
The impact of pollution on real estate development. Pollution is one real estate development problem that needs to be addressed quickly. Due to the presence of many industries in Nigeria, large amounts of gaseous sewage and waste are discharged. There is also an increase in cars that emit smoke. Smoke from power plants is increasingly polluting the environment. This study uses Wally, Delta as a case study. The study explored the impact of pollution on real estate development. We also investigate the extent to which the entire facility and other people living in the area are affected and suggest possible solutions.

chapter One


1.1 Research background

Wali is he one of the most famous oil producing towns in Nigeria’s Delta state. Wari is one of the most famous cities in the He delta of Niger, blessed with great natural resources.

Oil is the mainstay of Nigeria’s economy and is also the cause of major environmental and social problems in Nigeria’s Niger Delta region. Over the years, the exploration, production and refining of petroleum in Nigeria has caused various environmental and environmental problems such as oil spills, gas flaring, habitat destruction, air and water pollution, and land degradation. Also, the main source of oil pollution in the same region is largely due to the activities of illegal oil depots and illegal refineries operated by indigenous peoples and government officials. The chemical properties of spilled oil often affect the productivity of soil and contaminated water, causing irreparable damage to agricultural land and water. In Nigeria, which emits approximately 70 million tons of carbon dioxide annually, gas flaring is a significant environmental and economic problem (US EIA1999). This adversely affects the socioeconomic activities of local communities, mainly based on fishing and agriculture (Egunjobi, 1993). In just one region of the Niger Delta, flares can statistically cause 49 premature deaths, 5,000 childhood respiratory illnesses, approximately 120,000 asthma attacks, and eight other cancers each year. Estimated high (Environmental Rights Action and the Climate Justice Program). Another major problem plaguing Nigeria is water pollution.

According to Anukam (1997), the main source of water pollution in Nigeria is related to forestry. Deforestation and inadequate cultivation practices increase the concentration of soil particles entering water bodies, increasing their sediment load. Discharge of industrial waste into water bodies is another major source of pollution in Nigeria. Effluents from industries such as petroleum, mining, steel, pharmaceuticals, and textiles, among others, have increased sulfate and nitrate levels in water bodies, altering properties such as color and odor (Adelegan 2004). The majority of Nigerians obtain most of their domestic and drinking water from ponds, streams and shallow wells. Water pollution is therefore a major public health problem, putting the health of about 40 million people at risk from diseases such as cholera, dynestea, diarrhea and typhoid fever (Anukam 1997, Adelegan 2004, Orubu 2006).

Domestic and industrial waste are also major sources of environmental pollution in Nigeria.

Improper disposal and inefficient management of MSW cause major environmental and aesthetic problems in most urban areas of Nigeria. Due to overpopulation and slum development, most urban areas now generate unmanageable amounts of waste (Ogbonna and Ekweozor 2002).

1.2 Problem Description

Despite numerous environmental laws enacted to protect the environment, environmental degradation continues unabated. oil plunder and gas.

1.3 Objectives and Objectives

The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of pollution on real estate development in Delta.

However, the goal is to:

It identifies and researches the impact of pollution on real estate development in Wari.
Make suggestions/recommendations on how to address/reduce pollution.
Identify pollution problems in real estate development.
1.4 Scope of investigation

Inadequate survey results limit our ability to conduct a complete and comprehensive study of the impact of pollution on real estate in all oil-producing states of Nigeria. There is also the issue of distance range to visit all communities within the study proposed for data collection. On this basis, Delta State Wari conducted study sessions and all information collected is intended to be generalized in the context of the research report.

1.5 Research question

This research is being conducted to find answers/suggestions to the following questions:

How well implemented is the Nigerian government program to reduce the impact of pollution on real estate?
How will pollution affect property values ​​and discourage investors from property development? What is the solution to the pollution problem in real estate development?
1.7 Boundaries of Research Areas

Wali is he one of the most famous oil producing towns in Nigeria’s Delta state. Wari is one of the most famous cities in the He delta of Niger, blessed with great natural resources. Although it is not the tertiary (center of activity) of the Delta state capital. Densely populated, the area also has a lot of commercial activity. This research paper aims to focus on wari as a research area as it will be used as a case study for this study.


This investigative work was limited by a residence refusal to provide all information necessary for the purposes of this investigative work. Also, the financial need to visit the entire Warri community limits this work to some extent. Not much time was spent on this research work. With this caveat, we cannot confidently say that the project is fully covered as needed.

1.9 Importance of research

The significance of this research is as follows.

The results of this research will educate the public about the problems and negative effects of pollution in real estate development.

The results of this study will call for action leading to calls for improved environmental law enforcement in Nigeria.

This study will also serve as a resource base for other academics and researchers interested in doing further research in this area later on. When applied, it provides a new explanation for the subject.

1.10 Definition of terms

A change that occurs when something is done or happens. An event, condition, or fact brought about by a cause. Environmental pollution:
Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause harmful changes.

Pollution comes in many forms, including air, water, soil, radioactive materials, noise, heat, heat and light.

III. Surroundings:
The totality of all living organisms’ environments, including forces of nature and other organisms, providing the conditions for development and growth, as well as danger and harm.

Defined as the release of toxic pollutants into the environment by forces of nature or by humans and their resources. There are four main types of pollution.
Air pollution
Soil contamination
Water pollution
noise pollution
real estate:
Property consisting of land and the buildings on it and the land’s natural resources, including unmanaged flora and fauna, crops and livestock, water and minerals. They can be divided into three broad categories based on their use in residential, commercial and industrial areas.
The process by which someone or something grows, changes, or evolves.
VII, Description:
The act of representing or explaining something.


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