Agricultural marketing refers to all activities that increase the value of agricultural products as they travel from rural areas of production to urban areas for consumption. To ensure equitable rewards to farmers, a successful and effective marketing system is essential, but sadly, this sector receives little attention in Nigeria. Aiming to build and execute a Farm product and marketing system enabling farmers to demonstrate their agricultural products following a successful harvest season, this study was conducted. Farmers frequently confuse marketing efficiency with marketing margins, physical losses, and market competition.



Nigeria’s agriculture sector is a major contribution to the country’s economic growth and development. This sector not only serves the population’s food needs, but also produces raw materials for industry and surplus for export. Despite the fact that this industry has seen a lot of highs and lows in recent years, overall growth has been satisfactory. If proper consideration is given to resolving emerging difficulties, this sector has shown enormous potential to boost the nation’s economy both today and in the future. Agriculture’s reasonable expansion and improvement are contingent on how many partners’ concerns, notably those of farmers who face several hazards in farm production and sale of their farm output, are effectively addressed.

Farmers must regularly accept a value drop in their produce as a result of poor infrastructure and post-harvest operations. Furthermore, periodic food surpluses and shortages have highlighted the necessity to upgrade the marketing system structure in order to address such scenarios. Marketing can be defined and understood in a variety of ways, but it is most frequently understood as a location or locations where buyers and sellers meet and engage in order to buy and sell goods and services.

Many other academics have defined marketing as a process of exchanging commodities and services accompanied with a price-setting system. Agricultural markets are critical for bringing together rural agricultural produce from disparate and broad producing areas and distributing it to consumers and other stakeholders in urban and peri-urban areas. Picking/harvesting, drying, cleaning, sorting, grading, processing, packaging, labeling, shipping, storage, promotion, and sale of agricultural products are all examples of agricultural marketing. As agricultural products migrate from farm producers to consumers, all of these primary processes contribute to increasing their value. While some of these primary activities take place on farmers’ farms, others are handled by market intermediaries such as dealers and agro-processors who work off-farm.


Agricultural farm products differ from industrial products because of their perishable nature and unique requirements during the harvesting and transportation processes. A farm product labeling system is required to aid in the display of farm output from farmers across the country in order to meet the needs of main stakeholders. When overseas investors invest in the farm produce visible on the marketing system, this will help the country’s economy flourish. Agricultural marketing also include all economic actions aimed at planning, pricing, promoting, and distributing want-satisfying goods and services to both domestic and industrial users.


The following are the study’s objectives:

Design and install a Farm Product Marketing system to provide an appropriate platform for farmers in rural areas to promote their farm products.
In metropolitan regions, strengthen the interaction between farmers and end-users of their products.
Using technology, make it easier to distribute farm products across the country.


Agriculture in Africa is a well-organized and vibrant sector that contributes greatly to any economy’s prosperity. Over 1.5 million people are employed as a result of it. Due to increased demand for diverse agricultural products, this industry has recently showed an annual growth rate of 8 to 10%. An agricultural commodity is said to pass through seven to eight hands before reaching the final customer. One of the most contentious topics in Africa’s agricultural economy is the functions played by various market bodies (particularly middlemen in the market chain). It is suggested that intermediaries exploit marginal farmers and obstruct their just part of the market, a problem that can be rectified by using technology to connect farmers directly to buyers.


A person who owns or manages a farm is known as a farmer.

Technology is the practical application of scientific knowledge, particularly in industry.

A link is a connection between two items or circumstances, particularly when one has an impact on the other.

An investor is a person or group who invests money in financial schemes, real estate, or other investments in the hopes of making a profit.

Exchange – the act of giving something in exchange for something else (usually of the same kind).

A market is a regular gathering of people who come together to buy and sell supplies, animals, and other goods.

A regular assembly of people for the purchase and selling of supplies, cattle, and other commodities is known as agriculture.

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