Evangelism: The Bedrock Of The Christian Calling And Faith. (A Case Study Lutheran Church Of Nigeria Anua Offot Uyo)
Chapter One
1.1 Background of Study
In Matthew 28: 19-20 “go and make disciple of all nations teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you”…
Understanding the full meaning of evangelism will help us in applying its effect in the right ramification, therefore by definition.
According to M. Johnson (2009) evangelism is the term used to refer to the preaching or the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. It comes from the Greek Word (evangelion) which literally means spreading the Gospel of Christ Jesus.
Evangelism should be a part of every Christian’s life. However some reasons are why Christians don’t carry out the command.
Many believers entertain a lot of fear about this practise
Many Christians feel nervous speaking
Many Christians are unequipped to deal with people’s questions and reactions
Some believer’s have a gift of evangelism and they are called to reach out to the world in dramatic ways. However, all of us are called to be witnesses for Christ and this should be a soft and natural exercise of our everyday lives. As a believers in Christ we are commissioned to be His witnesses in every country, people, tribe, group and culture.
1.2 Statement of Problem
Below are some of the questions in researchers mind which prompted him conducting this research. These includes facts that:-
Evangelism is a command from the master here been abandoned by Christians.
Those who manage to engage in this practise do it wrongly and as such does not yield result.
Strategies of effective evangelism is not really applied in the process of it.
1.3 Objectives of Study
To develop and support more of strategies for effective evangelism in Christendom.
To survey the use of proper effective evangelism tools and achieving evangelism results.
To remind Christians evangelism is the highest commission in Christendom.
1.4 Significance of Study
Because evangelism is the command from the master Jesus and because the growth and expansion of God’s kingdom is strongly reliance on the effectiveness of evangelism and evangelical tools therefore this research is ultimately significant in like this when most Christians have forgotten the real purpose of their salvation.
The study therefore with serve as a wake up calls for all Christians to our responsibility.
1.5 Research Questions
Why is Christians not seeing positive results in evangelism?
It the right tool and strategies applied in todays evangelism?
How did the early days Christian succeed in their evangelical work?
1.6 Scopes/Limitation of Study
This study on evangelism: The bedrock of the Christians calling and faith will cover Christian religion as a church at Lutheran Church of Nigeria Anua Offot in Particular in Uyo Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State.
1.7 Limitation of the Study
Financial Constraint: Insufficient found has limited the researcher in finding for the relevant materials, information and in the process of data collection (internet questionnaire and interviews).
Time Constraint: The researcher will engage study with other academic works, this seriously will cut down the time devoted for the researcher work.
Limited Materials about the subject matter
Non-availability of respondent.
1.8 Definition of Terms
Evangelism: Is simple means sharing the Good News that Jesus Christ death, burial and resurrection conquered sin.
Bedrock: Any firm foundation.
Christian: Is a person who believe in the teaching of Jesus Christ.
Christian Calling: is Christ’s high calling we are encourage to work in a manner worthy of this calling.
Christian Faith: Is a belief in Jesus resurrection from the death.