Design And Implementation Of An Online Real-time Parcel Tracking And Monitoring System


Design And Implementation Of An Online Real-time Parcel Tracking And Monitoring System


Chapter One


As children playing hide and seek, there sounded to be so numerous places where we could hide and noway be set up. With the worldbe-coming ever lower through technology, caching is decreasingly delicate. Cameras blink down on us at red lights, in our plant, in stores and indeed at home. Now, those cameras are being stoked by new technologies that track our buses , cell phones and conceivably any product we buy. This position- tracking technology also is being used to streamline force chains for pots, seeking to move products to the request briskly, and to cover means and help force loss. In view of the phenomenal growth in transportation assiduity and the trend of information technology in delivery first class service to the client with minimum cost. This design end to develop online and real- time conveyance parcel monitoring system to the NIPOST guests. Being system is the way the system is being operated, that’s the homemade way of covering customer parcel or freight. Since the being system is done manually, it’s imperative that we consider critically its mode of operation and assay them. In covering the movement of freight and the boat or any carrier that carried it, the use of paper form was introduced which include the bill of laden form. The bill of laden form is the most important of all the forms needed. The shipper sends the bill of laden in advance of the boat to the importer. The importer takes the bill of laden to the NPA( Nigerian Port Authority) central office for details about the boat and her located situation. The importer or its agent completes the bill of laden, cross checked and compared with the boat’s overload. After certifying the correctness of consignee documents, a blank form called the delivery order is also issued out to the importer. The consignee or its agent complete the delivery order for and returns it to the shipping company, and also the delivery order is transferred to the marketing department of the Nigeria Port Authority. After, the marketing department also raises all necessary bills according to the harborage regulation and their payment term, client proceeds to the bank for payment; the documents are latterly transferred to the conveyance chalet or delivery point, the consignee also do to the applicable chalet or delivery point. After lading, weight pass is issued to the consignee or his agent who also do to Nigeria Port Authority gate for security checks and final exit. In the old system of NIPOST company service, once a parcel or freight has been transferred by the customer, there’s no way the customer will know the position of that parcel until it get to the destination and acknowledgment communication is transferred from the receiver of the parcel that it has been delivered. This system poses a lot of problem to both the NIPOST guests and the company herself. Indeed the company wishes to feed the customer back but ago there’s no means of doing similar, both are incapacitated and everything is at the threat of the proprietor of parcel.

Background Of Study

Location- tracking technology also is being used to streamline force chains for pots, seeking to move products to the request briskly, and to cover means and help force loss. NIPOST’s online shadowing is the fastest way to find out where your payload is. No need to call client service when we can offer you real- time details of your payload’s progress as it speeds through the NIPOST Network on the way to its destination. Soon, companies also will be suitable to track your position. Imagine walking through your original supermarkets, and as you pass through the aisle, an electronic pasteboard for your favourite cereal is beamed to your phone.

Statement Of The Problem

moment’s rate at which guests do call the shadowing agents and also the rate at which guests visit the NIPOST office to confirm the status of the parcel they transferred through the NIPOST service channel is too high. At times, the NIPOST agent may not be suitable to say precisely whether the parcel has been delivered or not due to shy means of communication to the company while on trip and secondly, it’s further prone to error due to data lost. The data entry and confirmation aspect of the old system are done manually, the system use the data entered as the base for the tutorials schedule while all documents given to the guests are generated from the data collected and result of reused data for use. This process is frequently associated with high- situations of homemade processing, limited shadowing visibility and poor client service( at least perceived). An effective chain- of- guardianship evidence- of- delivery( cover) result becomes further and more important to day- to- day operations.

Aim And Objective Of The Study


In view of the phenomenal growth in transportation assiduity and the trend of information technology in delivery first class service to the client with minimum cost. This design end to develop online and real- time conveyance parcel monitoring system to the NIPOST guests. Following objects


1. To give fastest and most dependable service to the customer at all time, all days through mobile technology

. To prove tone- monitoring terrain for the customer’s parcel or freight on conveyance.

3. To insure proper processing and dispersion of crucial shipping information for quick vessel reversal.

4. To give tone- operation and the frosty security in monitoring customer’s parcels on conveyance

5. To insure effective operation of harborage operations, optimal allocation and use of coffers.

Significance Of The Study

In enforcing the objects of this study, the advantages of anE-tracking system over the being system, i.e. the homemade way of registering and covering the movement of freight or any parcel. druggies will be suitable to shadowing/ access resource digitally without carrying books, journals, magazines etc which could affect in rapid-fire wear and tear and gash of the paper documents. either, it’ll go druggies the occasion to see the current status and position of their goods or parcel. The proposed system will give security to help track the movement of each boat and parcel carrier on conveyance. The system will also exclude some of the routine homemade work current in the homemade system of shadowing.

Compass Of The Study

The compass of this exploration work will be limited to the provision of tracking information handed by the NIPOST for shadowing of customer’s freight and parcels on conveyance as handed by the NIPOST agents.

Limitation Of Study

Some problems were encountered during the course of writing this design. These problems include

1. Difficulties incurred while gathering all necessary information.

2. fiscal problem was also one of the major problems encountered. For every material demanded bear plutocrate.g. browsing so as to source for information.

3. Erratic power force both in academy and at home also hindered this design work in colorful ways.

4. Thenon-availability of a correspondence garçon also hindered the response operation system as it was only dissembled in this design work.

5. Also, the time distributed for the completion of the design was n’t sufficient as it requires time to learn the programming tool used for the design.

6. In malignancy of all these constraints, the designing and jotting of a well- proved design was achieved.

Glossary Of Terms

1. Tracking Tracking is the process of automatically locating a point or series of points from frame to frame in a sequence.

2. Cargo Goods carried on a boat or aircraft.

3. Information This is a collection of data or data.

4. Parcel Goodsetc. wrapped up in a package for posting or carrying.

5. E-Tracking Tracking is the process of automatically locating a point or series of points from frame to frame in a sequence Online.

6. Conveyance Going, conveying, or being conveyed, esp. over a distance.

7. cover evidence of delivery.

8. NIPOST NIPOST. 9. TDX Tracking Dog Excellent.

10.P.S.F.C Parcel transferred from customer.

11.P.U.S Parcel update status.

12.P.C Parcel cleared to be dispatched.

13.P.R.S Parcel report status.

14.T.R.F.C Track request from customer.

15.P.E.R.F. NIPOST Parcel entry enrollment from NIPOST.

16.P.U.F.DISP Parecl update from dispatcher.


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