The major goal of the contents of this file is to give sufficient breadth and depth for undergraduate students learning about electronic components. The technique is laid out in detail in the document, from creating the circuit diagram on the page through implementing it on the Printed Circuit Board. It contains data on basic electronic components such as capacitors, resistors, and diodes, as well as a small amount of data on the integrated circuit CD4047. It contains information about the program used, Proteus, which is highly valuable in developing the most crucial aspect of the project, the PCB layout, without which the circuit cannot be implemented in its physical form. The Proteus schematic capture module also has a very useful feature. The books that were recommended for the completion of this project job are also quite useful. All of the books listed in the reference section of this file report have an abstract in the project. Instead of referring to these books, one could refer to those books, but finding each and every topic in those books would be a tiresome task; it would be much easier to study this material and obtain an overview. It is recommended that one consults the books for additional information. This project file will also assist the reader in implementing the same project as well as other similar projects on their own. The project also demonstrates the writer’s dedication to completing this page-printed endeavor in material form. It is a reflection of the project’s implementer’s commitment to the project. Despite the fact that it was completely done by the students, it would not be inaccurate to say that the project guide has greatly aided and encouraged the implementation of this brand new project and a very novel and exciting item in our engineering course.

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