Because of its importance to society, the researcher selected to investigate the topic “Computer Based Census Management System.” Meanwhile, the manual method has always had the drawback of being tiresome. In order to tackle the time-consuming, tedious, and repetitive manual census duties, the researcher conducted a complete examination of the existing system. The Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM) was applied and discussed in the report itself. The proposed system’s high-level model was also built and displayed in a readily accessible style. The proposed system’s high-level model was architecturally designed and detailed designed through its individual components. There were four modules in total, each handling a specific function, such as the staff management module, which keeps track of employees; the department management module, which keeps track of information about the commission’s departments; and the register person, register states, and register LGA modules, which handle individual registration. Finally, the commission used the parallel changeover methodology to compare the results of the two systems (old and new) prior to deployment.



From time immemorial, censuses have been a dependable exercise on which the government relies for decision-making and administrative and planning help. “Just as we cannot survive without roads and bridges,” says Robert M. Groves, Director of the United States Census Bureau (2010), “the country cannot function successfully without an updated census to distribute funding to places that most need them and to support community decisions and their own destiny.”
The rising complexity of modern life necessitates more careful planning of housing, schools, roads, and transportation, as well as a wide range of other social and economic needs for the country. This can’t be done without a complete population count. Some organizations or governments, such as the National Population Commission, are in charge of census management (NPC).
The placement of computers in these organizations or bodies that manage census data would aid not only in the speedy recording of data but also in the resolution of some problems that are difficult to tackle manually. Human resources are considered to be an enterprise’s most valuable assets if they are effectively harnessed and encouraged to accomplish their assigned jobs in a way that advances the company’s goals and objectives. As a result, adequate population records will provide all required information about individuals, such as population size, age structure, educational attainment, labor force, and socio-economic features, as opposed to the manual method, which makes data and information access more time consuming. The researcher was inspired to create software for the National Population Commission by the need to integrate disparate datasets so that they could be integrated and processed simultaneously, as well as other factors (NPC).


Nigerian censuses may be traced back to 1966, just after our colonial overlords colonized Lagos. Several attempts to count Nigeria’s population have been made since then. These censuses, however, are marred by challenges and deliberate and ill-intentioned attempts to exaggerate population estimates in order to favor one geopolitical zone over another. This does not and cannot reflect the picture of the country in terms of human population. As a result, utilizing Decree No. 23 of 1989, the National Population Commission (NPC) was founded. The idea behind this was to have effective censuses and reliable demographic data every time. There is little doubt that the National Population Commission (NPC) was given a wide range of authorities and responsibilities, including the annual enumeration of the nation’s population by censuses, sample surveys, and other methods. To set up and maintain the machinery for continuous and universal birth and death registration. Data on migration statistics should be collected, compiled, and published. To reach and monitor the national population policy, as well as to establish a national population data bank.
Unfortunately, the majority of Nigeria’s population estimates are still based on foreign statistics demographic information data banks.


The National Population Commission faces numerous challenges in maintaining consistent, credible numbers and estimates. These are some of the additional reasons why the researcher decided to conduct this study;
insufficient manpower
a scarcity of equipment
sloppy organization
polity that is in a state of flux
transferring large amounts of data by hand


The study’s goals are as follows: construct computers software that keeps and retrieves all information about the human population automatically.
To create a dependable method for gathering data/information about the human population.
To provide a system that allows for direct access to the information that is needed.


The system will easily handle problems relating to the collecting, storage, and retrieval of data about the human population.
With efficiency and dependability, a timely retrieval of information is expected.
It will protect unauthorized data, users will not be able to access those files, and fraud will be reduced in society, leading to an improvement in administrative operations.


The project’s main goal is to create a system that contains all information about the human population and allows for data retrieval whenever it is needed in society. It is concerned with the recording, retrieval, and administration of data about persons in society.


Many factors conspired against the completion of this survey, including a lack of funds, the National Population Commission Awka’s refusal to provide thorough replies, and in some cases no response at all to some queries.
This project is confined to all data linked with census population figures obtained from the National Population Commission; however, due to time constraints, not all commissions for data and information were contacted.


DEMOGRAPHY: Demography is the study of how the number of births, deaths, diseases, and other events in a community change over time.
POPULATION: The entire number of people residing in a given area, city, or country is referred to as the population.
CENSUS: A census is a method of gathering and documenting data about members of a population in a systematic manner.
ENUMERATION: Enumeration is the process of taking a head-to-head census of all people in a specific community over a period of time.
MIGRATION: The act of relocating from one region or country to another is known as migration. It refers to the movement of a group of people, babies, or other animals from one location to another.

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