An Investigation On The Challenges Encountered By Social Workers In The Discharge Of Their Duties


Chapter One




Background Of The Study


The elaboration of social work and attempts to promote social development may be considered as being privately tied to the introductory desire of people to help one another in all previous mortal communities, which can be traced back to the onsets of all mortal societies. Traditional societies, specially African communities, were characterized by a concern for social weal that manifested itself in conditioning carried out within the family, the clan, and the ethnical group. Humanity’s natural tendency to help one another was reflected in all communities by the extraordinary attention paid to, among other effects, children, orphans, widows and misters, the impaired, and the old. In such a” gemeinschaft”( Tonnies, 1887), social work was more or less a collaborative responsibility, rather than the responsibility of individualities or technical associations. As a result, social work has always been acquainted at enhancing the overall quality of life for all people involved. The field of social work as we know it now has only lately surfaced from its literal roots. This movement began at a period when feudalism was worsening and capitalism was taking its place. The control of the family and the church was also eroding at an intimidating rate. Following Fink( 196827), abecedarian social changes began being between 1834 and 1909 in the United Kingdom. These changes heralded the establishment in the country of technical care agencies for certain vulnerable and underprivileged groups, similar as dependent children and people living with physical or internal disabilities, who were preliminarily neglected or abandoned. The provision of institutions for these populations included quarter seminaries, foster homes and other domestic care installations, hospitals, infirmaries, and special seminaries. In any case, social work is gradationally getting globalized, since it’s being enforced in a number of situations and as a result of the fact that it’s being employed by different associations and individualities across the globe. There are numerous different social work services available, including” psychiatric, medical, connubial and family remedy,”” academy comforting,”” corrections,”” public weal,”” the plant,”” medicine dependence ,” and” child weal”( Farley et al, 2006 13). Sociological work is concerned with the requirements and problems of individualities and families not just on a particular or family position but also at the original, public, and transnational situations. The social work practice department in this country has placed a strong emphasis on the correction of juvenile delinquents and sundowners , as well as the association of youth clubs associations and sports. While this is an important part of their work, the function of the social weal department is to help the poor and the indigent in their sweats to survive, as well as to help problems that are brought about by the changing social terrain. thus, the weal system is designed to help those who are unfit to manage with the challenges( new social changes). A variety of services are handed by the state, including concession recuperation and general weal, which includes wedded couples with connubial problems, victims of internal and physical torture, or the physically hindered, among others. Others include services for children, which include social workers who give services to children and conduct examinations with the thing of aiding the court in determining the kind of treatment to be handed. One of the liabilities of the social weal agency is to look after abandoned babies and make the necessary arrangements to find them foster parents or to place them in children’s homes. Another responsibility is to give backing to families in torture, which involves the practice of family casework practice. The social workers essay to help family decomposition and, when possible, to bring about nuptial conciliation; this involves a great deal of persuasion and numerous difficulties are constantly encountered; services for the handicapped, impaired people, and baggers; and these are primarily aimed at rehabilitating the unfortunate people; and services for the underprivileged.


Statement Of The Problem


According to the National Social Workers’ Association, the primary charge of the social work profession is to ameliorate mortal well- being and help in meeting the introductory requirements of all people, with particular attention paid to the requirements and commission of people who are vulnerable, tyrannized, and living in poverty, among other effects. In numerous African nations, including Nigeria, the conception of social work in medical services is a new conception( William,M. 2014).


A growing number of social workers are being assigned to sanitarium positions; yet, their moxie and capacities are being unnecessarily underused, not by design, but rather because there’s inadequate information about the liabilities and functions of social work experts in the medical field. Case care in hospitals is bettered by the employment of social workers in medical installations. This is due to the fact that not all cases need capsules and injections since the vast maturity of cases are suffering from social difficulties.


Ideal Of The Study


The general ideal of the study is to probe the challenges encountered by social workers in the discharge of their duties. Specifically, the study will be subject to the following


To examine the factors responsible for the emergence of social workers.


ii. To find out the challenges social workers face in the discharge of their duties.


iii. To estimate the benefit of having social workers in the community.


Exploration Questions


The following questions have been prepared for the study


i. What the factors responsible for the emergence of social workers?


ii. What are the challenges social workers face in the discharge of their duties?


iii. What are the benefit of having social workers in the community?


Significant Of The Study


The pattern of social weal work in Nigeria has witnessed numerous changes in the last decade. The inexperience men preliminarily see social weal agency as rendering family services alone similar as children conservation allowance. Child dispate and maltreatment or handling women by their separate misters. But due to rapid-fire public mindfulness, numerous stored appreciating the compass of the services rendered by the agency. These include among others, child care, sanitarium services, exploration, family weal, youth and captivity weal services independently.


This design will enable the authority concerned and the crowd to understand and appreciate the significance and problems encountered by the social weal agencies in this country.


The social workers will profit from these study in the source that it’ll help and make them know were they’re lacking before.


This study will be significant to the academic community as it’ll contribute to the being literature.


Compass Of The Study


This study will examine the factors responsible for the emergence of social workers. The study will also find out the challenges social workers face in the discharge of their duties. Incipiently, the study will estimate the benefit of having social workers in the community. Hence this study will be demarcated to Lagos State.


Limitation Of The Study


Like in every mortal bid, the experimenters encountered slight constraints while carrying out the study. inadequate finances tend to stymie the effectiveness of the experimenter in sourcing for the applicable accoutrements , literature, or information and in the process of data collection( internet, questionnaire, and interview), which is why the experimenter resorted to a moderate choice of sample size. More so, the experimenter will contemporaneously engage in this study with other academic work. As a result, the quantum of time spent on exploration will be reduced.


Defination Of Terms


Challenges a call to someone to share in a competitive situation or fight to decide who’s superior in terms of capability or strength.


Social workers professionals who aim to enhance overall well- being and help meet introductory and complex requirements of communities and people


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