According to current estimates, there are about 925 million people on the earth who are hungry. Just around 180 million pre-school children are stunted, which means they are malnourished. Hunger is “a situation in which people do not get enough basic food to give them the energy and nutrients they need to live truly healthy lives” (Hunger Task Force, 2003). (Hunger Task Force, 2003). Hunger and food security are related but not identical concepts. Food security does not imply a lack of hunger, and households and individuals might go hungry to secure longer-term food security, especially during times of stress.

Statement Of The Problem

The COVID-19 epidemic has been sweeping the globe since late 2019, posing major concerns to food security and nutrition. Due to a combination of circumstances, the deepening crisis has had an impact on food systems1 and has put people’s access to food in peril. As a result of the worldwide health crisis’ lock-downs, we’ve seen not just a tremendous disruption of food supply systems, but also a significant global economic recession. Lower earnings and greater food costs have resulted from these problems, placing food out of reach for many people and undermining efforts to attain the Sustainable Development Goals. According to the World Health Organization, the worst is yet to come (Ghebreyesus, 2020; Khorsandi, 2020). The majority of health professionals predict the pandemic will last at least another year or two (Scudellari, 2020). COVID-19 is a respiratory disease that does not appear to be transmitted by food (ICMSF, 2020). However, the virus’s spread and efforts to combat it have had far-reaching implications for food security, agriculture, and food systems. Malnutrition (especially obesity) increases the chance of COVID-19 infection around the same time. On March 29, 2020, President Muhammed Buhari imposed a total lockdown in the Federal Capital Territory, Lagos State, and Ogun State due to early and ongoing misunderstanding regarding the spread of COVID-19. Edo, Kano, Enugu, Bauchi, Kaduna, and Kwara are among the states that have declared an absolute lockdown. . The national lockout, while intended to stop the outbreak, has had an economic impact, limiting credit access to farmers, limiting access to agricultural inputs, limiting access to grain transportation facilities, and limiting food imports through border closures. A social relationship, mobility, non-essential economic, and leisure activities are all prohibited. These constraints are beginning to impact food supply and transportation, raising food prices and limiting people’s access to healthful foods. There was also a food problem in Nigeria prior to the breakout of Covid-19 in 2020, due to the country’s growing population. Nigeria is plagued by three primary malnutrition indicators, according to the World Health Organization: anemia, obesity, and stunting. Furthermore, Nigeria’s agriculture sector’s low production has led in rising food imports to fulfill the needs of the country’s growing population. The country is experiencing significant food insecurity.

Objective Of The Study

  1. To see if the COVID 19 outbreak had an impact on food production.
  2. Determine whether there was hunger prior to COVID 19’s outbreak.
  3. To learn how locals obtained food during COVID 19’s lockdown

Research Questions

  1. Has COVID 19 had an impact on food production?
  2. Was there famine prior to COVID 19’s breakout?
  3. During the COVID 19 lock-down, how did citizens rate food?

Significance Of The Study

Other researchers could use this study as research material.

Scope Of The Study

The study was limited to data collection and analysis in Iyana paja, Lagos state, due to resource restrictions.

Limitation Of The Study

The researcher faced substantial hurdles while doing the investigation, including a lack of material and time constraints.

Definition Of Terms

HUNGER is defined as a condition in which a person is unable to consume enough food to meet his or her basic nutritional demands for a prolonged length of time. In the field of hunger relief, the term “hunger” is employed in a context that extends beyond the basic human need for sustenance.

COVID 19: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infection caused by the extreme acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2; also known as 2019-nCoV), which was first discovered in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, after an epidemic of respiratory sickness cases.

A citizen is a naturalized or native citizen of a state or country who owes loyalty to that government and is protected by it.







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