The purpose of this study was to see how effective broadcasting is at improving adult literacy in Lagos. Radio and television are examples of broadcasting mediums that are used to convey audio and video signals, messages, information, or programs to a large audience. Radio and television currently play a part in non-formal education by way of numerous educational channels and programs, but there is great potential to leverage their abilities to improve adult learners’ development and learning curricular content. This study aims to determine adult learners’ awareness of educational radio and television programs in Lagos State, as well as investigate adult learners’ access to educational radio and television programs and problems preventing students from using educational radio and television programs for learning. A questionnaire was utilized to get responses from 222 adult learners about their knowledge of and access to seven educational radio and television programs. Despite having access to instructional radio and television programs, the kids were unaware of them, according to the research. Teachers in secondary schools should include educational broadcasts as a form of stimulus variation that they can use in their classes, according to the study, and educational program producers on both radio and television should create enough awareness about the programs so that students can follow them at the appropriate time.



Background of the study

Coming to, preparing, storytelling conversation, and coordinated examination have all been described as ways to encourage the learning of information, aptitudes, qualities, convictions, and propensities. Although most training takes place under the supervision of instructors, students can also teach themselves. Any event that formatively impacts the way one thinks, feels, or behaves can be considered as instructional, whether formal or informal.

Media and communication are at the center of our daily lives, whether it’s in the classroom, at work, at home, in public places, or while traveling from one location to the next. We are occasionally cut off from interceded sound, image, or phrase, whether through television, radio, newspapers, magazines, or other media. It’s worth noting that the media provide a variety of print, electronic, and film possibilities, all of which are backed by a variety of presentation and consumer platforms. “Cross media,” on the other hand, refers to the concept of disseminating the same message across many media outlets. In the information business, a comparable concept is expressed as a convergence in the implementation of adult education programs. As a result, media use is just as crucial as a positive and helpful learning environment. The media has had a significant impact on our ability to communicate and strategize. Because communication isn’t limited to people, it’s likely that you’ll act on your dog’s information, such as when she barks and you feed her.

You enter the room to feed them, wag your tail, and leap into the air, eagerly anticipating meal. Communication as a vital part of learning through the media is the topic of this project, which will help you beautify your study across disciplines or disciplines.

Adult education is a concept that lacks a universally accepted definition due to the lack of a universally accepted definition for the term “adult.” Adult education is sometimes referred to as “education for the elderly” (Eko-agba). However, the definition of adult education is much larger. Some scholars, such as Seya (2005), argue that adult education is the transfer of a general technical or vocational process. Adult education, according to Merriam and Broket (2007), is described as “activities purposely organized for the purpose of bringing about changes among those ages, social roles, or self-perception classified as adult.” In addition to the definitions provided above, one can safely say that broadcasting and adult education are intertwined for the time being. This is because they both focus on “mass education,” for example, broadcasting raises awareness and aims to change audience behavior, attitudes, and perceptions, whereas adult education is any deliberate effort toward self-development undertaken by an individual without direct legal compulsion. As a result, adult education is focused on educating and enlightening the general public. The effects of broadcasting on adult education, the broadcasting empire has conquered almost all territories, and while there are still a few countries in Africa that do not have access to television or radio, the number of people who do not consider broadcasting to be one of the things they cannot live without is quite small. Having such a strong influence on our life has both positive and negative consequences. Radio, on the other hand, can be utilized as a means of mutual communication to enlighten learners and the general public about the need of gaining skills in order to better one’s economic situation and overall well-being.

  Statement of the problem

Another modern communication tool that allows us to reach large numbers of adult learners in a short amount of time is television and radio. These approaches can be used to communicate effectively with those who are illiterate. When compared to print media, it is, nevertheless, short-lived. It is capable of assisting students in overcoming cultural and social hurdles. It is impossible to overstate the importance of broadcasting in educating the public. Information is not the same as education. Adult education is a systematic organization of information with predetermined goals. Adult education in our town is primarily provided by schools or institutions. Adult educational institutions’ functions are also performed by broadcasting. For the adult learner population, broadcasting is a lifelong educator. They provide us with in-depth knowledge on specific topics. Non-news or news-based content such as editorials, stories, and columns in newspapers provide us a complete picture of a topic. Adult education through the media can also take the form of health programs. Educational radio programs have recently begun to directly participate in our educational system by publishing and airing educational supplements for adult learners, which are produced by educators. The purpose of this study is to assess the value of broadcasting in boosting adult literacy in Lagos State.

 Objective of the study

The main goal of this research is to assess the value of broadcasting in boosting adult literacy in Lagos State. Other specific goals include:

1. Determine which educational broadcasting programs Lagos citizens are aware of.

2. To learn about the educational broadcasting programs available to Lagos citizens.

3. Determine how frequently Lagos people watch instructional television.

4. To look into the limitations of using broadcasting media.

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