1.1 Background of the study

In today’s society, one of the most crucial roles of education is to support students in making different career decisions, including subject choices that are in line with their unique interests, aptitudes, personalities, etc. A career is a time-, energy-, and activity-expressed activity, profession, or occupation that makes up a way of life (Oladele, 2002). It simply refers to a line of work or way of life that a person feels particularly qualified for.

It is a well-known fact that choosing a secondary school subject can be difficult for most young students. The third stage of the current 6-3-3-4 educational system is senior secondary education (SSS). This educational system was created by

The National Policy on Education exposes students to as many academic fields as possible in junior secondary school (J.S.S.) before giving them the freedom to select their own courses in senior secondary school (SSS).

For the students, choosing from such a wide range of options becomes an impossible task. It is one of the many crucial decisions that students will have to make in order to determine their future plans, and this choice will have an effect on them for the rest of their lives. The decision affects how satisfied a person expects to be at work and what opportunities he has for advancement. The kind of work a person does affects their social status, income, way of life, friends they choose to hang out with, and their mental and physical health. Alternatively, a person’s career

Throughout his entire life, preference or choice has been significant. Researchers have noted that the majority of students lack sufficient knowledge about various careers, academic programs, and extracurricular activities. As a result, they are unable to determine whether their decisions are rational. Without thorough and sufficient information about careers, many students enter the workforce blindly and later become dissatisfied and unhappy, possibly at a time when it would be difficult or impossible to retreat (Omeje, 2007).

Okeke (2000) asserts that parents and guardians have a significant influence on their children in terms of career and subject choice, and that students’ choices of technical subjects were greatly influenced by their parents’ characteristics. The vital responsibility of preparing children for

education. Mabunda (2002) asserted that parents have a greater impact on their children’s development and future career decisions in their task of career guidance. On the other hand, parents may feel compelled to force their teenagers to choose a career that will please them. Thus, this study’s aim is to investigate the impact of parents on adolescents’ career choices.

1.2 A description of the issue

In the senior secondary school, teenagers are expected to decide on their careers. They frequently turn to their parents for advice on what to study and what to do for a living. In other instances, they turn to jobs they’d heard of even though they don’t have the potential for them. Parents The responsibility of teaching, directing, and guiding their children or wards to develop religious, psychological, social, moral, and educational values is left to guardians by virtue of their authority. Here, there is a gap: How feasible would this directive be if the students were forced by their parents to enroll in classes that would steer their interests in the direction of their own aspirations, rather than their own. Do parents today sufficiently consider their children’s or wards’ aptitudes, mental capabilities, interests, resources, and limitations before making suggestive impressions on them? If the child can adapt to it, this parental impression may have a positive impact on the child, but when such a

Every child prioritizes different aspirations or objectives. Some parents use this directive to sway their kids’ secondary school subject selection. If their choice of subject does not align with their personal interests, some parents or guardians threaten to withdraw from their children’s or wards’ educational pursuits. As a result, this may have a positive or negative impact on those students. Therefore, it is against this background that this study seeks to investigate the impact of parents on their children’s career choices.

1.3 Purpose of the investigation

This study’s main objective is to investigate how parents’ influences affect their children’s career decisions. In particular, the study aims to:

1. To determine how much parental occupational preference affects secondary students’ subject choices


2. To ascertain the degree to which parental values affect secondary school students’ subject choices.

3. To ascertain how parental education affects secondary school students’ choices.

4. To ascertain the degree to which parental influence on subject choice predicts secondary school students’ academic performance.

1.4.1 Research issues

1. How much does parental occupational preference affect secondary school students’ subject choices?

2. How much do parental values affect secondary school students’ choice of subjects?

3. What impact does parental education have on secondary school students’ choices?

4. What degree does parental subject selection influence predict secondary school students’ academic performance?

1.5 Importance of the research

Parents, teachers, and students will all benefit from the study’s findings. guidance counselors and the government. Students will find this study particularly useful in selecting a life career in an appropriate manner. It will raise awareness of ancillary benefits and opportunities for growth/improvement that teenagers need to make wise and practical career decisions. The results of this study will assist teachers in developing class projects that require students to research a chosen profession and apply the course material to that profession. The teachers will then be able to arrange and classify the students according to their preferences for academic subjects and occupational groups. Compared to multiple interest groups, this will offer better orientation, encourage learning and growth, and improve career decision-making. Furthermore, parents will greatly benefit from the study’s findings. Parents will benefit from its guidance and advice on issues relating to

to their wards’ and children’s career choices. The study will be used as a resource by researchers and students who wish to carry out additional research in a related field of study.

1.6 Study’s purview

The study’s focus is on how parents can influence their children’s career decisions. However, the study is restricted to the state of Anambra.

1.7 Study’s limitations

The following elements are suggested to be a limitation of this research.

Financial restrictions: Financial restrictions frequently make it more difficult for researchers to collect data and locate relevant books, articles, or other sources of information (internet, questionnaire, and interview).

Time restraint: The researcher will conduct this study along with other academic work at the same time. The result is

the time spent on research is cut down.

1.8 Term definition

Career Choice: Choosing a career is based on a variety of factors, including parental guidance, vocational guidance, identification with role models, trial or part-time employment, training opportunities, individual interests, and aptitude tests.

Parental Influence is the term used to describe any opinion, attitude, or behavior displayed by a parent toward a child (aside from direct tutoring) that in some way affects the child’s attitudes, behaviors, and inaction.

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