1.1 Background to the Study

Nigeria’s secondary school system has been known for its strict discipline since the country’s inception. Secondary school students’ attitudes and behaviors were commendable and worthy of replication. The high level of discipline seen in our secondary school system has plummeted in recent years, leading to an increase in all manner of social vices, including drug abuse. As a result, the researcher has chosen to investigate the relationship between drug addiction and discipline tone in secondary schools in Kaduna, Nigeria. It is impossible to overstate the importance of maintaining order in our secondary schools. Students are the most important and valuable assets in any educational institution. Educating children on how to care for themselves

It is critical to maintain a positive attitude and to behave appropriately both inside and outside of school. The government and school administration set rules and regulations to regulate students’ actions while they are at school as part of an effort to provide a well-organized and tranquil school environment while also maintaining law and order.

Discipline appears to be widespread in Nigerian schools in the twenty-first century.

Student discipline is an important aspect of socialization.

Students’ behavior problems are likely to worsen as a result of the recent increase in school enrollment, which will put additional strain on school officials.

Teachers and school administrators are held to the same performance and accountability standards in accordance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations.


It is critical to understand that the educational system as a whole is a productive endeavor with inputs, processes, outputs, and goals.

The inputs are processed in order to produce outputs that reflect the achievement of the goals for which the school was founded in the first place.

The effective implementation of education’s aims and purposes, as outlined in the National Policy on Education, is dependent, among other things, on the harmonious interaction of instructors and students.

So, exactly what is discipline?

According to Imaguezor (1997), discipline is a process of teaching and learning that promotes development in accordance with a society’s laws, to which all members must adhere and whose violation is considered a crime.

It is an offense that is punishable by law.

The goal of discipline is to help a person become more balanced, joyful, and valuable to himself, others, and the community.

Discipline implies directing someone to follow a certain code of behavior that is considered acceptable by the general public.

Discipline, according to Jemibewon (1976), is a highly desirable attribute in a human being or a social group that should be cultivated.

Disciplined behavior is widely acknowledged as one of the most important characteristics of any educated or cultured individual.

As a result, the problem of discipline is one that parents, teachers, and administrators involved in the development of children’s character in the secondary school system are very concerned about. There There appears to be widespread concern in Nigeria about a lack of discipline in our educational institutions. The problem of widespread indiscipline among elementary and secondary school students, on the other hand, is obvious. Every year, a large number of major incidents of rioting, arson, and destruction of school property occur in a large number of schools. Despite the severe cases of indiscipline that make headlines, there are numerous cases of truancy, disobedience, absenteeism, drug use, violence, and other forms of indiscipline in the classroom that do not appear in or are not covered in newspapers on a consistent basis. Parents who blame teachers for students’ indiscipline have focused a lot of attention on indiscipline among secondary school students.

pupils and students, teachers who blame parents for failing to fulfill their parental responsibilities, and the government and school administrators who inadvertently pass and enforce erroneous legislation and school rules and regulations.

Nigeria, like every other nation, wishes to live in peace and harmony with her fellow citizens, regardless of their various ethnic groups or religious affiliations.

Education, among other things, has made a significant contribution to society and has attracted the attention of the government.

Because learning and teaching cannot take place in a hostile environment, maintaining discipline in our secondary schools and the school system as a whole is critical if education is to remain a priority for the government in the coming years. Our current situation

As a way of life, the educational system has accepted acts of indiscipline such as rioting and vandalism, as well as general lawlessness and the breakdown of law and order. What, then, could be the source of these acts of indiscipline in our educational system?

According to the World Health Organization’s expert committee on drug dependence, drug abuse is “a psychic and sometimes also physical state resulting from the interaction between a drug and a living organism, characterized by behavioral and other responses that always include a compulsion to take the drug on a continuous or periodic basis in order to experience its psychic effects and sometimes to avoid discomfort of its absence, tolerance may be dependent on more than osmotic tolerance, tolerance may be dependent on more than osmotic tolerance, tolerance may be

Because of this,

The continued use of a specific medication may result in physiological changes in the individual. The Reports on Public Health Technical Report Series (1982) defined it as a drug as a substance that acts on a person’s central nervous system to produce changes in sensations, mood, and perception; such drugs do not need to have any recognized medical value; however, the changes they induce are usually at the early stage of pleasurable use.

