Database Management System for Student Registration handles all types of student information, academic reports, college information, course information, curriculum, batch information, and other resource information (Vecchioli, 1999). It tracks all of a student’s details from day one to the end of his course, which can be used for all reporting purposes, such as tracking attendance, progress in the course, completed semester years, coming semester year curriculum details, exam details, project or any other assignment details, final exam result, and so on. The design can help the investigation of all the activities taking place in the institution, including learning which faculty is allocated to which course, a student’s present status, attendance percentage, and impending requirements. The student registration database management system is an automated version of the manual student registration database management system. It can handle all aspects of a student’s life (Wright, 1990). The information includes college information, subject information, student personal information, academic information, exam information, and so on. Manual systems necessitate a significant amount of time, people, and other resources. Almost all work is done on a computer here. As a result, the precision is preserved. It is fairly simple to keep a backup. It can be done in a matter of minutes. There are two types of access modes in the system: administrator and user. An administrator oversees the database management system for student registration. It is the administrator’s responsibility to insert updates and oversee the entire process. When a user first logs into the system. He or she would only see the student’s information. He or she is unable to make any modifications (Connors & Valesky, 2006).


Organizational data is typically stored in files for use by various departments/units within the organization. It is quite likely that the identical data will appear on many files if the data included in these files is not clearly defined. That is, these files would contain redundant data, such as the name and address of a student in the University registry file and the college or department file. This would imply that a simple address change would have to be processed twice, and possibly three or four times, depending on the number of additional files on which this data occurs. As Vecchioli (1999) points out, integrating and managing student records into a unified and efficient system may appear to be an insurmountable undertaking.


The National Open University of Nigeria is the first Federal Open and Distance Learning (ODL) institution in the West African sub-region. It is Nigeria’s largest tertiary institution in terms of student numbers and is generally referred to as ‘NOUN’. NOUN does not deliver lectures to students in regular classrooms, with the exception of a few study centers, owing to limits known only to the University and the obstacles that any developing tertiary institution faces. After paying tuition fees, the study center in Lagos, for example, delivers lectures to all of its Law undergraduates and supplies necessary course materials to all students. The National Universities Commission (NUC) has certified all courses offered.




The key issues with database management systems for student registration include incorrect registration, late release of results, inaccuracy owing to manual and arduous calculation, and retrieval difficulties/inefficiency. As a result, it is critical to determine if the administrative duties in the faculty of science at the National Open University of Nigeria are best suited for computerization. This project, on the other hand, is looking into the design and construction of a database management system for student registration in the faculty of science at the National Open University of Nigeria.




The following are the study’s objectives:


To design and implement a database management system for student registration at the National Open University of Nigeria’s Faculty of Science.


To investigate the benefits of a database management system for student registration.


Identifying the constraints in the creation of a database management system for student registration.




What is the procedure for building and developing a database management system for student registration at the National Open University of Nigeria’s Faculty of Science?


What are the benefits of using a database management system to manage student registration?


What are the limitations of the database management system for student registration development?




The following are the study’s implications:


The findings of this study will educate on the design and construction of a database management system for student registration at the National Open University of Nigeria’s faculty of science.


This study will contribute to the body of literature on the effect of personality traits on student academic achievement, forming the empirical literature for future research in the field.




This research will look at the process of building and developing a database management system for student registration at the National Open University of Nigeria’s Faculty of Science.




Financial constraint- A lack of funds tends to restrict the researcher’s efficiency in locating relevant materials, literature, or information, as well as in the data collection procedure (internet, questionnaire, and interview).


Time constraint- The researcher will conduct this investigation alongside other academic activities. As a result, the amount of time spent on research will be reduced.

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