School Factors And Achievement Motivation Of Social Studies Students In Public Secondary Schools

School Factors And Achievement Motivation Of Social Studies Students In Public Secondary Schools 



1.1       Background of the Study

Qualitative education remains the fulcrum for global development and freedom. Efforts have been made worldwide to formulate policies that can enhance qualitative education right from elementary school to tertiary education. Continuous and effective monitoring must therefore be established to check all factors that may frustrate this global pursuit. Many of the benefits of schooling occur in part because students learn some new knowledge or skills that enhance their ability to communicate, solve problems, and make decisions. The school is therefore very crucial in personal and societal development.  Krueger (2019) defined school factor as physical, social and environmental components that make up a given educational institution. School factor includes administrative, infrastructural, social and cultural features of a school. Many of the benefits of schooling occur in part because students learn some new knowledge and skills that enhance their ability to communicate solve problems and make decisions at various levels and speed.

Achievement motivation of students especially at the secondary school level is not only a pointer to the effectiveness or otherwise of schools but a major determinant of the future of youths in particular and the nation in general. The medium through which the attainment of individuals and the nation’s educational goals can be achieved is learning. Learning outcomes have become a phenomenon of interest to all and this account for the reason why scholars have been working hard to unravel factors that militate against good academic performance (Christiansen2012). This phenomenon has been variedly referred to in literature as academic achievement, or scholastic functioning. Uzuegbu and Ibiyemi(2016) maintained that academic achievement of learners has attracted attention of scholars, parents, policy –makers and planners.

In developing countries like Nigeria, secondary school is seen as the gateway to providing not only an educated citizenry but also a middle level workforce. The broad goal of secondary education is to prepare the individual for useful living in the society and for higher education. Specifically, the secondary school system is geared towards catering for the differences in talents, opportunities and future roles, to provide technical knowledge and vocational skills necessary for agricultural, industrial, commercial and economic development (FRN, 2013). Secondary school should be able to provide quality teaching and learning. It therefore means that quality secondary education is indispensable in creating a bright future for individuals and nations alike.

In the secondary school system, the principals are important stakeholders that run the daily affairs of the school. The principals as school managers need to have an effective leadership style so as to acquaint them with the challenges of disciplining learners (Omemu, 2017). These styles can play a major role in the implementation of discipline. Learners seem to be habitual late comers to school; this is contrary to the school rules and regulations. They leave school premises without permission; do not bring their books to school; refuse to do their homework; reject any kind of authority and resist any disciplinary measures taken against them. Hofschire (2012) opined that lack of discipline and respect among students cause a severe barrier to effective teaching and learning in the classroom. Discipline has been underestimated by over actualizing freedom and rights, an understatement of responsibilities and obligations and marginalization of the authority of the school Principal.

School factors means facilities (including equipment and consumables, use/supply of heat, light or power) of the school. School factors are the important determinants of student achievement motivation; however, be proved to be the vital determinant of measuring academic achievement motivation of students at secondary stage of school provided that factors which are directly or indirectly related to academic achievement of students are controlled. The important points about the school factors are the provision and the availability, and the use of school factors. Policy regarding the provision and availability of school factors is decided carefully considering all factors affecting the educational process (Oosterlynck, 2011). It was clarified that if school factors are not used efficiently and appropriately then, connection between school factors and their subsequent impact upon academic achievement of students lost its meaning and utility. The scenario remains opaque and bleak. School factors according to this study are laboratory facilities, library facilities, sport facilities, Teaching aids, as well as school facilities.

Discipline refers to educating someone to acquire desired behaviour for both remediation and prevention purposes (Henly,2010). It is a learning process and entails a willingness to put forth all the effort that is required to achieve a chosen objective. Discipline is a system of guiding the individual to make reasonable decisions. The quality of discipline in schools is an important factor in determining the intellectual outcome of students and schools. School discipline has to do with guidance and instruction to teach and enhance a social order where rights and responsibilities are balanced. Discipline is about positive behaviour change. Henly (2010) observed that when educators discipline learners, they are making disciples or disciplined persons. In this sense, discipline is regarded as training that develops self-control. Discipline must always be prospective and directed at the development of the students for the future. Discipline is the action by management to enforce organizational standards. In an educational organization, there are many set standards or codes of behaviour to which learners must adhere or uphold in order to successfully achieve the objectives of the school. Any serious learner misconduct involving violent or criminal behaviour defeats achievement of educational goals. However, apart from the fact that effective discipline helps in the achievement of educational goals, expectation and responsibility in students. The implementation of effective discipline at school is a key for the student in the journey to adulthood just like the school factors.

Many factors have been mentioned as being responsible for falling quality of education. One of such factors is class size. Over-crowded class size could be the main factor responsible for falling standard of education, most especially in the elementary or secondary level of education in Nigeria, however others see this as mere coincidence seeing other factors as being responsible. Class size is an important factor in school learning. The effect of class- size on cognitive achievement has been debated and researched for many years, this has been inconclusive.

