chapter One


1.1 Research background

Twitter is a social platform that allows users to follow each other and send messages limited to 140 characters. Relationships on Twitter are completely one-way, unlike other social networking platforms. For example, one user can follow another user, but the latter does not have to follow the first user. Twitter hit the market in March 2006 because of its simple user interface. This was in contrast to its competitors, which at the time allowed users to fully customize their personal pages, resulting in a crowded and flashy look (Experian, 2009).

Twitter has always welcomed third-party developers who provide flexible application programming interfaces (APIs) and enjoy unprecedented celebrity appeal (Twitter Counter, 2010). But despite its widespread adoption and significant mainstream media attention, Twitter’s growth has lagged that of Google and Facebook in their respective first three years. Google has 18 million users, Facebook has 27 million, and Twitter has 8 million (Battelle, 2009). As Twitter approaches its fifth year in operation, it’s no longer considered a newcomer, but many are still unsure of its purpose and whether it’s worth it for them. According to Twitter, it’s about “finding and sharing what’s going on in your life right now.” This is true, and unfortunately much of the material posted, which by its nature is “meaningless babbling”, fails to recognize Twitter’s commercial potential (Java et al., 2007). The Internet advertising industry is expanding every year, and with the advancement of technology, there are more ways than ever to advertise your products and businesses. “People”, on the other hand, now demand power and have “sharp processing skills” to hear the messages they want to hear. Consumers can block media from viewing her messages, so marketers must find ways to reach out to customers without them realizing it’s some kind of ad. Curran, O’Hara, and O’Brien (2011) describe media buying as “the act of contacting a website owner and purchasing advertising space, usually in the form of banners placed on her website.” Define. Media buy placements are available on popular sites such as YouTube and Facebook. Companies estimate the percentage of their audience they can reach based on the data provided by these websites. When a business buys a spot on a high-traffic website, it’s likely reaching most of its target market, but also spending a lot of money on people who have little interest in what the company has to offer. There is a possibility. One-fifth of the ads you see online today come from social networks such as Facebook (Curran, O’Hara, and O’Brien, 2011).

Any social networking site has various features that you can use to promote your business. Some social networking sites allow users to post links, videos, photos, fan his pages, groups and even ads. Businesses can create general pages in the same way as users. Once the page is up and running, ‘friends’ may be added in the hopes of gaining additional followers via ‘word of mouth’ marketing. Once the original group of friends has been exhausted, events may be planned and more friends invited. However, unlike YouTube and Facebook, Twitter has tremendous potential to foster a vibrant and inventive ecosystem of users, businesses, and media sources, allowing people to participate in conversation on subjects that are relevant and important to them. In its early days, Twitter used the slogan “What are you doing?” which fit their model (Curran, O’Hara, & O’Brien, 2011).

1.4 Research question

The following questions will guide you through this survey.

1. How has the Twitter ban affected Rite Foods Limited’s brand awareness?

2. How will the Twitter ban affect sales of Rite Foods Limited products?

3. What measures did Rite Foods Limited use to continuously increase brand awareness?

1.5 Importance of research

This research is important because it highlights the dangers of Twitter bans for various growing brands and the need for businesses to always have such media available to reach their core target audience. It is also an asset to academia as it provides resources that other researchers can refer to when conducting research on similar topics.

1.6 Scope of investigation

This research covers only Twitter and not other forms of social media. We look at the impact of the Twitter ban on the brand awareness of Rite Foods Limited in Lagos, Nigeria. 1.7 Research Limitations

The only limitation the researchers faced while conducting this study was lack of funding.

1.8 Definition of terms

1. Brand awareness:
Brand awareness is the degree to which customers can remember or recognize a brand under different conditions.

2. Prohibited:
A ban is an administrative or legal prohibition of a particular thing or action. In this study, bans refer to Twitter’s official bans.

3. Twitter:
Social media platforms for the purpose of communicating with recipients or viewers.



Battelle, J (2009). Twitter’s growth compared to Facebook and Google. Retrieved from http:

Curran, K. & O’Hara, K., & O’Brien, S. (2011). Twitter’s role in business. IJBDCN. 7. 1-15. 10.4018/jbdcn.2011070101. Empirical (2009). Top websites and search engines. Retrieved from http:

Java A, Song X, Finin T, Tseng B (2007). Why Tweet:
Understand the use of microblogging and communities. San Jose, California

Stutzbach, D., Rejaie, R., Duffield, N., Sen, S., and Willinger, W. (October 25-27, 2006). On Unbiased Sampling of Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks. Brazil, Rio de Janeiro.

Twitter counter. (2010). 1000 most popular Twitter users. Retrieved from http:



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