The purpose of this study was to assess the degree of biotechnology education among tertiary education students at the Federal University of Otuoke in Bayelsa state. The study investigated if a biotechnology course is given at Federal University of Otuoke in Bayelsa state, whether biotechnology is offered as a major course at Federal University of Otuoke in Bayelsa state, and the advantages of studying the program at the university. The survey descriptive research design was used in this study. The poll yielded a total of 259 valid replies. The Theory of Reasoned Action by Ajzen and Fishbein (1980) was used in this investigation. The findings revealed that the Federal University of Otuoke in Bayelsa state has a biotechnology program based on the replies received and analyzed. Furthermore, the Federal University of Otuoke in Bayelsa state does not offer biotechnology as a major course. According to the findings, students should be made aware of the advantages of studying biotechnology in order to encourage them to pursue further education in the field. Biotechnology should be given as a required course at most federal and state universities.




Biotechnology is one of the most significant scientific revolutions of the twenty-first century, with applications that have the potential to transform a variety of industries. Biotechnology’s rapid progress and applications have sparked debate in a variety of academic sectors, including economics, politics, ethics, and education. Our students need to become more informed about the social, ethical, and economic ramifications of areas like genetic engineering, cloning, genetically modified foods, and other elements of biotechnology, in addition to new breakthroughs in biotechnology (Chen, & Raffan, 1999). As a result, biotechnology subjects have been integrated and embedded in scientific curricula all around the world.

Biotechnology education is featured in most countries’ educational curricula from elementary to university level, according to Chen and Raffan (1999). In this regard, secondary biology instructors, as well as science teachers and elementary school teachers, should have significant biotechnology expertise. The Nigerian educational system has been influenced by advances in biotechnology and biotechnological education. Biotechnology teaching units were incorporated in the Biology course curriculum for the first time in 1998 curricula. Through the effort of re-designing the basic and secondary curricula, the content and teaching hours of this topic in primary and secondary school curricula enhanced (Gunter, Kinderlerer, & Beyleveld, 1998). When students study Biotechnology in Science or Biology classes in school, they learn about a technology that is on the one hand very old – think of processes for manufacturing bread or wine – but on the other hand contains relatively new components, such as genetic engineering. This “modern” aspect of biotechnology has a lot of potential for solving numerous problems in our current world, but it also comes with a lot of new challenges and problems, especially ethical ones. A special obligation of science topics at school is concluded as a result of the topic’s significant significance as well as its ambivalence. On the one hand, it is your job to tell the pupils in a timely manner.

Biotechnology is progressively influencing residents’ daily lives, hence public awareness of this new technology is critical. Without a solid and thorough biotechnology education, this understanding will not be possible. People who are not educated in this field of science and technology will be unable to participate meaningfully in public debates on these issues. If students, and thus future citizens, are to be sufficiently informed to engage meaningfully in public discussion, a biotechnology education is essential. Foundational knowledge of biotechnology principles and related ethical dilemmas is required for meaningful participation in public debates about biotechnology in today’s science education.


Teachers face numerous obstacles when teaching biotechnology as part of a science curriculum. The massive amount of information that is fast emerging in biotechnology creates a slew of practical issues when it comes to presenting it to science students. Teachers’ discipline expertise is initially a source of concern, as is how they will receive new scientific knowledge. Following this, and assuming that the teachers have such a discipline knowledge base, the teachers must consider what knowledge is achievable by the students and what ethical issues related to biotechnology may be taught. Teachers, according to Kahle and Meece (1994), must address how these biotechnological themes might be taught effectively.

Biotechnology also poses bigger philosophical concerns to teachers and students, such as questions about the beginning of life and how life is defined, which are both broad and confounding to most pupils (Leislie, & Schibeci, 2003).

Furthermore, while higher education institutions have a basic understanding of biotechnology, just a few Nigerian universities provide this course. In most circumstances, some first-year students are unaware of such a discipline. This investigation is necessary in light of these circumstances.


The primary goal of this research is to determine the level of biotechnology education among students at the Federal University of Otuoke in Bayelsa State. Other aims of this study include, but are not limited to:

  1. To see if the Federal University of Otuoke in Bayelsa state has a biotechnology program.
  2. To see if the Federal University of Otuoke in Bayelsa state offers biotechnology as a major course.
  3. To investigate the advantages of pursuing the program at the university level.


This study will address the following research questions:

  1. Is there a biotechnology program at Bayelsa’s Federal University of Otuoke?
  2. Is biotechnology a prominent course at Bayelsa State’s Federal University of Otuoke?
  3. What are the advantages of attending a university program?


Because there is a dearth of research regarding biotechnology education, this study will be extremely valuable to society. This research will also benefit education students because the findings will show how crucial this course is.

Finally, academics and researchers will benefit from this study because it will serve as a future reference source for further research.


The goal of this study is to evaluate the degree of biotechnology education among tertiary education students at the Federal University of Otuoke in Bayelsa state. It will also look into whether or not a biotechnology course is offered at the Federal University of Otuoke in Bayelsa state, how essential this course is to education students at the Federal University of Otuoke in Bayelsa state, and the advantages of taking the course there.

The study will be conducted among students at the Federal University of Otuoke in Bayelsa state.


This research will focus on determining the level of biotechnology education among tertiary education students at the Federal University of Otuoke in Bayelsa state. It will also be limited to determining whether or not the Federal University of Otuoke in Bayelsa state offers a biotechnology course, determining how important this course is to education students at the Federal University of Otuoke in Bayelsa state, and examining the advantages of taking the course there.

Students from the Federal University of Otuoke in Bayelsa state will be enlisted as survey participants, which will be a constraint to this study because more research is needed if the findings of this study are to be applied anywhere.


Knowledge or perception of a situation or reality is referred to as assessment.

Biotechnology is any approach that involves the use of living organisms (or portions of organisms) to create or change products, improve plants or animals, or produce microorganisms for specialized use.


Tertiary education includes college, university, and vocational training for persons beyond the age of 12.

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