Quiz buzzers are frequently employed in places such as educational institutions, where they are necessary for game shows, as well as in live television quiz competitions. During competitions held in schools and universities, a quiz buzzer allows any user to quickly press the switch in response to a question asked. The pressed switch emits a buzzing sound or an alarm for a short time, and the reaction time is extremely short. Buzzers can be employed in a variety of applications, including annunciator panels, electronic metronome microwave ovens, and other household items. Traditional methods rely on human interaction to determine which team hit the button, which can be inaccurate and even prejudiced. Another issue emerges when two people touch the button at the same time, making it difficult to tell who pressed the buzzer first. We created an autonomous quiz buzzer system in which the delay is correctly calculated and a number is presented when more than one team clicks the buzzer.

A microcontroller is used to build the circuit, which analyzes input from push buttons and displays the matching number on a display device. It’s a straightforward circuit with a small number of components.

without any complications The microcontroller accounts for the time delay between two buttons and displays the correct number. Even though this system is only designed for eight teams, another set of eight push buttons can be used to add additional.


The goal of this project is to develop and build an automatic quiz buzzer system in which the delay is precisely calculated and a number is displayed when more than one team clicks the buzzer.


The circuit is a simple embedded system with eight push buttons as input devices, a microcontroller as controller, and a buzzer and display as output devices. A microcontroller performs the entire operation using a program written in C and dumped inside the microcontroller. The buzzer starts ringing when one of the buttons is pressed, and the associated number is displayed on the liquid crystal display.

With the use of several controllers, a quiz buzzer circuit can be built in a variety of ways. 555 timers and microcontrollers are examples of these controllers. The buzzer circuit based on a 555 timer is a basic and inexpensive gadget in which the time duration is determined by the resistor.

and the value of the capacitor (RC constant). A buzzer circuit based on a microcontroller is a programmable timer in which the time length may be changed by modifying the microcontroller’s program code.


There are six steps in the design process. The first stage is to design the circuit; the second is to draw the circuit using software such as Proteus. The third phase entails developing the code in high-level or assembly language and compiling it on a software platform such as Kielu Vision. Dumping the code into the microcontroller is the fourth step, and modeling the circuit is the fifth.

A Microcontroller, eight SPST push buttons, a buzzer, and a liquid crystal display are all used in the circuit. In this scenario, the microcontroller is an Atmel AT89C51, which is an 8-bit microprocessor.

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