Drug abuse is defined as the use of any drug, usually administered by the individual, in a way that is contrary to accepted medical, social, or cultural patterns. Drug abuse and use, especially among secondary school students, can help to prevent the development of

a useful and successful adult life.

To put it another way, it may lead to the decision to give up. From a historical perspective, the scope of drug abuse in Nigeria has shifted over time. It is important to note that drug abuse has different effects on the brain depending on the substance abused. However, almost every abused drug has an effect on parts of the brain involved in executive functioning. Drug abuse has a particularly negative impact on the brain’s ability to suppress activities that the individual would normally delay or prevent. This study discovered a link between drug abuse and the tone of discipline in secondary schools. It

will also demonstrate that the root cause of drug abuse in secondary schools is an inappropriate application of discipline, as well as a lack of discipline or a laissez-faire attitude on the part of both parents and teachers.

1.2 Problem Description

The source of the problem is the link between drug addiction and the tone of discipline in secondary schools in Kaduna State. This investigation is looking into student disciplinary issues like truancy, shoplifting, violence, drug abuse, and other social vices. The factors that contribute to indiscipline, as well as strategies for reducing its negative impact on the school and community

Drug addiction among students in public secondary schools appears to be on the rise in our environment.

be a growing source of concern both globally and within our own country’s borders. According to some studies, drug use among school-age children not only impairs their academic performance, but it also lowers their Intelligence Quotient, making them more prone to crime and incarceration. Furthermore, drug abuse exposes them to a wide range of health risks, as well as a slew of other problems (Boyd 2005, NACADA 2007, Nyassy, 2010).

1.3 The study’s purpose

The study’s overarching goal is to look into the relationship between drug abuse, tone of discipline, and academic performance in secondary school students. The research will be guided by the following criteria:

To investigate the factors that contribute to drug abuse among secondary school students.

to investigate the relationship between

Secondary school students are prone to indiscipline and drug abuse.

To look into the factors that influence the tone of discipline among secondary school students.

To make recommendations for reducing drug abuse and improving discipline in order to improve student academic performance.

1.4 Research Issues

The following study questions have been prepared:

What factors contribute to drug abuse among secondary school students?

Is there a link between indiscipline and drug use among high school students?

What factors influence the tone of discipline among secondary school students?

What are the recommended methods for reducing drug abuse and improving discipline in order to improve student academic performance?

1.5 Importance of the Research

It is hoped that this study will

Work will assist students in developing their personalities, and the findings of this study are expected to be extremely beneficial to students, teachers, parents/guardians, and the entire local government at large.

The findings of this research will be useful to the Ministry of Education in Kaduna state in terms of how to improve on the current method of enlightenment on drug abuse, as well as the proper enforcement of disciplinary measures on secondary school students.

The study will be important to the academic community because it will add to the existing literature.

1.6 The Study’s Scope

The purpose of this study is to discover the causes of drug abuse among secondary school students. The research will also

Investigate the link between indiscipline and drug use among secondary school students. The study will delve deeper into the factors that influence the tone of discipline among secondary school students. Finally, the study will recommend methods for reducing drug abuse and improving discipline in order to improve student academic performance. As a result, the study is restricted to Kaduna state.

1.7 Study Restrictions

The researchers encountered minor constraints while conducting the study, as with any human endeavor. Inadequate funds tend to impede the researcher’s efficiency in sourcing relevant materials, literature, or information, as well as in the data collection process (internet, questionnaire, and interview), which is why the researcher chose a moderate sample size. even more so,

The researcher will conduct this study alongside other academic work. As a result, the time spent researching will be reduced.

1.8 Terms Definition

Drug abuse is defined as the use of illegal drugs or the use of prescription or over-the-counter drugs for purposes other than those intended, or in excessive amounts.

Discipline tone: to instruct someone to follow a specific code of conduct that is acceptable in society.

Academic performance is the assessment of a student’s achievement in various academic subjects.


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