Effects Of Pollution On Water And Fish Production Using Macro Invertebrates As Bio-indicators




The study of water quality using macro pets as bio pointers of pollution in the Ikpoba swash Benin City, Edo State was carried out for a period of 3 months( march- may) in 2013. Water and macro brute samples were collected from three stations( Okhoro), Reservoir and the Bridge.) along the swash. Physiochemical variables were determined using standard styles. A aggregate of 652 macro pets were collected. Twenty seven( 27) taxa were recorded in all the stations. Station 2( Reservoir) had 23 taxa, while station 1( Bridge) and 3( Okhoro) had 16 and 18 taxa, independently. Also station 1( Bridge) contributed the loftiest number( 46) of the total number of individualities and the least number of taxa( 16). A total of11 Bulinus spp, 39 Biomphalaria spp and 4 Physia spp represented the Mollusca family in all the stations. Coleopteran was represented by 12 Sphaerodema spp, 6 Hydrous spp and 8 Phithydrus spp. Ditera species collected in the slice stations were, 18 enstalis naiads , 4 Simulium spp, 283 Chironomus spp, 20 Pentaneura spp, 18 Coatate nymph, 23 Chronomus nymph, 5 nymph type 1 and 2 Anopheleslarvae.Only 1 Notonecta specie represented the Hemiptera family. Four( 4) Neoperia and 7 Branchythermis spp represented the Plecopera family. The Odonata family was represented by 9 Coenagrion spp, 6 Pseudagnon psp and 3 Enallagma spp. Ephemeroptera was represented by two members of the Pseudocleon spp. Crustacea was represented by 18 astacidae. Annelid was represented by 31 Tubifex spp, 48 Nais spp and 55 Stalaria spp. Hirudinea spp was represented by 15 members of the Glossiphonia spp. The presence of low consistence of pollution tolerant macro brute groups, the deteriorating water quality and the physiochemical conditions of the water during Month march was a reflection of organic pollution by putrefying domestic garbage and inorganic diseases washed into the swash by run- off.


Chapter One




Although biologist have been studying the goods of mortal conditioning on submarine systems and its goods on fish product for decades, their findings have only fairly lately being restated into styles suitable for covering the quality of water bodies. substantially,bio-indicators similar as oceanographic macro-invertebrates, phytoplankton and zooplankton are among the commonbio-indicator organisms used duringbio-monitoring of water to determine the felicity for fish product( Tassi, 2009). Artificial( and in some cases natural) changes in the physical and chemical nature of freshwaters can produce different natural effect ranging from the severe( similar as a total fish kill) to the subtle( for illustration, changes in enzymes position orsub-cellular factors of organisms)( Paganoet.al., 2006), changes like these indicates that the ecosystem and its associated organisms are under stress or that the ecosystem has come unstable( Masona, 2007).


Because foliage and fauna of colorful trophic situations can integrate the goods of water quality or niche changes over time, they come effective pollution pointers( Fernando, 2002). The attention of a contaminant in an organism is the result of numerous variables similar as the attention of the contaminant in the water, the physical- chemical form of the contaminant, the membrane permeability of the organism, the type and volume of food and its degree of impurity, the physiological state of the organism and the characteristics of the physical terrain impacting the organism as well as the contaminant( Roseet.al., 2003). The response of natural communities or of the individual organism can be covered in a variety of ways to indicate goods on the ecosystem. Theco-existence and cornucopia of certain species at a particular position can indicate for illustration whether that niche has been negatively altered( Pearl etal., 2003). The responses of individual organisms similar as behavioral, physiological or morphological changes can also be studied as responses to stress or adverse stimulants( for illustration caused by the presence of pollutants( Bailey etal., 2001).


still, the organism living in it’ll start to take up the contaminant, from the water or food, If an terrain receives a foreign contaminant. Assuming that the contaminant attention in the terrain is constant overtime and the contaminant attention in the organism body increases, death will do after a long period. Again, a nonstop drop of the contaminant attention in the medium produces a corresponding release of the pollutant form the organism, with some detention( Anmtage, 2008).


The kinetics of both pollutant uptake and release by the organism has the same pattern for any substance and beast species, whereas the uptake- and loss- rate are dependent on the characteristics of the organism as well as on those of the contaminant and the environmental conditions.


