Online Registration Of Pharmaceutical Company And Drug Verification System
Chapter One
Products are created by brand possessors and handed to third parties( contract manufacturer, dispatching company, distributor) for delivery to merchandisers for after trade to consumers. These products can range from commodity particulars(e.g., flour) to limited volume “ luxury ” particulars(e.g., developer handbags) to one- of-a-kind particulars(e.g., original artwork). fake products are frequently created and vended as the “ real thing. ” Fakes work the original brand but generally have less above due to some combination of lower quality, reduced marketing charges, reduced support costs and/ or reduced commercial charges( ranging from lower labor costs to failure to pay tariffs).
The three main parties( brand proprietor, trafficker and consumer) are affected else by the distribution of fakes. Consumers either willingly purchase fakes at a lower cost or are tricked into buying a fake thinking they’re getting authentic wares. In the former case they’re generally happy, at least originally. The ultimate case, in some cases, may have little effect, i.e., the consumer may have overpaid for an item. still, further dangerous goods may be realized if the product malfunctions. These goods can range from lack of expedient( since the product isn’t covered by the bond of the brand proprietor or manufacturer) to physical detriment in the case of food, tradition medicines, mechanical outfit, etc. merchandisers and third parties may intentionally or willingly share in the distribution of fake products. Brand possessors suffer both hard( dropped profit) and soft( brand corrosion) losses from fake products.
This exploration work describes a system that enables brand possessors, merchandisers and consumers to corroborate the authenticity of a product. It analyzes the different avenues of attack and presents three implicit executions of the system grounded upon the provocation of the actors and the cost of perpetration. The exploration assumes the anthology is acquainted with the product and distribution of fake products.
Statement of Problem
The major and core issue that gave rise to this exploration work, is on the fact that utmost of the pharmaceutical medicine druggies seek to use original product but because fake of fake medicines now, don’t let one separate from the original presently, and the process of vindicating a product presently isn’t encouraging because it’ll take important time and before also, the ill person is supposed to take his drug, which is to say that the verification process is slow and not dependable as occasionally you do n’t get thee feedback at all. This issue is what the exploration seek to resolve by developing a secure and dependable system that can serve better than the former bone .
Ideal Of The Study
The introductory ideal of the design is to give simpler means to the consumer and nonsupervisory agencies for establishing medicine authentication and cover the consumers ’ health and life safety. In achieving the ideal, following pretensions have been set
Web grounded portal enabling the citizens to check the authenticity of the medicines online, and the actuality of pharmaceutical company in the country.
Tracking and tracing of the medicine where manufactured to insure the dependable force of medicines to consumers for patient safety and brand protection of manufacturer as well as nation,
The information like Name of medicine, Name of Manufacturer, Batch number, Date of manufacturing, Date of expiry, operation of medicine( voluntary) and Composition of medicine( voluntary), to be handed online to the consumer,
give necessary support to the nonsupervisory agencies in forestallment of counterfeiting, fraud and illegal trade of medicines.
Significance of the Study
This study will present in a precise manner, the significance of medicines validity and authenticity to our health. It’s believed that if this exploration wok in full enforced will help reduce the rate of fake in medicines product and uses among individual. It’s also anticipated that the study will profit the manufacturers of this medicines that’s the original company and assiduity because they will have further deals as the citizens will go for the original bone and the fake will have no deals in the request presently.
The software developed from this study will be useful to the end druggies or the guests in helping them to corroborate the medicines they buy for drug. It’s anticipated that the findings will expose the fake medicine merchandisers in the request and they product companies. By this exposure, the pharmaceutical assiduity will learn further and stand by manufacturing quality products. It’s possible that by this outgrowth the fake medicinal diligence will really acclimate to the standard of product approved by the world Health Organization( WHO).
latterly, it’ll go a long way to enhance the computer wisdom scholars ’ effectiveness in the society by being able of carrying out what they’ve learned, thereby contributing to the structure up of the society at the original, public and transnational situations.
The exploration will also be salutary to the experimenter. This is because the study will expose the experimenter to so numerous affiliated areas in the course of carrying out his exploration. This will enhance the experimenter’s experience, knowledge and understanding on real live operation and result working ways.
Compass Of The Study
The medicine verification system and authentication system design is an action of the experimenter to insure the fictitiousness and authenticity of the medicines used within the country imported from any part of the country to ours( Nigeria) principally imported from India and for citizens in the domestic request. The design covers all the medicines vended in our country Nigeria.
Limitation of the Study
The challenges of enforcing this system and its cost are details below.
a) Diversity of Pharmaceutical Assiduity
Nigerian Pharmaceutical medicines comes substantially from the Indian Pharma assiduity, having further than 20,000 registered units which are largely fractured with severe price competition and government price control. There are roughly 250 large units and further than 8,000 small and medium scale units, which form the core of the Pharmaceutical assiduity in India. The large units are largely good technically as well as professionally. On the other hand, the medium and small manufacturers won’t go to apply this system a medicine verification information system( DVI system). So this will be a core challenge to the perpetration of this system.
b) perpetration of system for unique identification of the product
There are colorful active and unresistant technologies available like RFID, 1D or 2D Bar Canons, Hologram, Forensic taggants – optic taggants,Micro-particle taggants( nano taggants) etc. To apply a robust and effective result to achieve both objects ‘ Drug Authentication ’ and ‘ Verification ’, there was a need of encyclopedically accepted result for uniquely identification of the product which is fluently accessible, less space consuming for printing and cost effective for its all three situations of packaging videlicet Primary, Secondary and Tertiary. Primary is the package which is in direct physical contact with the active component, Secondary is the tinderbox containing one or further primary packs including a mono tinderbox containing one primary pack and Tertiary means a shipper containing one or further secondary packs.
c) Financial Counteraccusations and over heads for the manufacturers
The fiscal counteraccusations and investment for the perpetration of the system was major concern of the Pharma Industry especially for small and medium scale manufacturers in the country.
Description Of Terms
Database A collection of logically related data to meet the information need of association.
Web Online platform for penetrating of web runners information.
DBMS Database Management Software that enable the stoner to define, maintain Control the database.
Operation Program; A computer program that interacts with the database.
Menu This is a list of options presented on the screen with each option linked by short law followed by longer description of its purposes.
Medicine It’s appertained to as a drug or chemical substances that are administered to Cases for restorative measures.
Drugstore A placed in a sanitarium where drug or chemical substances are kept, stored and prepared.
Flowchart A illustration that shows connection between the different stages of process of the system.
Relation; A relation is a named table with columns and rows Attribute; An attributes is a named column of a relation sphere; A set of permissible values for one or further table
Database design The process of creating a design that will support emprise charge statement and charge needed database e system.
Software These are program for computer which allows certain specific task to be fulfillede.g. word processetc.
Hardware Computer outfit used to perform input processing and system affair activates.
Operation information system collection of people, database, and bias produced to use in furnishing routine information to director and decision makers of the association.