1.1                Background of the study

Concerns about youths’ social behavior in our society have been on the rise. A portion of this worry stems from the influence of parents’ marital status and young people’s social behavior, which has a larger impact on society as a whole. The primary tenet of society is the family unit. The young are successfully assimilated into the adult world during this crucial stage of the socialization process. It is a common belief that a child is not born social or human. His or her true human nature and personality are only acquired through interaction with others in the environment. This claim implies that environment (including the family) and culture give people in a society content and guidance for their personal growth (Allport 1949,

Marray and Kluckhohn, 1949).

Parents, who play a key role in their children’s socialization, must be aware of how their kids develop. This will improve the appropriate parenting techniques to be used with each child and develop solutions for the myriad social issues they face. Because of this, children born to the same parents often have very different personalities and developmental needs. Parents, who are a child’s first teachers, are responsible for educating the child about social norms, accepted values, and cultural practices. The social life of each child is impacted by their failure to apply the most effective techniques. In addition, Onyejiaku (1991) emphasizes the complexity of human socialization. No adolescent enters the world knowing everything that

knowledge of right and wrong, as well as a comprehension of the socially acceptable patterns of behavior. An individual must be socialized over a sustained period of time in order to develop the accepted attitudes, beliefs, values, customs, roles, and expectations of the adult generation.

Before, it was possible to link youth antisocial behavior to parental marital status. Some of these antisocial behaviors that are frequently observed in young people include: tardiness for class and school, dropping out of school, smoking, drug use, drinking, prostitution, cultism, robbery, and others. Most young people engage in these deviant behaviors as a way to escape from their problems in real life. Both parents who cohabit as husband and wife are jointly responsible for raising the children. Where there is typically a lack of

There is frequently less control and supervision of the teenagers’ behavior when one or both parents are absent because of a divorce, death, or natural disaster. On that note, social behavior is the cornerstone of young people’s successful and effective societal participation. The socialization process helps the individual understand his place in the social structure as well as the norms and values of the larger community where he will eventually assume adult responsibilities.

Contrary to popular belief, research shows that the family continues to shape an individual’s personality during adolescence. Pringle (1962) claims that the ability for integration and creativity has its roots in family living. To him, a happy, good family has a lot to offer.

and a united home offers a supportive environment for positive social behavior patterns and academic success. Henscin (1980) notes that studying the family environment is necessary to comprehend young people’s behavior. He contends that the likelihood that a child’s emotional and behavioral issues will worsen depends on how unstable the family and its living arrangements are. It implies that a change in perspective is necessary regarding the rising rate of divorce and separation in families and its detrimental impact on young people’s social behavior if the home and society are to achieve a better and greater tomorrow.

Similarly, a child’s emotional makeup and behavioral style are influenced by the type of home from which he or she hails. and those from separated homes are frequently worse off than those from intact homes. The results include low self-esteem, withdrawal syndrome, inferiority complex, truancy, lawlessness, criminal tendencies, and a propensity for lying extensively in defense. According to Okwubunka (1988), youths from separated homes lack confidence in their social skills, which is a sign of an underlying social anxiety. As a result, these children develop into anxious, neurotic bullies, cheaters, and liars as adults. The adult’s carefree, disordered, indisciplined lifestyle has overflowed and infected the young person. These carefree attitudes frequently lead to separated or divorced couples, which have a negative impact on young people’s social behavior. Consequently, it is the important order of the adult’s

Life can have a positive or negative impact on how adolescents form their identities during this time through their way of living, their sex, how they dress, how they use drugs, and other behaviors.

1.2 Description of the research problem

The parental marital status may have a bearing on the antisocial behaviors seen in young people. Adolescents frequently engage in antisocial behavior, such as skipping school and classes, dropping out of school, smoking, abusing drugs, getting wasted, engaging in prostitution or other illegal activities, joining cults, and robbing people. Most young people engage in these deviant behaviors as a way to escape from their problems in real life. Both parents who cohabit as husband and wife are jointly responsible for raising the children. In most homes where one or both parents are absent due to a divorce, a death, or a natural disaster,

disaster, there is frequently less control and oversight of the behavior of the teenagers. In this study, we’ll talk about all of these things and more.

1.3 Study’s objectives

The following are the main goals of this investigation:

determining how a parent’s marital status affects a child’s behavior

to determine if there is a connection between a child’s behavior and their parents’ marital status.

to offer a remedy for some of the social vices that young people commit

1.4 Hypothesis for the study

HO: Parental marital status has no bearing on a child’s behavior.

HO: There is no connection between a child’s behavior and a parent’s marital status.

1.5 The study’s significance

The parental status and its impact on undergraduate social behavior will be emphasized in this study.

The results of this study will undoubtedly give government agencies, non-governmental organizations, people, and academia the information they need.

1.6 Study’s purview

Examining how parental status affects undergraduate social behavior is the goal of this study. As a result, this study will only focus on students and faculty at the university of Lagos (UNILAG), which is located in the state of Lagos.

1.7 Studies limitations

The following are some of the factors that limited this study:

Given the current state of the economy, financial restrictions are unavoidable. due to a lack of funding available to the researchers to purchase materials and print questionnaires. Some of the police stations and some of the victims could not be visited.

that is corrupt.

The issue of inadequate data exists in developing nations like Nigeria.

Time is a factor that also poses limitations because the researcher must juggle writing the research and doing other academic work, which is uncomfortable.

1.8 Term operational definitions

pertaining to a person’s parent or parents: parental.

One’s situation in terms of whether they are single, married, separated, divorced, or widowed is referred to as their marital status.

A university student who is enrolled in their first year of undergrad studies.

Social behavior is any behavior between two or more members of the same species in which one member has an impact on the other.



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