Bio-monitoring is measuring the conditions and integrity of colorful sources of water to insure the health and fitness of the water body for the growth and product of fish species. For lotic( handling) water systems, analysis of oceanographic macro-invertebrate communities provides the top means of achieving this, particularly sincemacro-invertebrates are more stationary and less temporal than periphytic or attached bitsy communities( Relyea, 2008).


Biological monitoring refers to the collection and analysis of sluicemacro-invertebrate communities as pointers of water or niche quality. Macro-invertebrates are larger than bitsy primary oceanographic ( nethermost lodging) fauna, which are generally ubiquitous in fresh water and estuarine surroundings and play an integral part in the submarine food web( Bernard et.al., 2003), they’re the most generally usedbio-indicator of water quality among the community of index organisms because the presence or absence of certain pollution tolerant or intolerant species can be a great determining factor in catching on the position of pollution of the water available for fish product.


Total absence of pollution intolerant species, indicates bad water quality which may have adverse effect on fishes inhabiting similar water bodies or in utmost cases, death of the fishes. They’re insects and creatures without backbone( pets) that can be seen with unaided eye( without a microscope) that live in and on the bottom of aqueducts, lakes, ponds, budgets, arms and abysses( Downing and Rigler, 2002). Insects( largely immature forms) are especially characteristics of freshwaters; other major groups include worms, mollusk( draggers, bones ) and crustaceans( flurries, shrimpetc.)( Lathrop and Markowitz, 2001). They’re more readily collected and quantified than either fish or periphyton community. Species comprising the upstream communities enthrall colorful niches, grounded on functional adaption or feeding mode(e.g. bloodsuckers, sludge or debris, affluents, scavenger); their presence and relative cornucopia is governed by environmental conditions( which may determine available food force) and by pollution forbearance situations of the separate species( Cardosoet.al., 2006).


Oceanographic macro pets are of great significance in assessing water quality available for fish culture because they’ve several characteristics that makes them easy to study and show clear responses when faced with adverse environmental conditions( Davis and Simon, 2005).


Submarine Pollution


Degradable wastes are organic accoutrements that can suffer corruption through bacterial attack. The inputs that can be included under this order are civic sewage, agrarian waste, food processing waste distillery waste, paper- pulp shop waste, and organic discharge from chemical assiduity and oil painting spillages( Hutchinson, 2000). In addition, inputs like leaves and lawn parings and run- off from beast ranches and ranges also contributes to this. When natural bacteria and othermicro-organisms in the water breaks down to organic accoutrements , they use up the oxygen dissolved in water( Edington and Hildrew, 2003). utmost of the fishes and nethermost lodging creatures can not survive when situations of dissolved oxygen drops too low. When this occurs, it kills fishes and other submarine organisms in large figures, which leads to dislocation in food chain.


Diseases containing nutrients similar as nitrates and phosphates could also have goods analogous to those of organic wastes. In redundant situations, nutrientover-stimulates the growth of submarine shops and algae( Moore, 2000). inordinate growth of these clogs aqueducts, uses up dissolved oxygen as organisms putrefy besides and thereby blocking light to deeper waters. The reduction of oxygen in turn, proves veritably dangerous to submarine organisms as it affects respiration of fish( Campaioli et.al., 2004) and other submarine organisms that decide oxygen from water.


Heat, acids and alkalis and some chemicals similar as cyanides can be considered as dissipating wastes as they lose damaging goods soon after they enter water bodies. Particulates like dredging loot, fly- ash, China complexion- waste, colliery waste and a variety of man- made accoutrements like plastics are inert but they may clog feeding and respiratory structures of creatures and may also reduce photosynthesis by reducing light penetration or may smother benthos( Simons, 2009). Conservative wastes like heavy essence, halogenated hydrocarbons and radioactive material aren’t subject to microbial attack and thus, live over a long duration and beget detriment to shops and beast( Lampert and Sommer, 2004).


