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Collective security can be defined as a regional or global security arrangement where each state in the system acknowledges that the security of one is a concern of all and pledges to work together to respond to threats to and violations of peace collectively1. Although the concept of collective security has a long history, its application in real-world situations has proven challenging. It needs to fulfill a few requirements in order to have a possibility of succeeding. According to Morgenthau (1948), these prerequisites are listed below. 1. The collective security system must be able to gather military power that is significantly greater than that of the aggressor, preventing the aggressor from attempting to alter the global order that is protected by collective security. 2. The first pre-requisite specifies that nations whose combined strength would be employed for respect should have the same views on the stability of the international system that the collective is protecting. 3. Countries must be willing to put aside their divergent interests in the name of the common good, which is defined as the collective defense of all members. 2 The symphony of Europe, which formed during the Napoleonic Wars in the nineteenth century in an effort to preserve the status quo between European governments and so prevent war, is where the idea of international collaboration to advance collective security first emerged. 3 In order to retain the status quo, sovereign countries are willing to collaborate and tolerate some degree of vulnerability. In some situations, smaller countries will also give in to the interests of the major contributing countries coordinating the group’s security. By establishing an international law, collective security can be established, and this results in a restricted but functional type of worldwide collective governance. The collective security organization then serves as a platform for negotiation, power-sharing, and the use of soft power. Individuals like Michael Joseph Savage, Martin Wight, Immanuel Kant, and Woodrow Wilson advanced the idea of collective security, which is thought to apply interest in security in a broad manner to prevent grouping powers into opposing groups and refusing to construct dividing lines that would leave anyone out. 4


Following a series of talks between the Allied Powers in 1945 in San Francisco, the United Nations was established. The majority of the league of Nations’ organization, goals, and duties were present. 5 In an effort to correct the League of Nations’ flaw, the United Nations went one step further and established a security council that took the shape of a “standing Army” to carry out its decisions when necessary. 6 The UN has not entirely been effective in stopping a third world war conflagration, despite the introduction of other special agencies (UNICEF, WHO, ILO, etc.) later on. The two world wars had an adverse effect that ought to be avoided at all costs. Nonetheless, when circumstances that would have resulted in this in the event that a crisis of the same nature as the Cuban Missile Crisis7 arose, it was mutually assured destruction (MAD) concern that forced the superpower to reconsider its position8 rather than the UN. The dropping of an atomic bomb in both Japan’s Nagasaki and Hiroshima hastened the end of the Second World War9. The possessor (United States) was feared and respected because of its destructive effects. 10. While the US’s deployment of the atomic bomb gave the Allies the win, the Soviet Union did not celebrate this development. The Western world had disapproved of the Bolshevik Revolution11. This in turn provides them with some motivation to the immediate aftermath of a conflict might be expected to be hostile all the time. And the only thing that gave rise to worry was not the West (the US, Britain, and France) banding together, but rather the fact that the US had a bomb, was capable of using it, and would not think twice about using it against the Soviet Union. This being the case, between 1945 and 1950, it was a matter of urgency and national security issue for the Soviet Union to develop its nuclear capabilities12. This was in addition to maintaining her newly acquired role in the new post war power arrangement. She needed it to counter the threat, perceived by the United States strategic thoughts in this period. When the Soviet Union acquired nuclear capability in the 1950’s, the United States had to rethink her deterrence, and later complemented it with that of limited warfare13. Nuclear power and thought occupied those powers in the 1950’s and about midway into the 19%. At a point in time, the nuclear strength of the Soviet Union was equal to that of United States and of her allies put together14. The United States had to concede to the new post war status of the Soviet Union. This period presented the most trying period for the United Nations. There were no restrictions on the acts of the super-powers in spite of the security council.15 A number of crises have plagued the UN in this period. The Korean crisis of 1953,16 the Vietnam crisis17, the Congo18, Afghanistan19, Arab – Israeli20 and the hottest being the Cuban missile crisis of 196321. This last crisis saw the world at the verge of destruction, but reason, fear and the reality of the likely outcome restricted. The super powers until the issues was resolved in favour of the wish of United States. Accordingly, the system of collective security as a mechanism for maintaining world peace will continue to be relevant. And so far, there exist no known system capable of replacing it. Outside the crises mentioned about, it has been able to intervene in a number of for third world states and also served as platform for them to interact and air their views in international relations.


