
In long-term business relationships, customer experience is influenced by how customers perceive the quality of the customer relationship. The purpose of this document is to understand the quality structure of customer relationships in tenant relationships in a business-to-business environment.

The theoretical framework is adapted from the relationship marketing literature and applied to case studies of five of his client companies in landlord-tenant relationships. A paper framework of 13 relationship quality attributes and applying them to case firms. result:
The results suggest that some of the proposed relationship quality attributes are important in the landlord relationship, while some of the proposed attributes are of low value.

Research limitations /implications:
– The case studies were conducted in companies that occupy office premises in multi-user.

This paper introduces theoretical understanding from relationship marketing literature into the real estate and adds practical understanding of customer relationship management into the rental business.



Approval page



Table of content


1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background of study

1.2 Statement of problem

1.3 Aim and objectives,

1.4 Research questions

1.5 Significant of the study

1.6 Scope of the study


2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Guidelines for tenants

2.2 Landlord-Tenant Relationship defined

2.3 A landlord- Tenant Relationship checklist communication – a critical skill

2.4 Landlord – Tenant

2.5 Landlord – Tenant Relationship

2.6 Landlord – Tenant Responsibilities

2.7 Landlord – Tenant Relationship:
Rent increase

2.8 Managing Landlord – Tenant Relationship:
A strategic perspective.

2.9 Recovery of premises:
An assessment of Landlord – Tenant law in Nigeria.

2.10 Changes not only will affect Landlord, tenants, but could alter property values too. 2.11 Tenant Property.

Chapter 3

3.0 Survey method

3.1 Study design

3.2 Data collection method

3.3 Sample size

3.4 Sampling technique

3.5 Data analysis method

Chapter 4


4.1 Data display

4.2 Hypotheses

Chapter 5


5.1 Summary of results

5.2 Conclusion

5.3 Recommendations



chapter One

1.0 Introduction:

Addacy. (1995), the purpose of this article is to analyze the impact of the Landlords and Tenants Ordinance (LTTO) on real estate values ​​using time series data for the city of Evanston, Illinois, where the ordinance has been in place since 1975. is. Empirical data analysis, including trend analysis of heroin price indices for both rental and occupied properties, is unlikely to have a material impact on L.T.O. APARTMENT VALUES. Remedies stipulated in the Landlord and Tenant Regulations should not represent a fundamental departure from current practices such as housing/building codes and therefore should not significantly affect the value of a home. Not expected.

This research was supported by a grant from the University of Illinois Office of Real Estate Research. We thank Professor Peter Colwell for helpful comments and Theresa Cherniak and Michael Duncan for excellent research support.

Acting as a landlord and tenant his broker for a commercial owner or occupant requires knowledge of the law (such as the Landlords and Tenants Act 1954) and case law, as well as an understanding of other commercial real estate.

JH Walter has a wealth of comparable evidence available to provide an auditable basis for rent confirmation or lease renewal, backed by the experience of investigators who are also active agents in the market. I have. In addition to technical and legal data, we are well-positioned to negotiate the best deal for our clients, regardless of market conditions, while providing realistic advice on the possible outcomes of dispute resolution. is located in

Tenant restructuring can prove to be an attractive offer for both landlords and tenants. We advise our clients to pay and receive appropriate compensation, reflecting changes in rental income, tenancy and capital value. After the lease expires, both owners and users seek help with damage claims. (expiration date:
to the extent that the property cannot meet its lease repair obligations). Negotiate claims, including guidance on how to distinguish between repairs and improvements, and how to limit the lessee’s liability for claims where depreciation (depreciation) is less than the cost of repairs. We advised on rent appraisals for prominent stores in retail environments that are unusual yet attractive to professionals. I helped my client understand the possibilities and possible arguments by gathering evidence from nearby rental properties and other reviews. This included location adjustments, return frontages, unusual layouts, and beyond-value repair obligations, and provided guidance on related required notices and timing issues. Other Rights and Obligations Under the Rental Agreement.


The landlord-tenant relationship is defined by the existence of a tenancy.

i Traditionally, a landlord’s only obligation in the United States was to give property to the tenant.

ii In England and Wales it has been clear since 1829 that landlords must own tenant farmers.

iii The Modern Landlord and Tenant Act includes many other rights and obligations codified in the President’s Uniform Landlord and Tenant Act.

1.2 Problem definition

1) Honesty is an essential factor in achieving the goals of landlords and tenants when concluding a contract. However, the interests of the parties are not mutually exclusive. Society deteriorates when it thwarts tenants’ desire not only to invest in a contract to gain ownership, but to extract the maximum benefit from its use.

2) to give all interested parties associated with the property in question the opportunity to smoothly exercise the lease between the landlord and the tenant;

3) Both landlords and tenants find it difficult to pay rent on time, or to pay adequate amounts from utility bills, due to the steady decline in the real value of their income, and are therefore unable to fulfill their obligations under the rental contract. not fulfilled. The obvious result is conflict in the relationship between landlords and tenants.

1.3 Objectives and Objectives

The primary purpose of this study is to provide resolution to disputes that exist between landlords and tenants. 1. Determining the cause of the dispute in the landlord-tenant relationship.

2. Identify ways to resolve these conflicts

3. Identify and recommend ways to improve dispute resolution

relationship between landlord and tenant. 1.4 Research question

This study was conducted to answer the following research questions.

1. What are landlords and tenants?

2. What are the causes of conflict in the landlord-tenant relationship? 3. What methods should be used to resolve disputes?

1.5 Importance of research

Me. Certificates or other documents relating to land, leases or modifications.

ii. Ask someone to come before him and provide information about property, leases, or changes.

iii. refuse an application for registration where the certificate, certificate plan or other document has not been submitted in accordance with paragraph or where the action required by the Registrar has not been taken;

IV. Manage Oaths or Affirmations.

v. In some cases, we require any procedure, information or statement to be performed or made under oath.

1.6 Scope of investigation

After the entry into force of this Act, a lease or mortgage registered under this Act may not be assigned except in accordance with this Act, nor may any disposition be made, transferred or transferred except in accordance with this Act. may not be modified or enforced. Any co-ownership, lease or encumbrance of real property, rights or land is void.

Nothing in Section 40 shall be construed to prevent an instrument in an unregistered form from functioning as a contract, but for a contract for the sale or other disposition of property or interest in property, any No action shall be brought unless such action is filed or the memorandum or memorandum thereof is in writing and signed by the defendant or another person duly authorized by him;


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