Sources of Pollution


The sources of pollution of a given water body, can be distributed as point andnon-point. Point source of pollution occurs when contaminating substances are emitted directly into water ways. A pipe channelizing poisonous chemicals directly into a swash is an illustration. Anon-point source occurs, when there’s run- off of adulterants into a water way, for case, when diseases for agrarian fields are carried into a sluice by face run- off. The common point sources of pollution are external and artificial waste effluent, run- off fields; discharge from vessels, storehouse tanks and piles of chemical, run- off from construction spots; and by passes from Seamsters and aseptic pipes( Pollard, 2000).


Thenon-point sources include inflow from agrarian field, and vineyards, run- off from logging operations, civic run- off from logging operations, civic run- off from unsewed areas and septic tanks leachates, atmospheric deposit and pastoral runoff from roads, when poisonous substances enter lakes, sluice, gutters, abysses and other water- bodies, these get dissolved, i.e. suspended in water or get deposited on bed( Hynes, 2002). This results in water pollution thereby quality of water deteriorates, affecting submarineeco-systems, adulterants can also transude down and affect ground water deposits. The most important sources of pollution are megacity sewage and artificial waste discharged into gutters by virtue of the amounts in which these are discharged. According to Lenat( 2004), only about 10 percent of the waste water generated at present, is being treated, allowing about 90 percent of it to directly enter entering water. Due to this, adulterants enter ground water, gutters and other water bodies and may indeed harbor pathogens. Agrarian run- off or the water from fields that drain into gutters is another major source of water pollution as it could be rich in the major nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous and fungicides( Mecan, 2004).




Testing for chemical pollution in our nation’s water bodies, have traditionally meant using logical chemistry. In recent times, environmental agencies have championed natural monitoring to enhance or replace chemical monitoring. The proposition behind natural monitoring(bio-monitoring) is to use the organisms living in the submarine system as a measure of water quality. These generalities have being applied to the study of so numerous water bodies and have proven effective in the determination of the water quality for fish product( Homing and Pollard, 2008).


Bio-monitoring an submarine system uses the same theoretical approach. Submarine organisms are subject to adulterants in the sluice as if overflows by day and night. Accordingly, the health of organisms reflects the quality of water they livein.However, certain organisms will resettle; fail to reproduce or die, ultimately leading to the exposure of these species at the weakened point( Parker and Salansky, If the pollution situations reach a critical attention. typically, these organisms will return if conditions ameliorate in the system.


Bio-monitoring involves the use of organisms to assess the health of the terrain and is grounded on our understanding of how organisms interact with their terrain. Bio-monitoring focuses on changes in community structure( distribution and cornucopia)( Cao et.al., 2007). The natural monitoring generally used are grounded on the presence or absence of taxa pointers of environmental good(e.g. biotic indicators) or on the complexity of the community linked with the position of environmental well- being(e.g. Diversity indicators).


Biological monitoring( biotic and diversity indicators) isn’t a direct measure of the natural effect produced by pollution, because the observed differences may be due, in addition to the pollution, to other stress(e.g. natural or anthropogenic stress not caused by adulterants). nonetheless, natural monitoring, when applied to the same community over time, may reflect some natural variations, showing that the community, and also the physical terrain have been stressed. As a consequence, natural monitoring may be considered a useful “ warning signal ”( Rundle et.al., 2002).


Defense Of This Study


Ikpoba River in Benin City, Edo state, Nigeria, is girdled by domestic areas and it’s commercially a hot spot for merchandisers and buyers that hang around the bank of the swash to perform colorful deals. It’s subject to mortal pressures which has wielded great pollution goods in the water body. plant backwaters, agrarian waste, domestic waste and artificial waste, have been continually disposed off in this swash. The propinquity of this swash with civic communities, have also eased the discharge of poisonous waste in this swash.


This study provides data substantially about the oceanographic macro-invertebrate population position as pointers of water quality for fish product and growth in Ikpoba River. Oceanographicmacro-invertebrate community has been anatomized by measuring the taxa viscosity and forbearance values which is the Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera values.


Objects Of The Study


The objects of this study are to


dissect the composition, cornucopia, diversity and distribution ofmacro-benthic fauna in the Ikpoba swash water body;


establish changes in distribution patterns associated with ecological revision due to mortal conditioning;


assess the water quality of the swash through the evaluation of uproariousness of oceanographic macro-invertebrates populations and through the dimension of physiochemical parameters;


give birth information for the long- term assessment of pollution and its effect on fish product in unborn exploration.

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