Employers not only recruit employees, but they also begin a new relationship with them. As a result, managing relationships becomes a critical aspect in determining performance and productivity in such a workplace.

Although every organization’s purpose is to earn a profit and increase productivity, the sort of relationships that are created within the organization can have a beneficial or bad impact on the organization’s goals. While a positive employee-employer relationship promotes good performance, employee happiness, and productivity, a negative relationship promotes poor performance, unhealthy tensions and conflicts, inefficiency, and unproductivity.

Employees are one of an organization’s most significant assets and are considered one of its most vital resources. They have a direct impact on an organization’s productivity because to the nature and volume of work they do. As a result, maintaining excellent employee relations in an organization is a prerequisite for every company’s growth and success (Abushawish, 2013).

The employee-employer relationship is a broad word that encompasses a wide range of topics, including collective bargaining, negotiations, and employment regulations, as well as more recent factors such as work-life balance, equal opportunity, and diversity management (Armstrong & Stephens, 2016). It refers to the practices or initiatives used to keep employees happy and productive. Employee Relations can help with a range of things, such as employee recognition, policy development and interpretation, and all forms of problem solving and conflict resolution. It entails dealing with the pay–work contract, employment practices, terms and conditions of employment, employment-related concerns, giving employees a voice, and interacting with employees (Frank & Jeffrey, 2010). Employee relations is focused with maintaining a positive employee-employer relationship that leads to increased productivity, morale, and motivation (Ahmad & Shahzad, 2011). Employee relations, according to Onyango (2014), can be viewed as a skill set or a philosophy rather than a management role or well-defined area of activity.

Employers continue to view employee-employer relationship skills and abilities as crucial to obtaining performance advantages through an emphasis on employee involvement, commitment, and engagement (Tepper, Moss, Lockhart, & Carr, 2017).

The dynamics of the employee-employer relationship must be at the center of management practices in order to improve performance.

However, business owners must understand the human side of their operations in order to maintain a healthy work environment and, as a result, increase productivity.


It is critical for business owners to learn how to encourage employees in their business cycle in order to survive and expand in today’s highly competitive global market. Strong employee-employer relationships foster trust, coordination, and job happiness, all of which contribute to increased productivity. Though relationships are inherently difficult, they may be controlled. As a result, it is critical for businesses to concentrate on how to improve employee-employer relationships as well as partnerships with other businesses, in order to share risk, best practices, and resources that can offer them an advantage. Most business owners, on the other hand, do not appreciate the value of these relationships because they believe that as the boss of the company, they can force people to perform in accordance with their objectives. In either case, there is no need for a relationship because the “just get the job done because you are paid for it and bossy” mindset is the only prevalent scenario in most organizations. Against this backdrop, the purpose of this study is to determine the impact of employee-employer office relationships on an organization’s productivity.


The study’s overall goal is to determine the impact of employee-employer office relationships on an organization’s productivity. It is specifically targeted at:

The purpose of this study is to look into the significance of the employee-employer relationship.

To see how much the employee-employer relationship boosts organizational productivity.

To determine whether the employee-employer connection has a substantial impact on an organization’s productivity.


The study’s goal is to determine the impact of employee-employer office relationships on an organization’s productivity utilizing the BUA company in Ibadan, Oyo State.


H0: Relationships between employees and employers do not boost organizational productivity.

H0: The employee-employer office connection has no meaningful impact on an organization’s productivity.

Significance of the Study

The goal of this study is to look into employee relations and how they affect employee productivity. Both employees and employers will gain from the research. Employees will benefit because each employee will be given the opportunity to express their individual views on employee relations and their impact on productivity, as well as provide recommendations for what the firms should do to enhance employee relations. The study will also help management, as the results will be presented to them together with recommendations from the respondents. It will also help students appreciate the importance of strong staff relations and how they affect productivity. It will inform management of diverse organizations about the effects of employer-employee relationship practices. It will also highlight the employee relations strategies that businesses have been able to make available to their workforce. Students and academics will be able to comprehend the reasons, repercussions, and solutions to poor employee relations. The study aids BUA management in their efforts and endeavors to increase productivity, including engagement surveys, leadership development, workplace health and safety, and outplacement. It will also discuss elements affecting employee relations and the influence of employee relations on productivity.


Financial constraints – A lack of funds impedes the researcher’s efficiency in locating relevant materials, literature, or information, as well as in the data gathering procedure (internet, questionnaire and interview).
Time constraint: The researcher will be working on this subject while also doing other academic tasks. As a result, the amount of time spent on research will be reduced.


An employer is a person or an organization that hires people. Workers are paid a wage or a salary by their employers in exchange for their job or labor.

An employee is a person who has been employed by a company to do a certain task.

Office Relationship: This is a relationship between people who interact because of their jobs; it also refers to a level of cooperation that allows work and progress to be accomplished.

An organization is a one- or multi-person body with a specific goal, such as a firm, an institution, or an association.

Productivity is typically described as the ratio of the volume of output to the volume of inputs. In other words, it assesses the effectiveness of production.

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