Design Of Molten Salt Cooler In Process Plan For Production Of 2-7 X 104 Tonnes/yr Of Phthalic Anhydride By Diret


Design Of Molten Salt Cooler In Process Plan For Production Of 2-7 X 104 Tonnes/yr Of Phthalic Anhydride By Diret




The general approach to any design of a process factory involve an advanced network of Chemical Engineering processes. This outfit design design was carried out to design a molten swab cooler( heat exchanger) for product of2.7 x 104 tonnes/ time capacity of phthalic anhydride by direct conflation of gassy naphthalene.


The information concerning the design of this outfit was gotten from literature review which was also used to gain the physical parcels datas. The material and energy balance computations were also performed and reviewed as shown in excursus A, B, C and D.


Applicable sizing of the outfit( cooler) was also done using the physical parcels data and proper instrumentation and control analysis was also done.


The cost evaluation of the cooler was also done to determine the present cost of the outfit. The cost of estimation was performed to ascertain the profitable viability of the outfit.


Chapter One




Background Of Study


Design is the creation of plan or convention for the construction of an object or outfit to break the mortal process. It’s the process through which the process masterminds or contrivers generates new ideas, and technology that’s able of working the societal problem. It’s conflation, the putting together of ideas to achieve the asked thing/ ideal.


Design is substantially applied for two primary purpose viz labor force expression and product or process development. The labor force expression is the type of design associated with art, it’s divided into concrete and abstract design and it’s frequently a source of beauty and interest. The design for product or process development is when a design serves some useful purpose, similar as the shape of a new product or machine wheel. Design for product or process development involves Aesthetic design, functional design etc.


Factory design includes all engineering aspects involved in the development of either a new, modified or expanded artificial factory. In thisconcerned with profitable evaluation of new process, designing individual price of outfit for the proposed new adventure or developing a factory layout for collaboration of overall operation.


Engineering process design is one of the processes typically associated with the entire business or enterprises, from damage of the order or product idea, to conservation of product at colorful stages of product cycle. An Engineering Design involves both the process and product.


In this design report, the focus was to design a molten swab cooler for the product of2.7 x 104 of phthalic an hydride produced in the process factory by direct oxidation of gassy naphthalene.


Aim And Objective


The end of this design is to design a molten swab cooler that will cool2.7 x 104 tonnes/ time of phthalic anhydride produced by


The end is also to develop a good material and energy balance for a given process.


Compass And Limitations


The compass and limitation of this design include


1. Sourcing the data, information from literature relating to the design content.


2. Performing the energy balance equation


3. Applicable sizing of the heat exchanger( molten swab cooler)


4. Evaluation of cost analysis of the outfit


5. Preparation of proper instrumentation and control.


Statement Of Problem


For proper design of any outfit that can serve better for the product and analysis of a given product, there must be rules and regulation counterplotted out to insure that there’s safety of life during the process.


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