In comparison to other forms of transportation such as air, rail, and water networks, Nigeria’s road transport system is by far the most popular. According to current studies, Nigeria has more than 90% of the world’s road transportation infrastructure. The result was a serious road traffic accident (RTA) on the road. Automobile technology has made life easier when compared to older types of transportation such as human resources and horses. In Nigeria, traffic accidents have claimed so many lives that no ailment can compare to the death rate. This is just one of the negative consequences of road accidents, which frequently result in numerous injuries as well as financial losses and its associated consequences. Nigerian industry.

Accident is defined as something that happens by chance, something unexpected and unnoticed. As a result, a road crash is an unforeseeable event that occurs as a result of autos such as motorcycles and handcarts utilizing or operating on public roads. Accidents can be severe, resulting in the death of road users, or minor if they do not create significant problems.

However, the line between minor and major accidents is blurry. As previously said, irresponsible drivers will rarely be warned of the repercussions of their actions, whereas impolite drivers will. Inconveniently maintained roads cause collisions in a variety of ways, the most serious of which is that they put drivers in risk. In some circumstances, a motorist may strive to avoid a situation, such as a collision with another vehicle.

Statement Of Problem

The failure of successive Nigerian administrations to repair the death traps known as roads has undoubtedly caused a great deal of anguish to both temporary and frequent road users. The nation’s terrible roadways are nothing to write home about. All levels of government must be aware of their duties to ensure that all roads in Nigeria are safe and passable.

Poor road conditions may cause more than a hollow travel. Road conditions may deteriorate to the point of danger. Potholes, potholes, potholes, potholes, potholes, potholes, potholes, potholes, potholes If a car strikes a large pothole, the tire may blow out and crash into another vehicle. Uneven road conditions can cause a motorist to lose control of their car, perhaps resulting in a collision.

Increased accident rates, more malfunctioning automobiles, more vehicle maintenance costs, and longer travel times owing to traffic congestion or poor road conditions are just a few of the disadvantages cited. Insecurity presented by thieves at failing stretches of roads, the possibility of flooding and erosion, and a negative impact on economic development are some of the other consequences of defective roads. Potholes and Cracks, Depression on the road surface, Development of Gully owing to erosion, failed road shoulders, Faulty Drainage, Faulty Traffic signals and Street lights, and Wiping off of Lane markings are all symptoms of bad road failures, according to Ndefo (2012). According to Ndefo (2012), the majority of Nigerian roads do not meet the standard of a safe road.

Objective Of The Study

The following are the study’s key objectives:

  1. To determine the causes of Nigeria’s poor road conditions.
  2. To determine the impact of poor roads on automobile accidents in Nigeria.
  3. To determine what steps should be taken to maintain and keep roads in good repair.

Research Questions

  1. What are the causes of Nigeria’s terrible roads?
  2. What role does substandard road infrastructure play in Nigerian car accidents?
  3. What strategies have been implemented to maintain and improve road conditions?

Significance Of The Study

This study will be important to the government and the general public since it highlights the role of substandard roads in automotive accidents and provides recommendations on how to maintain and keep roads in good repair to avoid accidents and even death.

Scope Of The Study

The focus of this research will be on the role of bad roads in automotive accidents in Nigeria. Residents of River states will be the responses.

Limitation Of The Study

Finance has been a major barrier throughout this investigation, as has the availability of resources and time constraints.

Definition Of Terms

BAD ROADS: When a road is not properly maintained and kept in poor shape.

AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS: When a car collides with another vehicle, a person, an animal, a tree, or a pole, death, injury, disability, or property damage can occur.

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