chapter One

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Research background

The evolution of soil erosion began when humans became sedentary and began turning pastures into cultivated land. Intensive exploitation of soil has disturbed the natural vegetation cover of the soil and exposed its surface to the action of erosive agents. To introduce a form of agriculture that would not destroy the soil, soil devastation through erosion often led to the end of civilizations in places like Mesopotamia, Syria, and China.

According to Robert. M. (1984), erosion manifests itself by determining the soil surface under the influence of extrinsic forces, particularly water. Ice winds and humans as important anthropogenic factors. Soil surface turbulence involves the removal of detached soil particles by the force of the kinetic energy of erosive materials such as water and wind, and the deposition of this material by the reduction of this energy. Erosion is caused by surface abrasion and results in a complex natural process. Water erosion is caused by precipitation. Areas with low rainfall tend to have lower levels of surface degradation as rainwater that percolates into the soil is consumed by vegetation erosion. It can also be caused primarily by natural organs. It can also be caused by improper sewerage, neglect of natural sewage, or blockage of natural sewage by buildings. Formlands and other unplanned structures do a lot of damage.

The soil composition within the study area is mostly sandy, but the water holding capacity is very low. Practical observations organized from visits to erosion-prone sites show that erosion can potentially occur if water is not properly flowing. B. Due to the nature of the ground. Sandy soils can make a very good soil material, but can be dangerous if the water table is close or the surface is not well-drained. Sand can easily erode from its position and cause or cause complete erosion.

Moreover, erosion is considered one of the most serious defects in modern residential construction. Here, in addition to rapid destruction of structures/buildings, it has been observed to cause severe damage to the ground and, in severe cases, affect the health of residents.

1.2 Problem definition

Certain conditions or factors can effectively de-sharpen a soil or structure/building or maximize its structural and economic life. A number of facts have been shown to contribute to poor or improperly functioning surface water and wastewater drainage in a timely manner. These expose construction sites to erosion risks and accelerated deterioration. Improper drainage/ignorance of natural sewage systems, factors that cause buildings to become clogged with natural sewage without complying with local government regulations, include dumping garbage into drains. Erosion plays an important role in building deterioration and is recognized by the construction industry as one of the most serious defects of modern homes. All soils are subject to erosion, but some soils are more fragile than others.

1.3 Research Objectives and Objectives

The main purpose of this study is to determine An effective way to combat erosion on erosion-prone construction sites.

1) Identify various causes of erosion on construction sites.

2) Research suitable materials and materials (old and new) used to control erosion.

3) determine the most appropriate materials and techniques required for controls; 4) Recommending measures, if implemented, will effectively control erosion in structures.

1.4 Research question

This study sought to answer the following research questions

1) What are the nature and different causes of erosion on construction sites?

2) What methods should be used to prevent erosion?

3) What are the different types of materials used to control erosion?

4) If implemented, it will lead to effective erosion control in erosion-prone areas.

1.5 Significance of the survey

The significance of this research is as follows.

1) Contractors and engineers need to know how to control erosion in erosion-prone areas.

2) Engineers and the general public are becoming aware of the importance of on-site erosion control.

3) Construction industry lecturers, student advisors, and other stakeholders receive theoretical and technical training on erosion control at erosion-prone construction sites.

1.6 Local survey

This research was limited to erosion problems in erosion-prone sites. Focusing on the nature and extent of erosion at the Anambra site, we also examined the specific remediation techniques at this site that work effectively and efficiently. Attempts should be made to investigate laboratory experiments on materials used for effective erosion control on erosion-prone construction sites. Ekwulobia Erosion is Canyon Erosion – Canyon erosion is a concern due to intermittent heavy rainfall and average erosive soils. The design of an effective gully control system must consider the entire gully network and be based on topographical indicators such as network type, sequence, and stage of development.

1.7 Definition of terms

After Grolie (1990). Erosion is the erosion of the earth’s surface by the action of water.

After Milos Hawley (1987). A building is a permanent or temporary structure enclosed by an outer wall and a roof and includes all ancillary fixtures. Equipment and fixtures that cannot be removed without cutting the ceiling, floor, or wall. In 1960, Bernard Huss defined soil as the top layer of the earth’s surface where plants grow. Soil consists of rock and mineral particles mixed with decaying organic matter and has the capacity to store water.



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