Assessment Of Programming Skills Possessed By A Computer Science Education Student For Self Employment
The purpose of the study was to assess the programming chops held by a computer wisdom education pupil for tone- employment AnambraState.The population of the study comprises a sample of a aggregate of 100 computer wisdom education scholars in both Federal and State universities in Anambra State. Three exploration questions guided the study. The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire which was made up of a five( 5) point standing scale was used in the data analysis. A mean of3.0 and over was espoused as a cut of mark for the acceptance of particulars. The data collected was analysed using mean and standard divagation. The result of the analysis shows that the scholars in computer wisdom education warrant the necessary programming chops demanded for tone- employment in Anambra state. Grounded on the findings of the study, conclusions were drawn and 4 recommendations were made on how to better the below- mentioned problem.
Chapter One
Background to the study
Science education aims at producing scientist for public development as well as individualities who’ll be tone reliant and competent in theirspecialization.According to Hornby( 2010) to be competent means that a person has the capability or power to demonstrate knowledge, chops and stations that are sufficiently needed to perform a given task. It’s a functional capability to apply to practical situation the essential principles and ways of a particular subject matter or field. Universities are regarded as top institutions of literacy in Nigeria. They give complete capability training intended to prepare scholars for colorful occupations. Assessment of programming chops means the capability of graduates of computer wisdom education to secure, perform well in a computer job, establish it and manageit.However, also the person can retain necessary chops for tone- employment, If the existent is well trained in computer wisdom education with the necessary chops demanded.
The National Policy on education( FME, 2004) stated that the need for functional education which should be applicable, practical and acclimatized towards accession of applicable chops and development of capabilities and values which will enable an individual to live and contribute meaningfully to the development of his society.
Osuala( 2002) stated that the exploitable chops are those chops that help someone keep ajob.There are colorful areas of exploitableskills.Programming chops is one of the chops needed in a computer wisdom education pupil for paid jobs or tone- employment upon scale. With the proper accession of programming chops, graduates from computer wisdom program can come tone- employed for wealth creation. Programming has been one of the loftiest advancing technology in this period, which computer wisdom education scholars must retain.
Dennis and Durojaiye( 2000) refocused out that anyone connected with programming needs to keep up with technological development, faculty and manipulative chops. Hence, in this
study, computer wisdom education are being assessed to determine the position of programming chops they retain that will enable them come tone- employed on scale.
Statement of the Problem
The growing number of idle graduates or jobless graduates from different disciplines and especially computer wisdom education graduates isalarming.Buttressing this point, the chairman of Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry( LCCI), lamented that severance rate has risen to a shocking position of23.9, youth severance is at 50, the poverty situation has been worsening, presently estimated at 67.
He also said that profitable growth isn’t the only situation to check severance in Nigeria, because sanctioned statistics have shown that severance didn’t always decline as profitablegrowth.Rather other factors similar as provision of right chops to the youth to enable them live a prosperous and fulfilledlife.There’s need thus to assess the programming chops demanded by a computer wisdom education pupil so that they can make a useful living upon scale.
Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of the study is to assess the programming chops demanded by a computer wisdom education pupil for tone- employment. Specifically, the study intends to
Identify the essential programming chops demanded by a computer wisdom education scholars for tone- employment.
Outline the problems militating against the accession of the introductory and essential programming chops.
Identify strategies for enhancing faculty in programming chops among the computer wisdom education graduates.
Significance of the Study
The findings of this study will be salutary to the graduates of computer wisdom education, the class itineraries, unborn experimenters and government of the nation.
To graduates, the results of this study will serve as a companion to acquire the chops and capabilities needed by the employers of the assiduity so as to ground the gap between the theoretical, laboratory and real life practical experience.
To the class itineraries, the findings of this study will serve as a tool for class evaluation showing what needs to be removed, rearranged, and inculcated to attain the stated educational thing of computer wisdom education and the entire wisdom education program.
To the unborn experimenters, the result of this study will guide them on what’s and what needs to be done in the future. It’ll point out areas to channel their unborn exploration using the recommendation of this study.
To the government, it’ll open their mind on how to reform our educational sector to break the societal requirements. It’ll also guide them on new policy and the correction of being bones for achievement of the public thing or education.
Compass of the Study
This study was demarcated to assess programming chops demanded by the graduates of computer wisdom education. The programming chops were gotten from the opinion of the employers in the field of computer wisdom education and experts in computer wisdom diligence. The new trends were gotten from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers( IEEE) magazine while the strategies for effective accession of these chops were gotten from factory scientist of government possessed universities, polytechnics and sodalities of education.
Exploration Questions
In an trouble to insure a proper study, the following exploration questions were formulated.
i. To what extent does computer wisdom education scholars retain the following programming chops?
What are the factors that are militating against the accession of essential programming skill by computer wisdom education scholars?
iii. What are the strategies for enhancing or perfecting the capabilities in essential programming chops in computer wisdom education scholars for tone- employments?