Design And Implementation Of Patients Records Tracking System
This is an online computerized system whose main end is to prop in automating the process of capturing, storing and reclamation of case’s medical records and have those records available at any other point( sanitarium) that has subscribed to the frame.
It’s also aimed at enabling croakers and records directors keep track of patient medical records anyhow of the sanitarium they attend and to enable them make good informed opinions regarding their cases grounded on their medical history.
Through this system, case records are saved in a professional way and space for storing the physical lines is significantly reduced.
The records are also stored ever in a secure place down from the factual physical sanitarium where they’re prone to colorful types of damages. From this remote position, anyone in need of the records can pierce them handed they’ve the right credentials, they’ve been authenticated by the system and they’ve the needed authorization.
1. Chapter One
. Design Overview
This design is grounded on the NgongSub-District Hospital and JKUAT- Karen Hospital model.
With the growth of the health care assiduity in Kenya and the growth of population, more and more medical installations are coming up at colorful situations – National, Regional, County, District, etc.
While some of these installations might be completely equipped with all the needed installations, others aren’t completely equipped to handle all the medical issues that may be presented to them. This brings a need for cases to move from one sanitarium to another in order to seek better medical services. Others just end up being appertained to these bigger hospitals that can handle more complicated medical cases.
Not all cases have the capabilities to maintain their particular medical records regarding all the medical institutions that they’ve attended in their continuance, what they were diagnosed with or the drug they were given. Some of these records might be stolen, lost, lost, damaged or tampered with. All this information is important to the croaker who might want to use the medical history of the case to make informed and better opinions on unborn opinion of these cases.
It’s thus imperative to have a system in place to maintain these records on behalf of the cases and be available to the croakers anyhow of where the case chooses to seek medical services. This is what the Patient Records Tracking System does accomplishes. It provides a frame that hospitals follow when storing the records also collects all the data in one central database from which croakers and other authorized labor force can pierce the case records.
. The Statement of the Problem
utmost Hospitals still use the old homemade way of storing cases medical records by using hard dupe lines stored in closets and locked in some particular room. This poses a number of challenges videlicet
i). There are no back- over clones for the lines and thus a mischance like a fire disaster could set the sanitarium back in terms of the records and conditioning that have taken place over the time it has been in operation.
ii). There is n’t enough storehouse space for storing old lines since the number of cases who visit the sanitarium is growing at a high rate day by day.
iii). Misfiling occasionally occurs whereby a train is placed at the wrong place which makes it hard to detect the train the coming time you want to pierce it.
iv). Some cases partake identification figures and this poses a challenge when it comes to filling the lines.
v). There’s no way of tracking records of a case who has visited several hospitals previous to arriving at the current sanitarium he she is seeking medical services.
vi). Controlled access to the lines isn’t limited whereby there is n’t important security limiting the number of people who can pierce the lines since people working in hospitals typically work in shifts.
vii). Difficulty in access whereby it takes a considerable quantum of time to pierce a particular train.
viii). Cases moving from sanitarium to sanitarium, especially the senior, may have a hard time recalling their medical history in order to prop the croakers in making correct opinion.
. The Proposed result
The proposed Cases Records Tracking System will take care of these challenges by automating the conditioning of managing the records and storing the records in a central database.
By use of a motorized system that will have a well- designed stoner interface and a database in the reverse- end, the records will be suitable to be entered, stored, streamlined and recaptured in a professional way.
Authorized labor force will be suitable to track cases ’ medical details to be suitable to make better opinion grounded on the case’s medical history.
Backing up of the data and storing it safely down will be possible.
There will be controlled access of the records.
There will also be remote access to the system.
The system will also be in line with the Kenyan Vision 2030 of integrating ICT in our places of work.