Effect Of Storage Time On The Functional Properties Of Wheat/bambka Groundnut Blend
Study of effect of storehouse time on the functional parcels of wheat( Triticum Aestivum) and Bambrara Groundnut( Voandzeia Subteranea) Flour composites.
The flour blends comprised of wheat( WT) 1005, Banbaranut( BG) 100, WBZO 70 wheat and 30 Bambaradnut, WB20 80 wheat and 20 Bambara and WBSO, 50 wheat and 50 Bambara. The composites was stored and cover for their functional parcels over a period of four months. The results of the determination of these parcels showed that there’s variations in the samples functional propterties.
Sample BG and WT had high froth conformation after three months of storehouse, i.e. 125 and 160 independently but this property drop at the fourth month. Also in water immersion capacity, the result increased gradationally over to three months and started dwindling as observed in BG 50 – 62 AND wt 40 56.
All these results are grounded on statistical analysis at P<0.05 Significant position.
Title runner
List of Tables
List of numbers
Table of Content
Wheat( Triticum Aestivum)
Bambara Groundnut( Voandzera Subteranea
points and objects
Literature Review
Strong and Weak Wheat
Chemical Composition of Wheat
nutritive Value of Wheat
Wheat Milling
storehouse of Wheat Flour
Chemical Composition of Bambara Groundnut
nutritive Value
Description of cutlet
Source of the Raw Material
Sample Preparation Wheat
Preparation of Bambara Product nut Flour
Chemical Analysis
dimension of Functional parcels
Results and Discussion
Conclusion and Recommendation
List Of Tables
TABLE2.1 Protein content ranges of what types
TABLE2.2 Composition of different corridor of wheat
TABLE2.3 Amino Acid Composition of Protein in Wheat
TABLE2.4 Proximate Composition of Some lower Given Legumes
TABLE4.1 Results of Proximate Content of Flour Sample
TABLE4.2 Results of Water immersion Capacity of Flour Samples.
TABLE4.3 Results of oil painting immersion Capacity of Flour Samples
TABLE4.4 Results of Gelatin Temperatures of Flour Samples
TABLE4.5 Results of raging Capacity of Flour Samples.
List Of Figure
FIGURE2.1 Product Of Wheat Flour
FIGURE2.2 Processing of Bambara Groundnut
FIGURE2.3 system of cutlet product
FIGURE3.1 Flow Chart for product of Wheat Flour
FIGURE3.2 Flow Chart for product of Bambara Groundnut Flour
Chapter One
Wheat( Triticum Aestivum)
Origin And Distribution
Despite numerous times of disquisition, it has not been possible to determine directly when and where the first cultivated wheat began. At the morning of recorded history, wheat was formerly an established crop whose origin was unknown( Anon 1953). There’s still some substantiation that civilization of wheat started about 6,000 times ago in the 5yria – Palestine area and spread to Egypt,( ran, India, China, Russia, Turkey and Central Europe from where it spread to other countries and mainlands. Countries that produce wheat moment include Russia, Switzer land United State of America, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, England, Poland, Netherlands, Norway, Swedan, South Africa, Peru, Australia, Argentina, Chile, Newzealand and Nigeria. 9Shellenberger, 1969, Olugbemi etal 1992).
In addition, wheat flour has uniques parcels that differs it from other flours in containing a considerable proportion of gluten which makes wheat flour suitable for chuck timber and other singe products. This composition of gluten present has a bearing on the “ strength ” and water holding parcels of the flour. The two protein that form the lesser part of the guten are gluternin and gliadin while the ultimate appear to be identical in strong and weak wheat, the former exists in different kinds.
Structure Of Wheat Kernel
The main point of the wheat kernel can be stylish described in terms of the rounded or rearward side and a perpendicular or crinkle side( Shellenberger, 1969). A deep groove a crinkle extends the entire length of the wheat kernel. At the apex or the small end of the grain there are numerous short fine hairs called encounter hairs. The external bran or seed fleece correspond of three layers known as epidermis.
Wheat grain has the ensuing average chance composition. Endosperm 85 of the whole grain from which the flour is deduced bran12.5, origin2.5. the composition of wheat flour still varies vastly according to the class of wheat, its country of origin, proportion of the external part removed by the particular milling process( Ehias, 1972, Nelson 1985). The external partcontain more protein, fat fibre and ash also the stiff endosperm. The proportion of each of these ingredients decreases as the birth chance gets lower.
Civilization Of Bambara Groundnut
It’s substantially monocropping in a named plot of land with suitable flaxen soil 82 of homes in North central are 67 in kavango planted Bambara groundnut in 1993. Estimating an normal of 1400m2 per ranch cropped with Bambara groundnut, the total product areas sums up to around 3000ha. product figure are veritably variable, depending on the stormy season. Due to wide distance 10 – 12 shops/ m2 and lack of bettered kinds yield infrequently exceed 500kg ha. Taking 250kg/ ha as an overall normal of the total product to 750t/ time.
This doesn’t satisfy the request conditions and a considerable quantum of Bambara groundnut is informally imported from Angola and vended with original accoutrements on tradition requests. Seed size is an important factor for the marketing of Bambara groundnut.
1. The dried mature seed hack be converted into paste, fumed and eaten with vegetable haze or sauce.
2. The form in which the Bambara groundnut seed is generally consumed is moin- moin generally appertained to as ‘ Okpa ’ in the eastern countries of Nigeria.
3. Dried and roasted Bambara groundnut can be used to make haze, flour and porridge.
Uses Of Wheat And Wheat Products
1. Wheat is maybe the most popular cereal grain for the product of chuck , cutlet and other afters in baking diligence.
2. Wheat bran is used substantially for the expression beast feed.
3. Farinha, films, semolina, semovita, flour from wheat are used for other medication purpose.
4. It can also be used as an component in breakfast, cereal, fop, bonds and other products.
Bambara Groundnut( Voandzeia Subteraea)
Bambara groundnut belongs to the family of unfolding factory called leguminosease. It’s an important legume consumed in Nigeria especially in Enugu State and some other Northern States. The Bambara groundnut is native to West Africa. Some wild species are set up in North Eastern Nigeria and Northern Cameroon. It has different name’s in different corridor of Africa. It’s called ‘ Okpa by the Igbos. Bambara groundnut is an important composition of commerce in Nigeria. It grows considerably in Northern Nigeria but eaten substantially in eastern Nigeria. A large volume of trade is accepted between the growing and the consuming population.
Bambara groundnut seed vary in shape, size and colour of the seed fleece( Ojimelumelukwe( 1985) discerned between four cultivars with respect to the seed seacoast, colour and size. Seed may be round cream or russet brown smooth taste. The seeds have white elliptical helium with seed eight ranging between 280 and 320g.
Points And Objects
1. To probe on the effect of storehouse time on the functional parcels of Bambara groundnut and wheat mix for cutlet previous.
2. To determine effect of storehouse time on the nutritive quality of the flour mix for cutlet product.
3. To determine the significant of supplementation in nutritive content of food products.