1.1 Background of the study

Universal Basic Education (UBE) is not a new concept in Nigerian education, and access to education has been a top priority for the country since the implementation of the University Primary Education (UPE) plan in the mid-1970s. The government’s Universal Basic Education (UBE) initiative is a follow-up program aimed at making education more accessible to the average citizen. The Universal Basic Education (UBE) program fosters a positive learning environment because its goal is to provide universal access to basic education, especially now that the program has been updated to include secondary schools. One of the most significant issues in the implementation of universal primary education (UPE) in the 1970s was the emphasis on irrelevant and dysfunctional education. Education is essential.

It is expected to prepare us for life’s challenges; it prepares men for worthwhile living. Until recently, and to some extent still today, the Nigerian educational program was theoretical and academic, from primary school to tertiary level.

On September 30, 1999, President Olusegun Obasanjo formally launched Universal Basic Education in Nigeria. The program is meant to be universal, free, and mandatory. Since the introduction of western education in 1842 (Eya 2000), Nigerian regions, state governments, and federal governments have taken an active interest in education.

The program’s goal is to provide all Nigerians, regardless of age, gender, race, region, occupation, or location, with a functional, universal, and high-quality education.

The federal government of Nigeria defines primary education as education provided in a primary school setting.

Children aged 6 to 11 are served in a formal setting. It goes on to say that because the rest of the educational system is based on it. However, despite the fantastic goals that UBE has to offer, it has encountered numerous challenges during the implementation process, attracting the attention of researchers to the notion that guidance and counselling may be a missing factor in the equation. As a result, the goal of this study is to look at the role of guidance and counseling in the successful implementation of Universal Basic Education.

1.2 Problem description

The implementation of basic education programs in Nigeria has faced numerous challenges over the years, and it appears that the problem is not going away.

The success of Nigeria’s educational program is not always determined by adequate knowledge and policies, but by the program’s effective implementation. Current educational trends appear to indicate that educational quality has been declining. The rate of failures and dropouts in lower levels of education has been increasing. This development has been attributed to a variety of factors, including socio-cultural, overcrowded classrooms, inadequate funding of school activities, inadequate infrastructural facilities, the lack of a functional library, insufficient instructional materials, poor supervision and monitoring of the school program, psychological, economic, pedagogical, and so on. All of these are obstacles to the successful implementation of the UBE program in Nigeria.

In In the search for solutions to problems, guidance and counseling have been identified as one powerful tool that could aid in improving academic performance and, by extension, the Universal Basis of Education (UBE). In light of this, the federal government mandates that educational institutions establish effective and functional Guidance and Counseling Centres or units under the 6-3-3-4 educational system (CFRN, 2004). Students in primary and junior secondary schools will be able to choose the right course (s) that are compatible with their innate potential, attributes, characteristics, motivations, and interests, as well as ensure that square pegs do not get stuck in round holes, with guidance and counseling in place. The Universal Basic Education (UBE) program requires direction.

and counseling services in order to achieve these objectives. The guidance counselor should go above and beyond by raising awareness and enlisting the help of the class teachers for referrals. As a result, the researcher wishes to investigate the role of counseling and guidance in the successful implementation of Universal Basic Education.

1.3 The study’s purpose

The primary goal of this research is to examine the role of guidance and counseling in the successful implementation of Universal Basic Education.

The research will specifically:

1. Consider the goal of Universal Basic Education.

2. Look into the factors that influence UBE implementation.

3. Determine whether the addition of guidance and counseling services will aid in the successful implementation of UBE.

1.4 Hypotheses for research

The following are the null hypotheses:

are investigated in this study:

H01: There are no known impediments to the UBE’s implementation.

H02: The implementation of the UBE will be unaffected by the implementation of a guidance and counselling program.

1.5 Importance of the research

The research will identify areas that will benefit from Universal Basic Education implementation.

This study will provide empirical evidence for various stakeholders, including governments, program managers, administrators, and policymakers, on the extent to which the program has helped to improve schooling quality and the education sector in general. The study will also be beneficial to the State Universal Basic Education Board because it will provide them with information that will help them control dropout rates.

in the UBE programme. The study will also enlighten parents/society on the current realities in the UBE program and assist them in seeing the existing disparity in rural and urban areas in regard to the UBE program, which will pose a challenge to those who are falling behind and motivate them to improve in order to catch up. Furthermore, by serving as a reference material and an opportunity for further research, these studies will contribute to the body of knowledge.

1.6 The Study’s Scope

The study’s scope includes an investigation of the role of guidance and counseling in the successful implementation of the Universal Basic Education program. The research, however, is limited to Kwara State.

1.7 The study’s limitations

The following elements pose

to be a constraint throughout the course of this research

Financial constraint- Inadequate funding tends to impede the researcher’s efficiency in locating relevant materials, literature, or information, as well as in the data collection process (internet, questionnaire and interview).
Time constraint- The researcher will conduct this study alongside other academic work. As a result, the amount of time spent on research will be reduced.

1.8 Definitions of terms

UBE: The Universal Basic Education (UBE) Programme is a nine-year basic educational program launched and implemented by the government and people of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to eradicate illiteracy, ignorance, and poverty while also stimulating and accelerating national development.

As a result, it is aimed at providing

Every Nigerian child of school-going age should have access to free, universal basic education, which would drastically reduce dropout and illiteracy rates.

Guidance: “Guidance is a method of assisting individuals in understanding and wisely utilizing the educational, vocational, and personal opportunities that they have or can develop, as well as a form of systematic assistance whereby students are aided in achieving satisfactory adjustment to school and to life.”

Counselling is a talking therapy in which a trained therapist or professional counsellor listens to you and assists you in resolving issues.

Guidance and counseling are terms used in the study to refer to school-based counseling activities organized by professional school counselors.


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