The oil business is a significant part of the modern economy, and exploration efforts are critical to maintaining oil production.

Data collection and processing are part of the exploration process. As the modern world’s exploratory activities grow, computer manufacturers are striving hard to build super computers and the processing that goes along with them.

Many new businesses are springing up all the time, and modern businesses, of course, rely on computers, particularly the mainframe computer, which has a big memory space. As the number of activities grows, more storage space is required because the primary memory of the computer will eventually be insufficient to keep all of the data required.


The primary goal of this project is to demonstrate a feasible method to exploratory activities that includes data gathering and processing by enterprises, with computer-assisted processing and storage of information (seismic data).

The origins of seismic data processing were traced in the first chapter of this project. The study’s difficulties, limitations, goals, objectives, and purpose have all been addressed.

The second chapter is devoted to a survey of the associated literature.

The third chapter deals with the description and analysis of the current system. For the research tools used, an oral interview was conducted. The structure of the corporation in question (IDSL) was investigated.

The present system’s objectives and flaws, as well as the justification for the new system, were also considered.

Following the analysis of the data obtained during the research study, Chapter 4 discusses the study design, which is the new system, as well as the input, output specification, and design. The new system requirement, as well as the system flow chat, procedure chat, and file design for the new system, were all taken into account.

The fifth chapter focuses on the implementation of the new system design and the testing of the program that will be used to run the system.

The documentation in Chapter 6 is detailed enough for the user to understand the fundamental properties of the product.



Data collection and processing are part of the exploration process. As the modern world’s exploration activities grow, computer manufacturers are working hard to develop super computers and their processing algorithms, providing high computational capacity to handle the larger data processing that is required.

The federal government recently issued a white paper requiring all oil corporations to conduct more exploration in order to increase oil reservoirs, owing to the oil sectors’ inescapable roles in the modern world. This suggests that more data collecting and processing tasks will be available in the near future.

Oil exploration’s relevance in modern countries cannot be overstated.

As a result, seismic data processing is critical in the oil business since it is the initial stage in the discovery of hydrocarbons, or, to put it another way, seismic data processing is a critical sequence in the hunt for hydrocarbons.

Care should be exercised when processing seismic data because improper processing can lead to incorrect interpretation, which can lead to false prospects. In fact, improper processing lowers the success rate of hydrocarbon finding, raising drilling costs. In essence, improper processing will result in the drilling of a false prospect, and we all know that drilling a well costs millions, if not billions, of Naira.

The government’s position in the oil business has evolved from one of regulation to one of direct involvement in all aspects of extraction and exploration. Initially, the government just made rudimentary regulations and collected royalties from oil firms. The situation had changed by 1971, as oil became more crucial to Nigeria’s economy. Oil accounts for almost 90% of the country’s entire foreign exchange earnings.

In summary, if Nigeria wants to boost its revenue, it must invest in seismic data gathering, processing, and administration. As a result, a software creation for the purpose is seismic data management system. As a result, the integrated data services limited (IDSL) of Benin City, a subsidiary of the Nigerian National Petroleum Cooperation, was chosen as the case study (NNPC).


The primary question in the search for hydrocarbon has always been where exactly under the earth’s surface are the anticlines or structures within which the hydrocarbon can be stored.

Seismic data collecting, in part, and seismic data processing, in large part, provide answers to this question. Acquisition refers to the gathering of raw data, which is then transformed and refined to the point where the above question may be addressed.

The issue is how to convey the data gathered in the field while keeping it safe from damage. That is why tape librarians were created to assist in the management of these cassettes; but, as time passes, the number of tapes obtained grows to the point that the librarians are unable to handle them.


This research will be very useful to students, individuals, cooperating bodies, and the general public who are involved in seismic data acquisition and processing now or in the future.

The following are the goals:


1. Ensuring that high-quality seismic data is acquired in a timely and efficient way.


2. Ensuring that all field tapes are transmitted to the processing center and that the seismic data contained on the tapes is given in a format that is suitable for geological interpretation.


3. To guarantee that the processing sequence is followed and that the final product is acceptable.


4. Ensuring that processed seismic sections, which are the ultimate output of a processed field tape, are used to identify specific targets.


The scope of this study was limited to the application of Electronic Data Processing (EDP) to the control of information management in seismic data processing.


Due to the workload, adequate study into other known seismic data gathering and processing businesses was not possible. However, I expect that the limited data gathered can be used to all other seismic data organizations.

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