1.1 Background of the Study

Learning is enhanced when it occurs in a rich environment, that is, when the classroom environment is conducive and equipped with all necessary learning facilities. To put it another way, a barren and hostile classroom and school environment provide little stimulation for learning (Anyanwu and Izuagba 2009). Classrooms, libraries, labs, a football field, a building, peers, teaching methods, teachers’ quarters, a technical workshop, and so on comprise the school environment. The environment here includes both the physical, psychological, and social environments, as well as the mutual relationships between students and teachers. The environment should be conducive to learning.

The teacher/learner is at the heart of the teaching and learning process; all of the teacher’s energy spent in and out of the classroom and in the school environment is directed toward this goal.

directed at guaranteeing good all-round development.

As a result, because the school is a well-established institution that shapes a child’s behavior in order to prepare him for a meaningful life in society, the school environment should include elements that are essential for achieving educational goals.

In essence, the school building, school infrastructure, and school personnel have been shown to have a positive impact on a child’s academic performance.

2009 (Izuagba and Obiefuna) (Izuagba and Obiefuna)

According to Glassman (2000), among other treatments, a comfortable and caring environment helps to improve students’ academic performance.

School facilities and infrastructure are critical for achieving educational goals. A white board, projector, notice board, clock, bell, chairs, tables, desk, first aid box, textbooks, and other amenities are available.

Effective school administration necessitates on.

Because the school environment refers to the instructional administrative circulation, it is an important area that should be researched and managed well in order to improve students’ academic performance (Oluchukwu 2000).

The extent to which students’ learning can be improved is determined by their interaction on school grounds, classroom structure, and the availability of instructional facilities and accessories (Ajao2000). It is believed that a well-planned school will prepare students for expected educational outcomes such as social, political, and economic emancipation, effective teaching and learning processes, and academic performance.

Because the environment influences an individual’s ability to learn and also serves as a foundation for future achievement,

calls for parents, educators, and the government to work together to provide adequate school facilities such as well-equipped laboratories, functional libraries, and sporting facilities to improve the intellectual and academic performance of students and teachers Poor ventilation, noise, high carbon dioxide penetration into the classroom, and inconsistent temperature make teaching and learning difficult. Poor maintenance and ineffective ventilation systems lead to poor health among students and teachers, which inevitably leads to poor academic performance (Ostender and Lyon 2001).

Academic performance among Nigerian students has long been a source of concern for the government, teachers, parents, and students themselves. The quality of education is determined by factors other than on the teacher’s performance of duties, but also on the effective coordination of the school environment (Ajao,2000) Aside from the direct impact that inadequate facilities have on students’ ability to learn, their combination with other facilities such as instructional aid and infrastructure creates an uncomfortable and frustrating work environment for teachers as well as an unconducive environment for students, which manifests in poor concentration and hyperactivity, resulting in a stressful set of working conditions for teachers (Ajayi, 2003). As a result, stress and job dissatisfaction are common precursors that lower teachers’ enthusiasm, and the aforementioned school facility characteristics have an impact on students’ academic performance. The school cannot function in isolation from its immediate social and physical surroundings because

What happens in the immediate surroundings influences the curriculum and the quality of teachers available to the school at any given time. A student’s living environment can either limit or enhance his ability to learn (Ajayi 2003)

The Psycho-Socio-Physical Factors Influencing Learning, according to Frazier (2002), are:

The educational environment

The instruction

The educator

The physical aspect of learning is concerned with the actual teaching and learning environment. Physical factors are completely beyond the learners’ control; the majority of the child’s teaching and learning normally take place in the classroom or laboratory; thus, there is a need for a productive learning environment, which Arends(2005) defines as one in which students have a positive attitude toward learning.

themselves and their classroom, i.e. their fellow students or peers, and in which they demonstrate a high level of academic performance, motivation, and achievement.

The teacher’s decisions and actions also help to shape the classroom environment.

The classroom environment should be designed to promote intellectual risk-taking and intrinsic motivation, allowing students to be creative and self-sufficient in their learning.

Teachers must instill a positive attitude toward learning in their students and obtain their leadership roles as facilitators of actions such as building the condition and interacting with students in ways that enhance their learning (Miller2010).

To that end, an investigation into the impact of the school environment on the academic performance of ss2 biology students in Aba North Local Government Area is required.

The state of Abia.

1.2 Problem Description

Most schools struggle with a lack of libraries, classrooms, staffrooms, laboratories, teaching equipment such as instructional aids, and technical workshops.

These issues have significantly hampered the teaching and learning process, as well as the academic achievement of Nigerian students. It is widely assumed that if the learning environment is appropriate and teaching resources are available, biology students in secondary schools will be more educated and the likelihood of low academic performance, and thus insufficiency, will be reduced. Inadequate libraries, classrooms, and teaching equipment, among other things, impede ss2 biology students’ academic achievement in Aba North, Abia state.

1.3 The Study’s Goal

The primary goal of the research is to determine

the influence of school environment on the academic performance of SS2 biology student in Aba North Local government area of Abia state .

The following will be the study’s specific objectives:

i. Determine how much school teaching equipment and instructional materials influence student academic achievement.

ii. Determine the extent to which school location influences the academic performance of biology students in secondary school.

iii. Determine the impact of class size on secondary school students’ academic performance.

1.4 Importance of the Research

The following people will benefit from this research:


Teachers should use the study to develop and implement instructional programs, use instructional aids, establish effective teaching methods, and practice good leadership.



This research will allow students to observe and recognize some school environment factors and their impact on academic performance.

It will also assist them in making any necessary changes.


The findings of this study will assist parents in contributing financially and materially to the upkeep and development of the school environment through the organization of a parent — teacher Association (P T A) meeting held in school.

Counselors for Students

This study will benefit guidance counselors because it will allow this group of people to guide students in the right and appropriate future career based on their academic performance.

The University

The findings of this study will assist the school in appreciating the value and utility of a conducive school environment.

It will also allow for proper amendment awareness and comparison among different schools for biology students.

1.5 Research Issue

i. How much influence do teaching equipment and instructional materials have on students’ academic performance?

ii. To what extent does school location influence secondary school students’ academic performance?

iii. To what extent does class size influence secondary school students’ academic performance?

1.6 The Study’s Scope

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of the school environment on the academic performance of biology students in all public Senior Secondary Schools in Aba North Local Government Area, Abia State.

The scope of the research is as follows:

The class size (Small and large class size).

The location of the school

Instructionalmaterials (equipment) (equipment).


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