Eating Habit As A Determinant Of Academic Performance Among Secondary School Students In Ikenne Local Government Area





The study examined Eating Habit As A Determinant Of Academic Performance Among Secondary School scholars In Ikenne Local Government Area.


More specifically, the study sought to assess the eating habits and academic performance among secondary academy scholars.


The study emphasizes on the problem which sees that utmost scholars in our secondary seminaries moment are unfit to eat healthily due to the time of their classes.


The study comprises of scholars in elderly secondary academy classes two and three( SS2 and SS3), arbitrary slice fashion was use to pick the repliers of these classes and 187 elderly secondary academy scholars were named in Ishanbi Comprehensive High School. The sample size was determined using Solvin( 1960) sample size formula.


180 repliers properly shared in the check. A well- developed questionnaire was designed to evoke information from the repliers


The particulars of dimension will was rated on a 5- point Likert type scale which ranks responses on a scale of explosively agree( 5) to explosively differ( 1).


The data analysis used for the study was carried out in two stages the descriptive and deducible analysis.


Result from the study indicated that the variants of eating habit in terms of breakfast consumption, water consumption, late- night eating and consumption of healthy refections have significant impact on the academic performance of scholars, likewise, it was also set up that gender centrists the influence of eating habit on the academic performance of scholars, it also indicated that late night eating affect the sleeping pattern of scholars.


Also, it was set up that good eating habit promotes scholars ’ physical heartiness and academic performance, and eating healthy diets strengthens scholars ’ intellectual development.


Base on this, the study advised that parents seminaries should ensures that their children scholars take nutritional refections as breakfast before coming to academy, and seminaries should make sure scholars are enlightened and advised to consume a lot of water, at least 1 liter per day to ameliorate scholars attention during tutoring sessions.


Chapter One




Background to the Study


utmost scholars in our secondary seminaries moment are chancing it delicate to concentrate and do well in their studies and because of this, academic achievement becomes a problem. numerous of the academic problems scholars face is fueled by poor nutrition and lack of proper eating habit. Academic performance is measured through nonstop assessments and examinations. Academic performance can be seen as a problem when scholars aren’t suitable to reach the short- term or long- term pretensions in their education. When scholars don’t perform well in academy, it can be seen to be that the scholars didn’t study hard for the examination or test and also can be caused by poor attention in academy, poor memory, poor capability to follow through motifs and also poor collaboration in class.


Academic performance refers to a pupil’s success in meeting their short- term or long- term pretensions in education. It could be a success or failure. Poor academic performance according to Aremu( 2003) is a performance that’s arbitrated by the monitor or tester and significant others as falling below anticipated standard. In secondary seminaries, we face poor academic performance which can be seen as either the fault of the scholars or the schoolteacher or indeed the academy. The main end of going to academy is to be suitable to achieve commodity academically like a university degree, WAEC instrument and so on. thus, if also a pupil isn’t suitable to achieve anything academically during the times in academy, there’s a problem. We’ve linked some of the problem to be the pupil’s lack of attention, poor memory, poor capability to follow up, poor collaboration, the pupil chancing it hard to study, poor exercise, poor nutrition, poor eating habit and so on. The falling position of academic performance is attributable to schoolteacher’snon-use of verbal underpinning strategy( Morakinyo 2003). Lack of installations has an adverse effect on the performance of scholars in the lower endowed academy( Dewees 1999). This shows that seminaries also affect a pupil’s academic performance. The experimenter would substantially be fastening on the eating habit of scholars.


Eating habits can be seen as the way a person eats, considered in terms of what types of food are eaten, in what volume and when( Collins English wordbook 2016). We thus can say that poor eating habit can be seen as the ways people eat, the food they eat, and when they eat which affects their health negatively. Eating habits are determined by some factors similar as individual preference, artistic influence, social influence, religious influence, profitable influence, environmental influence and indeed political influence( diet 2016). There are some poor eating habits endured by scholars nearly daily. They include skipping breakfast, late night eating, drinking little water, eating large volume of food and eating during conditioning. For skipping of breakfast, studies show that skipping breakfast detracts from educational achievement( Clarke University, 2006). Late night eating is when scholars eat late at night because they’re empty or had a really long stressful day. scholars drink little or no water. Water is good for the body but scholars tend to drink little or no water but rather take a lot of soda pop or soft drink or any liquid with a lot of sugar. It’s advised that scholars carry a water bottle along to class( Clarke University, 2006). Eating large volume of food is the fact that scholars eat large amounts of food when they’re empty or because the food is really good and they don’t like the coming mess so they stuff themselves so that they can skip the coming mess by saying they aren’t empty. When it comes to eating during conditioning, scholars like to eat during classes, autumn and night reading time, when they’re doing their assignment in their free time and when they’re reading. They also eat when they’re emotional or stressed-out. scholars that are well fed and have proper aliment are ready to learn.


