An Investigation On Prevalence Of Internet Usage And Its Impact On Academic Performance Using Secondary Schools In Awka, Anambra State As Case Study


An Investigation On Prevalence Of Internet Usage And Its Impact On Academic Performance Using Secondary Schools In Awka, Anambra State As Case Study


Chapter One




Background of the study


The honored eventuality of technology to ameliorate education has led to several enterprise to foster effective use and integration in the class. As a new technology, the Internet offers the topmost pledge for literacy and universal access to high- quality education that humanity has ever known. The internet is a vital information and communication technology that has steered in a worldwide information revolution( Siraj, etal., 2015). The internet is a knowledge pool, and any country that doesn’t give its children with access to it’s deposing itself from its throne of quality among other nations. It’s being created to serve as a mecca for a variety of conditioning for people of all periods( Akin- Adaeamola, 2014). The internet has come a huge part of people’s everyday life. The internet was introduced to academic institutions as a tool to enhance pupil’s academic experience in themid-1990s because of its eventuality to operate as a support medium for numerous tasks for which people use it. According to Türel and Muhammet( 2015), internet access has greatly increased over the former several decades and is now available in a variety of locales, including homes, businesses, trip, and seminaries. Access to information can impact scholars’ academic performance, according to empirical studies(e.g. Adedotun, 2015; Akende & Bamise, 2017). For academic exploration, the application of dependable online coffers is more important, especially in high- position courses that need a literature review( Sahin etal., 2010).


The operation of the Internet for educational purposes, on the other hand, has been discovered to be at the core of teenage academic success. According to Ellore, Niranjan, and Brown( 2014), internet access is nearly ubiquitous, and the maturity of scholars have online access on their cellphones. This allows scholars to increase their academic knowledge, do exploration, and complete systems by gaining access to material from around the world, as well as ameliorate contact with their peers. According to Yesilyurt etal.( 2014), having a home computer and internet connection helps kiddies’ academic achievement as well as their tone- learning capacities. The checks also set up that the internet provides a number of advantages for the academic cycle, including 24- hour access to a broad variety of global information sources and the occasion to debate and change gests with associates in order to get the most out of ICT’s features. Olatokun( 2008) set up that utmost pupils considered the internet was far better and more accessible than their academy libraries, grounded on their access and operation of the internet by secondary academy scholars in Nigeria. They viewed it as a source of general information, and as a result, it has backed them in perfecting their reading habits as well as their academic achievement.


Statement of the problem


Despite the significance of internet operation to scholars’ academic success, it has a variety of negative consequences. Some scholars use the internet fornon-academic conditioning like gaming and social networking, causing them to miss class( Singh etal., 2013). likewise, scholars use the internet for entertainment rather than study, which might affect in lowered academic norms. Charting, downloading, viewing pictures online, playing online games, and online shopping are the most popular uses of the internet among secondary scholars( Akin- Adramola, 2014). This shows that some secondary scholars don’t admit acceptable instruction on how to use the internet for academicpurposes.However, the internet may be a terrible instrument for bettered academic attainment, If its use isn’t supervised. According to recent exploration, children who use the internet in a balanced way are more likely to succeed academically. According to studies conducted by Siraj, Salam, Hasan, Jin, Roslan, and Othman( 2015), University pupil who have control over their internet operation do better academically. still, studies on negative effect internet operation frequence among Secondary School scholars are limited, therefor in other to fill the perceived gap This study is thus on frequence of internet operation and its impact on academic performance of secondary academy scholars using secondary seminaries in Awka, Anambra State.


Ideal Of The Study


The broad ideal of this study is to probe the frequence of internet operation and its impact on academic performance of secondary academy scholars using secondary seminaries in Awka, Anambra State. Specifically, the study seeks


1. To identify the sources of internet use among Secondary School scholars.


2. To examine the effect of internet use on academic performance of Senior High School Students.


3. To examine the position of pupil internet operation during tutoring and literacy process in secondary seminaries.


4. To ascertain the dereliction of internet operation in secondary seminaries in Anambra State.


Exploration Thesis


HO1 The current position of internet operation among secondary academy pupil is low


HO2 There’s no significant impact of internet operation on academic achievement in secondary academy in Akwa.


Significance of the study


Findings from the study will give a frame for government, private academy operation, class diary, stakeholders in education to come up with strategies on how to guide secondary academy pupil on internet operation similar that their operation geste is guided in other not to disrupt the literacy outgrowth. Empirically, the study will contribute to the general body of knowledge and serve as a reference material to both scholars and pupil who wishes to conduct farther studies in affiliated field.


Compass Of The Study


The compass of this study borders on the frequence of internet operation and its impact on academic performance of secondary academy scholars using secondary seminaries in Awka, Anambra State. The study will identify the sources of internet use among Secondary School scholars. It’ll examine the effect of internet use on academic performance of Senior High School Students. It’ll ascertain the position of pupil internet operation during tutoring and literacy process in secondary seminaries. And probe the dereliction of internet operation in secondary seminaries in Anambra State.


Limitation of the study


Like in every mortal bid, the experimenters encountered slight constraints while carrying out the study. The significant constraint was the skimp literature on the subject owing to the nature of the converse therefore the experimenter incurred more fiscal charges and important time was needed in sourcing for the applicable accoutrements , literature, or information and in the process of data collection, which is why the experimenter resorted to a limited choice of sample size. also, the experimenter will contemporaneously engage in this study with other academic work. More so, the choice of the sample size was limited to named secondary seminaries in Anambra State as many replier were named to answer the exploration instrument hence can not be generalize to other secondary seminaries in other State. still, despite the constraint encountered during the exploration, all factors were played down in other to give the stylish and make the exploration successful.


Description Of Terms


Internet The Internet is a vast network that connects computers each over the world. Through the Internet, people can partake information and communicate from anywhere with an Internet connection.


Academic Performance Academic achievement or academic performance is the extent to which a pupil, schoolteacher or institution has attained their short or long- term educational pretensions.


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