Attitude Of Student Nurses’ Toward People With Disabilities
The purpose of this study was to review the station of nursing scholars towards people with disabilities in the western world and compare this with the airman study from Africa for possibility of artistic differences and demographical variables.
A methodical review of the former studies were observed( n = 6). The airman study was conducted with 60 scholars in Ghana. A questionnaire( Interaction with Disabled Person Scale) was filled out by the scholars and statistical analysis; frequence, chance, means and standard divagation were measured.
The findings revealed that the scholars still had negative station towards people with disabilities indeed in a different artistic background(74.76 ±11.22). In the airman study, no significant difference was set up in age, gender. Slight different in educational position but significant differences in contact with people with disabilities, how frequently are they in contact and to whom do they’ve contact.
The study showed that there’s actuality of negative station among the nursing scholars anyhow of artistic background. farther studies should be carried out on this and quick intervention should be put in place to ameliorate the scholars ’ station to meet up with the nonstop growing in the number impaired people.
1 preface
moment, intellectually, physically, or emotionally impaired individualities comprise a significant portion of the world population( Sen & Yurtsever 2007, 238). Of the world’s population of nearly6.5 billion in 2004,18.6 million(2.9) were oppressively impaired and another79.7 million(12.4) had moderate longterm disability. Disability frequency rise explosively with age.( WHO 2004, 33.)
The average global frequence of moderate and severe disability ranges from 5 in children progressed 0 – 14 times, to 15 in grown-ups aged 15 – 59 times, and 46 in grown-ups progressed 60 times and aged. At all periods, both moderate and severe situations of disability are advanced in low- and middle- income countries than in high- income countries; they’re also advanced in Africa than in other low- and middle- income countries. Aged people make up a lesser proportion of the population in high- income countries, but have lower situations of disability than their counterparts in low- and middle- income countries. Disability is also more common among children in the low- and middle- income countries. Moderate disability rates are analogous for males and ladies in high- income countries, but ladies have kindly advanced rates of severe disability. In low- and middle income countries, manly and womanish disability rates are analogous, although ladies aged 15 – 59 times tend to have advanced situations of moderate disability in Africa, the Eastern Mediterranean and the Western Pacific.( WHO 2004, 34- 35.)
checks conducted in all EU member countries have shown that about 16 of the population aged 16- 64 has a long standing health problem or disability and that3.4 has severe health problem.( United States Agency for International Development 2009.) Biritwum etal.,( 2001) also reported that frequence of disabilities is adding with age in Ghana.
As a result of this, health care professionals are greatly demanded to give services for this growing number of impaired people. A Call to Action was launched in US to ameliorate the health and heartiness status of men, women, and children with disabilities( Smeltzer 2007,189).
numerous have reported negative gests in their relations with health care providers from all health professions. inclusively, the nursing profession has been silent in its response to this call.( Smeltzer 2007,189.)
Mantzious etal.,( 2002,1) complained in Greece, of communication problems and poor connections with health professionals, detainments in discovery and treatment, inadequate information, guidance and support, shy technical holistic care and lack of home care services.
To save the situation, further knowledge is demanded about the current status of station of unborn nursers and factors impacting these stations. It has been observed that this area is avoided by nursing professionals because of their negative station toward people with disabilities( Johnston & Dixon 2006, 1).
This bachelorette thesis review the current geste of the nursing scholars and what factors substantially impact their station towards impaired people. The review also involve societal stations ’ towards individualities with disabilities, stations of other health professional scholars and health care professionals towards individualities with disabilities. still, a airman study was conducted to test for artistic influence on the station with the nursing scholars( N = 60) in Ghana.
This study is veritably important in the sense that, the results will give information on the status of scholars ’ station towards people with disabilities. Result’s will also enlighten the preceptors, health professionals, counselors and work practice employers to design programs that will ameliorate the station of scholars toward people with disabilities.