The goal of this research was to see how developing employee engagement in the Nigerian Ports Authority affected business performance. The study used a census descriptive approach with a target population of Nigerian ports authority personnel.

Based on the findings of the study, the Nigerian Ports Authority has committed to ensuring employee engagement by involving all employees in the strategy creation process at all levels. According to the findings of the study, the Nigerian ports authority has guaranteed that what employees do on a daily basis is clearly linked to the organization’s strategy and overall aim.

There is a link between employee engagement and performance, according to the findings.




Employee engagement, according to Cook (2008), is more of a psychological than a physical contract. Employee engagement is described as employees’ willingness to go above and beyond, to believe in the organization and what it stands for in order to help it thrive. Workers who are engaged are absorbed with, enthusiastic about, and dedicated to their jobs. According to Lazonick (2014), organizations around the world are unable to match their profits, productivity, and employee engagement in the workplace. As a result, some of these multinational corporations’ leaders aim to align their organizations’ strategy with their talent strategies. The organization, according to Lazonick (2014), is a group of individuals as well as the opportunities and problems that come with running a business. It mostly addresses difficulties involving individuals that develop within the organization. According to Schwartz (2011), possessions generating exists inside a group of people that work for a specific organization, and it encompasses all aspects of their information competence and intellectual properties. It involves the workforce’s abilities, knowledge, and effort, as well as their ability to do tasks. As a result, it’s critical to highlight that a firm recruits human resources who are eager to work. Mann and Harter (2016) found that by connecting workers, allowing them to participate in decision-making, making the workplace more self-governing, and empowering workers, certain goals, such as attitudes and efficiency, can be achieved. Employee engagement, according to Kariuki & Makori (2015), is defined by workers’ favorable attitudes toward their occupations, as well as the motivation and effort they put into their jobs. They concluded that employee engagement leads to more enthusiastic employees, who perform better. According to Deloitte Consulting (2014), a study on employee engagement and retention was done in Africa. 85 percent of respondents said this was an urgent subject that needed to be addressed, while 29 percent said they were just not prepared to cope with the problem. Employee engagement was ranked as the second most significant challenge for South Africa by 63 percent of respondents. Companies must conduct market research in their location as well as their sector to ensure that their overall incentives package (salaries and benefits) is in line with their talent strategy in order to recruit the best personnel. In light of this, we’d like to investigate the relationship between employee engagement and corporate performance.


Employee engagement is a burning topic in today’s business environment that both business owners and academic scholars are focusing on. Any organization must play a crucial role in creating an atmosphere that maximizes the potential of individual employees. Managers will be unable to design effective organizational strategies unless they comprehend this. According to Juan (2010), many organizations do not properly manage employee engagement, and as a result, enterprises lose between 5% and 15% of sales income due to a lack of attention to employee engagement. As a result, formal employee engagement management systems appear to be crucial tools for firms’ performance and growth.  Every company wants to achieve a competitive advantage, and employee engagement is the most effective way to do it. Employee engagement is widely regarded as the most significant indicator of a company’s vitality and commitment to excellent performance. Most firms currently focus solely on measuring engagement rather than enhancing engagement, and as a result, they frequently fail to make the required changes to engage people and meet their workplace demands. These incorrect techniques obstruct the improvement of engagement, performance, management development, and long-term change.


The goal of this study was to see how growing employee engagement affects organization performance at the Nigerian Ports Authority.

The following are specific goals:

To see if increasing employee involvement in the Nigerian Ports Authority has a favorable impact on the organization’s performance.

To determine the impact of low staff engagement on the performance of the Nigerian Ports Authority.

To see if the Nigerian Ports Authority has any employee engagement practices in place for their employees.



1. Does increasing employee involvement in the Nigerian Ports Authority have a favorable impact on the organization’s performance?

2. How does a lack of employee involvement affect the functioning of the Nigerian Ports Authority?

3. Are there any employee engagement strategies in place at the Nigerian Ports Authority?


Employees of the Nigerian Ports Authority, other governmental bodies, academicians, and researchers will benefit from this study.

Employees of the Nigerian Ports Authority

This research will help employees of the Nigerian Ports Authority to explain potential organizational challenges that develop as a result of low employee engagement and, hopefully, provide a long-term solution to these issues.

Various Governmental Agencies

This researcher will discover how employee engagement can be carefully thought out and monitored, and so these discoveries will be of tremendous use to other firms, as they will assist them in determining their degree of employee engagement and taking appropriate action.

Researchers and academics

Researchers who want to do more research on topics related to employee engagement in Nigerian nonprofit organizations can benefit from the findings. This is because this study highlights the various issues that employees face, as well as the solutions that can be used to increase employee engagement in the workplace.


The study’s focus was limited to the Nigerian Ports Authority. Management, middle level management, and low level management employees were among the respondents who gave relevant information concerning the research problem. This is done to ensure that resources are available and that quality information is maintained.


This chapter introduced the study’s main focus. The chapter also discussed the study’s history and outlined the research challenge as well as the research’s knowledge gap. The research topics that led the study were also discussed in this chapter. This study also established the study’s rationale and scope, which is confined to five Nigerian non-governmental organizations. The importance of the study has also been addressed, as well as definitions of words used in the research. The second chapter summarized previous research on the subject and organized the review around the research questions.


Workers Engagement: Workers engagement is defined as an employee’s strong emotional and intellectual attachment to his or her job, company, management, or coworkers, which motivates him or her to put up extra effort in his or her work (Gibbons, 2006)

Career development is a structured, organized, and well-planned endeavor to strike a balance between individual career goals and corporate workforce demands (Bernardin, 2010).

Competitive advantage refers to a company’s edge over its competitors, and it arises when a company acquires or develops an attribute or set of attributes that allows it to outperform its rivals. It is the value that a business may provide for its consumers that is greater than the expense of doing so (Porter, 2008).

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