Comparative Analysis Of Life Cycle Costing Of Alternative Roof Covering Materials In Residential Building Construction
The end of this exploration is to anatomized and compare the life cycle cost of indispensable root covering accoutrements , Zink fleece roofing distance accoutrements , corrugated Asbestos cement roofing accoutrements , concrete decked roof accoutrements , and long span aluminum roofing accoutrements were considered in this exploration work with the objects to determine the original cost and 4fecycle cost of each roofing accoutrements , to establish the relationship between the dfferent roof covering accoutrements on the base of their lfe cycle cost counteraccusations . The need for this exploration is to help the customer on making decision on type of roofing material to be used in erecting construction design on the base of conservation cost frugality as a whole. The composition of erecting construction cost are made up of accoutrements , labour, factory cost, and general outflow and profit. The procedure for data collection was well structured questionnaire administered to the labor force, of the colorful organisation( Construction companies). volume Surveying enterprises were visited to attained the cost data of those roof covering accoutrements . The instrument for data assaying is the use of the present value formular of Ni for the ways of appraisal under original rate and the cost in use of indispensable roof covering accoutrements . The summary of chancing revealed that Gomorrah fleece sword roof accoutrements has the original cost of N69 75 which can be maintained at N33.613.92 and has overall cost of N52066.28. Corrugated asbestos cement roof accoutrements has the original cost of N6975 which can be maintained at N33.613.92 and has overall cost of N11983.89. Concrete decked roof accoutrements has the original cost of N3862.50. it can be maintained at N20, 107 and has overall cost of N 28,318.29. Long span aluminum roof accoutrements has original cost of N1812.50 which can be maintained at N9435.33 and replace at N1778 and has overall cost of N13025.83. From the table of the cost in use of the colorful roofing accoutrements shown in the work it’s observed that the corrugated asbestos roofing distance material has the cheapest original cost This is followed by long span aluminum, concrete decked and zink cost roof in thrusting order. The cost in use information also revealed that the long span aluminum roofing material has the smallest total cost. Cost in use and this is followed by corrugated, asbestos cement roofing distance, concrete decked and Zink fleece sword in order to magnitude. From this exploration, it’s recommended among other that the original cost of roof covering accoutrements shouldn’t be the only reason for it selection.
Chapter One
Background of the Study
According to Barry( 1996) Roofing accoutrements are accoutrements which give thermal sequestration, reduces noise give face for decoration verbose light covers services pipe work used for conduct electrical wiring and also give face sequestration from of electrical fittings, similar as lights addict alarm etc. colorful accoutrements are used for the construction of roofing accoutrements nation world wide, for the purpose of this exploration life cycle cost recrimination of using indispensable roofing accoutrements . Accoutrements are said to be substances from which commodity differently can be made, the recrimination of using any material in construction of roofmg material is veritably important of cost is being considered. piecemeal from provident( cost) point of view there are several other factors which comple to choose a particular type of roofing material, these include aesthetic continuity, low conservation cost, thermal sequestration etc. lately advancement in technology which lead to growth of ultramodern construction material has also compelled people into pass to blend with technological advancement in roofing accoutrements without conceding the cost recrimination of similar accoutrements . It has also increase in the artificial advancement in roofing accoutrements and the need to give a customer real value for his plutocrat which promotes the volume surveyors into comparing the cost recrimination of using different types of roofing accoutrements from the profitable point of view. Cost recrimination of different types of roofing accoutrements from the profitable point of view simple mean the consequences of using an indispensable roofing accoutrements for producing a roof. The types of roof to be compared are
1n corrugated Abestos cement roofing distance, concrete decked roof, long span aluminum roofing distance and zinc coating sword root distance. They all offer to a erecting the same function, they only differ in strength cost of construction, system of fixing and conservation cost The result of this exploration will prop in making opinions on the type of roofing accoutrements to choose for a construction of a design.
Statement of the Problem
Research has it that there has being a steady increase in the cost recrimination of using indispensable roofing accoutrements . The exploration pose the following problems. What’s the relationship that live between the colorful indispensable accoutrements for roofing on the base of their life cycle cost?
Points Of The Study
The end of this exploration is carry out a relative study of a life cycle cost
recrimination of using an indispensable roofing accoutrements .
To establish the original cost of the indispensable roof covering
To establish life cycle cost of colorful roof accoutrements .
To compare the original and the lifecycle cost of the indispensable roof covering material
The Need for the Research
The result of these exploration will help the customer in making a decision on the type of roofing accoutrements to be used in construction of any farther design having consider their profitable factors continuity conservation cost and aesthetic.
Compass Of Study
The compass of this design work is grounded on the named roofmg accoutrements which include corrugated Asbestos cement roofing distance, concrete decked roof, long span aluminum roofing distance coverings and zinc coating sword roofing distance
While carryout this exploration, it was assumed that the total area covered doesn’t affect the cost of the roofing accoutrements . All profitable factors able of impacting the cost of roofing accoutrements are kept at constant. Anticipated life of a structure is 60 times.
Chapter Two
Literature Review
Composition of Construction Cost
The cost of erecting construction is made up of colorful element similar as accoutrements . labour, factory backing cost, general outflow point outflow and profit, Collier( 1984) noted that one of the stylish places to find explanation of construction cost is the typical standard form of the cost plus freights contract. His opinion is that it’s the stylish kind of contract that the proprietor pays the cost as they’re incurred.