Assessment Of Energy Literacy Among Senior Secondary School Students


Assessment Of Energy Literacy Among Senior Secondary School Students


Chapter One




Background Of The Study


In moment’s world, energy is viewed as an universal commodity. Institutions( private pots, governments, seminaries, sodalities, and so on) and individualities likewise calculate heavily on harmonious access to useable energy in all forms( Creighton and Dewey, 1916). In the twenty-first century, energy( electrical) has come a vital commodity for the mortal race( Assmann, 2002), and as a result, global warming has increased, dwindling worldwide safety. knowledge, or the capacity to read and write, is a introductory mortal right and the base for lifelong literacy. knowledge is defined as the capacity to understand the positive and negative aspects of a situation, and it’s substantially acquired via formal education( Claudio, 1988). Although renewable energy, energy legislation, energy effectiveness bias, and energy conservation measures have been extensively embraced in numerous countries throughout the world, energy education is one of the most important strategies to address unborn energy challenges. Energy education is critical at all situations of training and in the foreseeable future. In numerous( advanced/ developing) force, this field of energy is precipitously being integrated into the academy class.


nearly all professions use energy as a commodity to satisfy consumer prospects. As a result, energy wasn’t considered a separate educational discipline, but rather was integrated into some aspects( energy conversion, conservation, transmission, application, birth, and distribution) of some disciplines(e.g. electrical, chemical, and mechanical engineering, as well as drugs) grounded on their applicability to scholars at that position. Energy education is the process of informing the general people about energy, what it implies, and how to use and make energy opinions. Energy education should be categorised according to the pupils or followership it’s intended for. This education shouldn’t be confined to the classroom; rather, a combined trouble should be made to produce informal educational conditioning to reach out to the broader population. Energy- saving conditioning should be pushed on social media, and announcements, banners, and taglines that promote energy conservation should be encouraged. Garg and Kandpal( 1995) examine some of the most essential energy education motifs. It’s necessary to have a wide purpose for any educational program, and this proposed energy education system can follow the broad objects stated below.


Statement Of The Problem


utmost developing nations across the world, particularly those in Africa, continue to face significant energy issues in electricity generation. Nigeria, the exploration’s case study, nonetheless has a advanced chance of its people living in areas with inadequate or no power. Though energy education is needed around the world, it’s especially critical in poorer nations. utmost developing nations are endowed with huge renewable energy coffers, which are moreover underused or unutilized to this day, depending on the country. Although Nigeria’s solar eventuality is enormous, its underutilization ornon-utilization is visible in the country’s electricity assiduity.( Global energy network, 2014) Some of the rates accessible in underdeveloped nations that make energy education pivotal include


utmost developing nations have excellent solar radiation eventuality, making energy education an important step forward in resource development.


utmost of these nations are also oil painting directors, and the lack of energy knowledge endured by the maturity of their occupants prevents the country’s oil painting from being used to its full eventuality.


In the moment, only a many developing nations have special/ technical energy education programs at their educational institutions.


Objects Of The Study


ideal of the study is the evaluation of energy knowledge among elderly secondary scholars in Nigeria. Which is to be achieved through the following specific objects


I) assessing drugs scholars’ general position energy Knowlegde in Nigeria.


ii) probing scholars’ energy cognitive position, energy geste / behavioral knowledge,


iii) Observing scholars’ amenability to learn about energy- related issues,


iv) relating scholars’ demographic background with their energy geste , knowledge, and consumption rate, and


v) assessing the effect of situations of class against their energy knowledge position.


Exploration Questions


The below objects are to be achieved through the following exploration questions.


1) What’s the current position of energy knowledge among Nigerian elderly secondary scholars?


2) Is there a statistically significant relationship between scholars’ energy knowledge and their gender, academy type, age range, and subject of study?


Significance Of The Study

The study emphasis on the examination of energy knowledge among Nigerian elderly secondary academy scholars. The study also stressed the challenges of energy knowledge, as well as certain underused and underutilized energy sources. It also shows how to address these issues and raise energy mindfulness in Nigeria.


Compass Of The Study


The exploration focus on the evaluation of energy knowledge among elderly secondary academy scholars in Nigeria.


Limitation Of The Study


The focus of this study is on assessing energy knowledge among Nigerian elderly secondary academy scholars. Work of this magnitude or kind can not be carried out without limitation on exploration. As a result, several limitations were endured during the course.


v Cost the cost of thorough exploration isn’t what can be swung by a pupil. The prices of accoutrements demanded for this work has gone up and transport figure has also gone up.


v Time the time was one of the limitations in the process of carrying out this exploration work.


v failure Of Literature The exploration encountered some problems in collection of literature especially on the bank History and operations. This are hindered the smooth handling of this work.


Description Of Terms




In drugs, energy is the quantitative property that must be transferred to a body or physical system to perform work on the body, or to heat it. Energy is a conserved volume; the law of conservation of energy countries that energy can be converted in form, but not created or destroyed.




knowledge in its broadest sense describes” particular ways of allowing about and doing reading and jotting” with the purpose of understanding or expressing studies or ideas in written form in some specific environment of use.


Associations of the study


The chapter one correspond of the introductory part of the study which includes the study background, the statement of the exploration problem, the study ideal and compass of the study.


The alternate chapter is a critical review of other literatures applicable to the study and its objects including the theoretical frame for the study. While the third chapter is styles of data collection, slice and data analysis used in conducting the study. The fourth chapter centres around the exploration findings including an analysis of how it relates to former findings. The fifth chapter consists of the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations base on the study objects.


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