African leaders now concur that security and development are intimately intertwined. The challenges left over from the colonial era have led to relatively more conflicts and crises on the African continent. According to reliable figures, Africa was devastated by more than 30 wars, conflicts, and riots in the 1990s of the last nation alone. Hence, among the leaders of African nations23, the notion to establish a combined force, whether it be a task force or a high command, for the protection of Africa’s security emerges. Since the start of the twenty-first century, there have been significantly fewer wars, conflicts, or clashes on the continent, and overall, the economic situation has improved, but a partial security issue is still causing quite a bit of concern number of African nations and directly menacing the continents economic development  A case in point is the occurrence of recent riots in Kenya set off during its general election, which has produced a direct negative impact on economic growth in East Africa. The African nations should be said to have made unremitting efforts to beef up the collective unity of the continent for years. The African Union and its predecessors the Organization of African Unity (OAU), have played a vital role in this regard. OAU proposed setting up a peace keeping force composed of armed personnel of African Nations back in the early 1990’s and encouraged its sub-regional organizations to carry out peacekeeping activities. In 2002, AU officially listed the formation of a joint African, defense policy as one of its goals after its replacement of OAU.24. As for concrete moves, the establishment of a reserve force for the whole of Africa has been an objective sought after by African countries for a dozen years.

OAY first discussed the formation of quick response task force to cope with crisis in Africa in 1996. Afterwards, leaders of African nations proposed establishing an AU reserve force for performing such tasks as the peacekeeping and humanitarian rescue efforts in the times of needs. To date, the establishment of such a reserve force has been translated not reality gradually. All has so far urged five sub-African regions to organize the respective reserve forces reach supported by a training wing comprising four 750 member units and a 120 member military, observation team.25 Meanwhile, a reserve force of the commonwealth, Southern African Development Community (SADC) was founded in August 2007 with its membership to eventually reach 3,000 to 5,000 and as independent East African Brigade with a membership of some 6,000 is expected to be in place. Of course, there is still a long, long way to go before the complete settlement of Africa’s collective security issue.

Although African countries have seen less conventional security concerns, their non-traditional security issues have been steadily getting worse. Yet because of their poor budget, out-of-date military gear, and other associated factors, the mission of quick response forces has been hampered. 26 A collective security structure built with specific African traits to keep up with its development is certain to continue improving steadily27 as the African continent makes noticeable progress in its integration process. As a result, Africans themselves will be in charge of the continent’s security.


Immanuel Kant, Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch, pp. 1–2, 3–3, and 5–6. 4. A History of Western Philosophy from Ancient Greece to the Twentieth Century, by Skirbekk Gunner et al. 2001. Pp. 315-317. 5. Page 550 of H.A. Davies’ World History. International Relations: The Global Community in Transition, Palmer and Perkins, p. 213. 7. H. A. Davies, “World History,” p. 550. Foreign Relations since 1905 by M.A. Orieso Topics in International Studies and Diplomacy, edited by F.I.A. Omu and L.E. Otoide, was published in 2002 by the Department of History and International Studies at the University of Benin. 9. Ibid. 10. N. Lowe, “Mastering Modern World History,” Palgrave-MacMillan, 1997, p. 122. Ibid., 11. Ibid., 12. Ibid., and 13. Baylis, Introduction to Strategic Thinking, p. 2. Ibid., Ibid., Ibid., Ibid., Ibid., Ibid.


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