
The purpose of this study is to determine the role of mass media in campaigning against HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. Factors such as media campaigns, AIDS campaign messages, sexual behavior, and the extent to which the campaigns make up the masses were used to determine the relative impact of HIV/AIDS on the population as a whole.

A well-conducted empirical study of the 82nd Division Barracks, the Federal Secretariat Complex and the Media Student IMT. Enugu HND final. Data were analyzed to determine the impact of mass media campaigns against AIDS. Findings show that media campaigns are the fastest way to eradicate the AIDS threat and rebuild public attitudes through sticky condom use and avoidance of casual sex.

table of contents

chapter One


1.1 Research background

1.2 Problem definition

1.3 Purpose of the survey

1.4 Importance of research

1.5 Research question

1.6 Research hypothesis

1.7 Definition of terms

1.8 Acceptance of Terms

1.9 Acceptance

1.10 Research scope and limitations

Chapter 2

literature review

2.1 Review

2.2 Media campaigns against AIDS

2.3 Assessment of media impact

2.4 Summary of Literature Review

Chapter 3

research method

3.1 Survey method




For broadcast media campaign on any issue to interest the public, it must not be regarded as fallacious or unsystematically prepared but rater involving message on existing public interest to the people based on experiences, facts, beliefs, socio- economic and educational backgrounds.

Against this background the federal government in conjunction with other countries of the world through the World Health Organization (WHO) decided to embark on massive campaigns against AIDS pandemic in the country.

The broadcast media, as part of its effort to eradicate this deadly scourge which has defied the federal government through the ministry of Health in 1986 established the National AIDS control Programmes in response to public concerns raised the presence of Human Immune Deficiency syndrome Virus (HIV) infestation in Nigeria.

Again, in response to the evidence and the debate on the existence if AIDS in Nigeria the then minister of Health, Profession Olukoye Ranson Kuti in 1987, instituted the National expert Advisory committee on AIDS (NEACA) and was charged with the responsibility of establishing whether or not AIDS exist in Nigeria . they were also mandated to advise the government as well as draw up programmes strategies and activities to prevent control of HIV infection in the country. The commission’s report warned that “HID and AIDS exist in Nigeria and that unless urgent steps are taken to prevent the spread of the disease, the country will face enormous health problems.” includes the AIDS Coordinating Unit and 21 (21) testing facilities in various states. Training was conducted to staff these centers. In addition, educational activities such as posters, leaflets, pamphlets, and books on AIDS are being created.

In February 1989, the Federal Ministry of Health and other welfare organizations, including state ministries of health, held a two-week workshop with technical assistance from the Global AIDS Program (GPA), the World Bank, and other international organizations. did. To address the AIDS problem in Nigeria. A Resource Mobilization Conference was convened in March 1990 and attended by the Federal Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization, the World Program on AIDS and other international organizations. Also in March, the National AIDS Coordinating Force hosted the 1st Pan-Nigerian Conference on AIDS, where then-Vice President Admiral Augustus Ikom (rtd) addressed HIV infection and AIDS for health workers. published the first edition of a handbook on All these efforts were aimed at finding possible solutions to the curse of fighting AIDS in Nigeria and ensuring a healthier environment for the people.

Claims have been made that Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is simply a fallacy and government propaganda to discourage people from enjoying sexual relationships. Some ridiculous names have the acronym AIDS.

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) began broadcasting to its territory in 1930. In 1932 Nigeria began receiving her BBC, and Lagos received these messages and relayed them to households through retransmission units located in the colony’s major cities.

In late 1959, Nigeria became the first African country to operate and own a television station called West Nigeria Television (WNT), followed by a national broadcaster east of the central government. On October 1, 1960, the Old Eastern Region broadcast its own radio and television signals in line with Nigeria’s independence.

In 1962, the governors of the northern regions launched their own broadcasting systems. This was the most successful commercial advertising and awareness program coverage of the three. To achieve this, a base television station was opened near Lagos so that residents could also switch to regionalizing their broadcast media. More than national consciousness and integration, they have been used as powerful political tools for regional integration and fostering regional consciousness. The politicians who established it made great use of it for partial politics.

