chapter One



1.1 Research background

The Nigerian Army was set up to protect Nigeria from outside invaders, and observers say the military has performed its duties reliably since its inception. To facilitate high service delivery commitments, governments emphasize the need to create good working conditions, especially in the area of ​​adequate housing for the military (Adeniyi, 2004).

Nationwide, most of the Bundeswehr barracks are now observed to be in a state of disrepair, although a few soldiers are not encamped in the barracks. This is not to say that the housing needs of the armed forces have not been taken into account, as some intervention measures have been taken to address the need for military housing. oversaw efforts to rebuild military barracks in the United States (Vanguard, 2011). Housing has been classified in the same category as air, food and clothing as basic necessities of life (Okpala, 1985). Its basic function is to protect people from the elements and guarantee some security from predators. Housing is one of the biggest problems he has with the Nigerian military. Housing problems are common to all quasi-governmental institutions in Nigeria, due to high levels of corruption and misappropriation of allocated funds, coupled with poor implementation of housing policies for military personnel (Adeniyi, 2004 ). Various federal and state governments have made efforts in the past to improve housing conditions in barracks. Low-income groups, where most soldiers belong, are hit hardest by the lack of housing. Despite various government efforts, housing shortages persist as supply far outstrips housing demand (Ogunshakin and Olayiwola, 1992). Housing programs aimed at low-income soldier groups always end up with wealthy senior officers due to the autocratic nature of the profession.

Military barracks across the country are in dire need of repair, and in many cases there are simply not enough housing for soldiers, despite the billions of dollars spent annually on barracks repairs ( Daily Trust, 18 March 2015). The Daily Trust (2015) also shows that military barracks in places such as Lagos, Kaduna, Kano and Bauchi are often in poor condition with broken doors and windows and leaking roofs.

1.2 Problem Description

The problem of inadequate housing and accommodation for military personnel is primarily a problem of crisis situations, manifested and expressed in quantitative and qualitative form. Lack of comfort and rudimentary infrastructure, overcrowding, unsanitary conditions, high density and lack of organization all result in a frightening experience shared by the majority of military personnel. The use of Nigerian military barracks is not the only environmental issue. However, researchers are assessing the problem of inadequate housing for military personnel, with a particular focus on the Nigerian military.

1.3 Purpose of the survey

The purpose of this research is to:

1. It investigates the problem of inadequate housing for military personnel in Nigeria.

2. To examine the Government’s commitment to providing adequate housing for Nigerian Army personnel.

3. Identify factors that prevent the provision of adequate housing for Nigerian Army personnel.



1. Is there a problem of insufficient accommodation to military personnel in Nigeria?

2. What is the level of government commitment at providing decent accommodation for the Nigerian Army personnel?

3. What are the factors hindering the provision of decent accommodation for the Nigerian Army personnel?


The following are the significance of this study:

1. The outcome of this study will sensitize the Nigeria government, the Nigerian Army authority and the general public on the problem of insufficient housing and accommodation to the Nigerian Army personnel with a view of identifying how the problem can be solved.

2. This research will also serve as a resource base to other scholars and researchers interested in carrying out further research in this field subsequently, if applied will go to an extent to provide new explanation to the topic. 1.7 Scope/Limitations of Investigation

This study, which assesses the problem of inadequate housing for military personnel in Nigeria, looks at the status of housing facilities in Nigerian Army barracks across the country.

research limit

Financial Constraints – Lack of funding tends to prevent researchers from obtaining relevant material, literature, or information and efficiently conducting data collection (internet, questionnaires, and interviews).

Time Constraints – Researchers will be engaged in this study and other academic studies simultaneously. As a result, less time is spent on research work.


Abiodan, J. Housing Problems in Nigerian Cities Onibokun ped Housing in Nigeria:
Book by Reading NISER, Ibadan pp. 49-63, 2005. Adeniyi E.O, Housing Provision, Challenges to Military Performance in Africa, Ibadan NISER Reprint Series 96, pp. 701-710, 2004

Daily Trust, March 18, 2015

Ogunshakin and Olayiwola L. Collapse of Public Housing Policy in Nigeria Habitat International Vol.16, No1 1992.

Okpala DCI Housing Ownership, A Need to Rethink Current Emphasis in Housing Policy in Nigeria, Publication of the Nigerian Association of Housing Corporations Vol. 2 No. 1 1985


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