repliers were reticent in filling questionnaires administered to them due to their busy schedules and nature of their work. The experimenter set up it delicate to collect responses from the colorful repliers, and this nearly hampered the success of this study.


Description Of Terms


Design The introductory description of design, according to Webster, is” the timber of delineations or plans to plan and fashion the form and structure of an object to have intentions or purposes.” The quality of planning and design is one of the primary factors of success in any design bid( Chalabi, Beaudin and Salazar, 1987). The design includes every aspect of the installation construction including operation and conservation. The design incorporates a set of specifications to guide the contractor in developing his means and styles of construction. Figure 2- 1 shows the traditional inflow illustration of a design/ construction system.

Error An error is defined, according to Webster, as” a divagation from delicacy or correctness; a mistake, as in action or procedure; an trip, as in speaking or writing.” There are principally three types of crimes defects,non-conformance and deletions. defects are diversions in details that have no affect on the assembly or installation( Davis and Ledbetter, 1987).

Design Error From the evaluation above a simple description of design error is” a divagation from the plans and specifications.” It isn’t the intention of this description to include any cost or schedule growth or insinuate its root causes or legal responsibility. It’s the responsibility of the proprietor, developer and contractor to establish the criteria in order to make a reasonable determination for responsibility. The check shows a common theme, that of a mistake or error in the design. The check also indicates several reasons why design crimes live and who beget them. This provides substantiation that there isn’t a terse description within the construction assiduity.

Contract Erikson( 2002) defined Contract as an agreement that creates an obligation binding upon the parties thereto. The rudiments of a contract are as follows( 1) collective assent;( 2) a legal consideration, which in utmost cases need not be financial;( 3) parties who have legal capacity to make a contract;( 4) absence of fraud or constraint; and( 5) a subject matter that isn’t illegal or against public policy.

Contract Planning According to Simmons( 2007), Contract planning is the process of totally and efficiently managing contract creation, prosecution and analysis for maximising functional and fiscal performance and minimising threat.

Contractor General contractor, association or existent that contracts with another association or existent( the proprietor) for the construction of a structure, road or other installation.

Profit Tucy( 2008) defined profit as the difference between the purchase price and the costs of bringing to vend

Original Cost original costs are fixed, one- time charges incurred on the purchase of land, structures, construction, and outfit used in the product of goods or in the picture of services. Put simply, it’s the total cost demanded to bring a design to a commercially exploitable status. Whether a particular cost is capital or not depend on numerous factors similar as account, duty laws, and materiality.


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