Breakfast is the most important mess of the day. It makes us active for the workload ahead of us. Eating breakfast gives us the energy and makes us active. thus, when scholars skip their breakfast because they’re running late for class simply means that the scholars would not be active the whole day in class. It would lead to sleeping in class and not sharing at all. For late night eating, scholars tend to eat late at night before going to bed because they had a long stressful day with class, sports, and different conditioning. They come tired and empty making them eat. This affects their resting. Eating too close to bedtime will give sleeping difficulty since your body will be busy digesting food. When scholars don’t sleep well, the coming day the scholars would be so tired to share in class, rather, the scholars would want to sleep making the scholars unfit to concentrate in class. This affects their academic performance. When it comes to drinking water, scholars prefer soda pop or any sticky drink to just drinking water and it has been seen that water has numerous positive goods on the body. Water in fact helps the body in so numerous ways like it boost the brain, it helps overcome fatigue especially in class, it flushes the order leading to lower stomach pang also, water prevents pains in the muscles and joints( Schwecherl 2014). With all these that water performs, when scholars drink a lot of water and lower of sticky liquid the scholars would not witness anything that would keep them out of class making him or her perform better academically. For eating large volume of food, scholars eat large amounts of food to help them through the coming exertion or to help eating the coming mess. This is a poor eating habit for scholars because too important food makes the pupil tired and unfit to achieve what was meant to be achieved. When scholars are tired, the scholars are unfit to share in class and thereby achieving veritably little academically. Also, for eating during conditioning, scholars face a lot of conditioning a day and the only way to survive is to eat their way through those conditioning. They intimately eat during class, during their free time, during their reading time, indeed during sports time. redundant eating affects the attention of the scholars in those conditioning.


Due to the below, this study is set out to look into eating habit as a determinant of academic achievement amongst secondary academy scholars in Ikenne Local Government Area.


Statement of the Problem


utmost scholars in our secondary seminaries moment are unfit to eat healthily due to the time of their classes. There’s no time to prepare a nutritional mess so they end up taking any form of food they see be it snacks or adipose food to be suitable to keep them going through the day.


Due to this fact, they occasionally see the schoolteacher as boring but unknown to them when they get tired or wearied, it’s likely that the food which they’ve eaten is making them tired, losing interest in the assignment and this negatively affects their academic achievement.


Hence, the study sets out to identify the extent to which their nutrition and eating habit will affect their academic achievement.


Ideal Of The Study


The objects of this study are to examine eating habit affects academic performance amongst secondary academy scholars in Ikenne Local Government Area. It specifically aims to


Examine the influence of eating habit on the academic performance of secondary academy scholars in Ikenne Local Government Area.

Examine if gender will moderate the influence of eating habit on academic performance of secondary academy scholars in Ikenne Local Government Area.

Exploration Questions


Will eating habit significantly impact the academic performance of secondary academy scholars in Ikenne Local Government Area?

Will gender significantly moderate the influence of eating habit on the academic performance of secondary academy scholars in Ikenne Local Government Area?

Exploration Thesis


The exploration would be grounded on the following thesis


Eating habit won’t significantly impact the academic performance of secondary academy scholars in Ikenne Local Government Area.

Gender won’t significantly moderate the influence of eating habit on the academic performance of secondary academy scholars in Ikenne Local Government Area.

compass of the Study


This exploration work which is concentrated on the influence of eating habit on academic performance amongst secondary academy scholars in Ikenne Local Government Area, Ogun state will cover SS2 and SS3 scholars in named secondary seminaries in Ikenne Local Government Area, Ogun state


Significance of the Study

The focus of this study is centered on the influence of eating habit of secondary academy scholars in Ikenne Local Government Area. The core ideal is to examine how eating habit affects the academic performance of secondary academy scholars in Ikenne Local Government Area. This study is important as it would punctuate the applicability and part of eating habit on scholars in secondary seminaries.


scholars will profit from this study as it would serve as a means of enlightenment to them on the pivotal applicability of their eating habit to their academic performance in their studies and also make them understand that what they eat affects them to as when they study.


preceptors will find this exploration helpful in order for them to understand that scholars ’ academic performance aren’t only grounded the way they study, when they study and how numerous times they attend class but also on what they eat and the way they eat.


Parents will also find this exploration helpful in order for them to get the idea that though their children study hard, they may not be suitable to perform better because of the type of food they eat, when they eat and the way they eat. The study will also recommend proper eating habits for parents to borrow in order to give their children with healthy eating habits.


Secondary seminaries will also profit from this exploration because they would be suitable to give the scholars with healthier refections both in the cafeteria and in the small shops that food is vended.


functional description of Terms


In the course of this study, the following variables are operationally defined to serve as a companion in understanding them


Eating Habit this can be seen as the way a person eats, considered in terms of what types of food are eaten, in what volume and when.


Academic Performance is a pupil’s success in meeting up with his or her short- term or long- term pretensions in education. It’s also what a pupil was attaining while in academy both good or high and bad or low. It’s measured by the final grade earned in the course. It’s defined by the pupil’s reporting of once semester CGPA GPA and the anticipated GPA of the current semester. The grade point normal( GPA) is a better dimension because it provides a lesser sapience into the relative position of performance of individualities and different groups of scholars.

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