Radio is the most effective information medium at the grassroots level in Nigeria. The effectiveness of this medium was further enhanced by the decentralization of the organization. The only radio network in the country today is the Federal Broadcasting Corporation of Nigeria, the Federal Broadcasting Corporation of Nigeria since 1951. It has historically begun regionalizing, or even localizing, most of its radio programming to all parts of the country, requiring the network to search only for important domestic programming.Radio Television Kaduna (RTK), West Other region-based radio stations such as the Nigerian Broadcasting Service (WNBS), later known as the Anambra Broadcasting Service, Eastern Nigerian Broadcasting Service, were equally effective in meeting the needs of the region or region where they were established. Fulfill .

The country’s radio boom was during the Civil War. At that time, the radio was a necessity, not a luxury. This era developed in the minds of ordinary Nigerians, in their awareness of their society, their national ideas, goals and ways of doing things. In those days, even pastors tending livestock were thought to carry radios over their shoulders. Crowds crouched here and there, listening to the latest developments in state persecution. Television’s origins can be traced back to 1884 when German scientist Paul Niplow designed his disc scanning that paved the way for television, and more specifically in 1923 he patented V.K. Got. The first television in Africa was the West Nigeria Television of Ibadan (WNTV), which began broadcasting on October 31, 1959. In 1973, all Nigerian broadcasters grouped all African matches under his one name. Nigerian Broadcasting Organization (BON). This spawned the idea that later led to the establishment of the Nigerian Television Station

Today, owning a television in Nigeria is considered a status symbol or a luxury. TV is the most appropriate channel.

1.4 Importance of research

AIDS has been found to be spreading rapidly in many parts of the country, with statistics showing that the number of infected people is increasing every day. It is very important to make the general public aware of the risks associated with curing infected people.

In addition, it is necessary to show the degree of high rate especially in infants (beginners) and measures for future generations.

A broad public, policy makers, media practitioners, students and government officials are therefore expected to benefit from this research.

1.5 Research question

These following questions form the basis of the study. 1. Do media campaigns influence general public attitudes towards sexual behavior?

2. How did the AIDS campaign message help alert the public to the imminent danger of AIDS?

3. How has the public perceived since the campaign against AIDS began?

4. What can be done to cure the public’s casual attitude towards the campaign against AIDS?

1.6 Research hypothesis

Mass media campaigns on AIDS have changed sexual behavior across the masses.

H1 :
Mass media campaigns about AIDS have not changed public sexual behavior. H0:
The information efficiency of broadcast media tends to reduce the spread of AIDS throughout the population.

Information availability in the media does not tend to reduce the spread of AIDS among the general public.

The H0 AIDS campaign is helping to scare the public out of causality.

H1 AIDS message campaigns are unlikely to deter the general public from casual sex.

1.7 Definition of terms

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AIDS is an infectious disease transmitted by a virus. It is called a syndrome because it consists of multiple signs and symptoms. HIV:
Human Immunity Virus, HIV is a retrovirus, a group of viruses HIV is a retrovirus, a group of viruses that are still largely unknown. HIV is internationally accepted. Viruses destroy genetic material and the damage is permanent.

Mass medium:
– Refers to major mass communication channels. Radio, television, newspapers, magazines, films, books, telecommunications, media training, advertising, public relations, and news can reach massively dispersed and heterogeneous societies. The mass media informs and educates the public on the basis of the belief that truth and rational judgment arise from confrontation with many voices on public issues.

Campaign :
It is an organized series of operations to defend the same cause or goal.

Achieving a specific goal is a specific task or function of an actor, agency, or organization.

tv set :
– Seeing distant objects and events through electrical transmission. It serves as an important force for enriching education. Televisions combine audio and sound to create a fashion package, thus attracting a wider audience

惻Broadcasting materials for public reception by radio and television. The International Telecommunications Union (ITV) defines broadcast as a radiocommunication service whose transmission is intended for direct reception by the general public.

8 Consent:
-The role of mass media in the campaign against HIV/AIDS in Nigeria The broadcast media is considered to play a key role in the fight against HIV in Nigeria. Consider the agenda-setting theory of mass media, which states that the media not only informs us, but also influences us as important knowledge.

1.9 Scope and Limitations of Investigation:
– The scope of this study is limited to how the media treats health issues. It is also limited to investigating broadcast media campaigns against HIV/AIDS. This range is based on time and financial constraints.


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