chapter One


1.1 Research background

There is a so-called reading culture. This refers to conscious reading habits in communities of people. Many factors are involved in achieving this reading culture. One of them is reading enough content in popular media.

Before the 2000s, newspapers and books were popular reading mediums, and everyone looked exclusively to newspapers for new articles to be associated with academics and elites.

However, advances in information technology and other means of information transmission and information systems have so far diminished the dominance of the print media, and moreover, know-how and use of information technology is becoming very important, especially among young people. Easy to use. They are versatile and aim to simplify life in every way imaginable.The print media doesn’t seem to stand a chance with an image like this.

1.2 Problem Description

The challenge of a particular way of doing something or tackling a problem is only highlighted when an easier way is discovered. With innovations in journalism incorporating websites and social media platforms to disseminate new information, young people’s attention has shifted from print media to soft print via telephones and computers. In fact, most newspapers today not only have websites to publish their news alongside their print media, but also use blogs and social media sites. This has had a major impact on Millennials’ attitudes towards seemingly boring print media. This is the subject of current research work. That is, to examine the determinants and challenges of reading print newspapers as a case study with young people from Asaba Normal School in Delta State.

1.3 Research question

1.3.1 What are the disadvantages of printed newspapers?

1.3.2 What options do I have other than a print version of the newspaper?

1.3.3 What are the advantages of this different option compared to the printed version?

1.3.4 What are the advantages of a printed version over other options to avoid becoming completely obsolete? 1.4 Purpose of the survey

One of the objectives of this study was to identify the different challenges young people face when reading printed newspapers, and to make a complete reversal from newspaper culture to soft copy and less journalism forms of newsmaking. to identify the factors that explain The process that led to the paradigm shift from the print media format of news articles to the present, determined by information technology systems.

1.5 Validity of research

The purpose of this study is to clarify the determinants and challenges in reading newspaper print. The findings will help newspapers better adapt to millennials’ changing terrain, preferences and reading habits, enabling them to survive in an era when reading newspaper print is relatively cumbersome and costly.

1.6 Research hypothesis

The hypothesis guiding the current study is that young people today are less likely to read their news in print newspapers.

1.7 Scope of investigation

This study focuses their research on Delta youth. Specifically, young people from Asaba Federal University of Education. A comparison between youth-friendly information technology and newspapers in decline focuses on the use of soft new reports on websites, blogs, and social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Start scrolling down the timeline

1.8 Limitations of the study

A major limiting factor for this research work is the time factor, which has prevented researchers from fully addressing the research problem.

1.9 Definition of terms

print media

These are media used by news outlets to distribute news material, using paper-based print as opposed to the soft online media millennials prefer over the former.


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