Design And Implementation Of A Computerised Tax Collection And Management System


Design And Implementation Of A Computerised Tax Collection And Management System



Duty is any form charge levied on a person or an institution by a governing body or its original similar that defaulted payment is punishable by law. The duty of levies and the institution of trying is as old as civilization itself cutting across religion, race and international borders.

Prompt duty payment and reduced duty elusion is always a primary ideal of the government in utmost societies that live moment. The issue of duty elusion has proven to be a delicate practice to check indeed in nations with a proper database of its populace and the current mode of duty payment is spare and excited as caught on through a check of our case study. Some of the challenges governmental bodies have to overcome in order to encourage the prompt payment of levies and effectively reduce elusion includes, developing accessible payment styles and having proper records keeping systems. This exploration work is a terse summary of how the nonstop development of calculating wisdom and its wide spread capability to be stationed to break a wide range of problems can be geared towards the development of an electronic taxation system to help government bodies with accessible duty collection and record keeping. The cascade methodology was named for system development. pretensions to be achieved by the system are instant access, bettered productivity through effective application of coffers, database creation and records operation, simplification of operations, reduced processing time, stoner benevolence, portability and inflexibility for farther improvement. TheE-taxation isn’t a new system, but a rather original result to a problem with global horizon. This system looks at how duty payment can be encouraged through simplification and increased effectiveness in payment processing.



According to a world bank profitable report on Nigeria published on the 1st of May 2013, it was stated that 95 of the government’s calculated expenditure depended on its projected oil painting profit grounded on current world oil painting prices. It was also recommended in the report that the Federal Government, through the enhancement of the domestic duty system it can increase its internal profit and give in the event of a fall in oil painting prices a fiscal backup plan for the frugality( The World Bank, 2013). duty is a charge assessed by a government on persons, realities or property, administered to induce profit for that government( Black, 1999). duty is a common source of income generation for financing government conditioning. individualities and associations are anticipated to fulfill their scores on duty payment as needed by law to give the government the fiscal power, amongst other purposes of taxation. Effective taxation thus becomes important as it’s a source of needed fiscal power for a government to rule its home.


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