Academic libraries are libraries attached to the higher institution of learning such as secondary schools to support the teaching and learning activities by providing adequate factors to fulfill the objectives of the library. In this regard, the librarians in academic libraries are tasked with the responsibilities of seeking and having access to a reservoir of information which should be made accessible to the users in return in order to promote the various activities of the school (Owoeye, and Yara, 2019). Services provided by the libraries include collecting and providing access to printed and non-printed materials such as books, journals, CDs and all other forms of recorded information which should be accessible to the users. Library facilities are those facilities required to be acquired by the library for effectiveness of library services. The availability of these facilities could have a strong impact on knowledge sharing among staff since it will add value to their service delivery.

The teacher-student relationship as a tool of achievement motivation shows all the socially and psychological factors surrounding the school and affecting the child’s willingness towards learning. Learning climates where the child feels tensed and insecure will hinder optimal achievement in learning. Serene and learning friendly teacher-student relationship will trigger not only the student’s achievement motivation but boost her entire learning experience (Rich, 2013).

Availability of resource facilities like library and laboratory in a school also motivate students’ achievement. The library helps the students to read extensively due to availability of large range of literatures for consultation, and various books by different authors helps the learners compare and select the best suitable. It is based on this background that the researcher investigated the influence of school factor on achievement motivation on social studies students in secondary schools.


1.2       Statement of the Problem

In an attempt to put sound education on ground worldwide, many factors have been   responsible for falling standard of education where it is perceived and established. Among such factors is the issue of School discipline, classsize, library facilities, and teacher-student relationship.

Class congestion and low utilization rate of class are common features of today’s public secondary schools in Nigeria. They have negative impact on secondary school teachers’ productivity, student learning outcome and thus secondary school student academic performance. In particular, poor scholastic achievement can influence the reputation of a school because academic success is associated with the quality of the school.

The relationships that are developed in the school setting are some of the most influential aspects in the development of personal character. How we function in society as individual citizens is related to the quality of the relationships that we have developed with our peers and teachers. Basically, student-teacher relationships have an impact on individuals’ success inside and outside of school. Students who have had positive, caring relationships with their teachers tend to be more successful academically (Niebur and Neibur, 1999). As a result of these relationships, most students are better equipped to be successful even outside the school. The major problem that triggered this study is the alarming rate of failure and poor motivation towards achievement in public secondary schools. In view of the points above, this study focuses on investigating the influence of school factor on achievement motivation of social studies students in public secondary schools in Uyo L.G.A Akwa Ibom state, Nigeria.


1.3       Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of the study is to investigate the influence of school factors on achievement motivation of social studies students in public secondary schools in Uyo Local Government Area.

The specific objectives are to examine:

  1. The influence of school discipline on students’ achievement motivation in the study of social studies.
  2. The influence of class size on students’ achievement motivation in the study of social studies.
  3. The influence of library facilities on students’ achievement motivation in the study of social studies.
  4. The influence of teacher-student relationship on students’ achievement motivation in the study of social studies.

1.4       Significance of the Study

This study would be highly important to the government at all levels, the parents, educational planners, decision and policy makers as well as other stakeholders in education.

However, this study would help the public schools to know and ascertain the influence of school factors on the students’ achievement motivation, thereby making Ministry of Education to develop appropriate strategies in solving the problems of poor school discipline, overcrowded or large class sizes, library facilities and teacher-student relationship in the school and as well enhance the students’ academic performance.

Furthermore, the study may provide an insight understanding for the schools to know the effect of Class size on the students’ academic achievement, thereby making the school Principals to develop appropriate measures towards improving the school environment for the students in the schools.

Through this study, the students as well as the teachers may be able to know the effect of school discipline, class size, library facilities and favourable teacher-student relationship on the student’s achievement motivation in social studies. School factors as relates towards students’ achievement motivation, will enable the government and the general public to be aware of the effects of these factors and work towards better improvement.

More importantly, the findings in this study may also contribute to existing literatures and serve as a source of reference for other researchers who may want to conduct the same or similar study in other subjects and other parts of the country.


1.5       Research Questions                                            

For the purpose of this research work the following research questions were formulated;

  1. To what extent does school discipline influence achievement motivation of social studies students?
  2. To what extent does class size influence achievement motivation of social studies students?
  3. To what extent does library facilities influence achievement motivation of social studies students?
  4. To what extent does teacher-student relationship influence achievement motivation of social studies students?


1.6       Research Hypotheses             

The following null hypotheses (H0) were formulated for testing:

(H01): School discipline has no significant influence on achievement motivation of social studies students in public secondary schools.

(H02): Class size has no significant influence on achievement motivation of social studies students in public secondary schools.

(H03): Library facilities have no significant influence on achievement motivation of social

studies students in public secondary schools.

(H04): Teacher-student relationship has no significant influence on achievement motivation of social studies students in public secondary schools.


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