Assessment Of Career Development Options For The Nigerian Girls In Sport


Assessment Of Career Development Options For The Nigerian Girls In Sport


Chapter One




Background Of The Study


Sport, as a special sociocultural miracle, is a historically determined exertion of people connected with the use of physical exercises, which is aimed at preparing and sharing in a especially organized system of competitions, as well as the individual and socially significant results of similar exertion( Brassie, 2008).


Structured sports conditioning give an avenue to engage in competitive hobbies that have profitable significance and develop strong social connections with others. Active recreation provides a more unshaped physical exertion space that individualities can use freely in their rest time and achieve a particular sense of enjoyment.


still, participation in sports is at colorful situations, similar as amateur athlete,non-professional or professional athlete, as well as recreational actors. The amateur athlete regularly and directly engages in a formal competition under established rules of a sport’s governing body but doesn’t admit any delectation or external prices except glories, pestilences, instrument, etc. Anon-professional athlete may bear plutocrat to share in a sport, but may draw on that plutocrat only to cover living charges and keep the balance in escrow until withdrawal( Fordham, & Leaf, 2008). The professional athlete and recreational party engages in sport through informal associations on an irregular or regular base. Though similar participation is frequently regular, the athlete doesn’t belong to an association and doesn’t contend in a way that would bring him her into direct contact with an institutionalized interpretation of his/ her sport of interest( Siedentop, 1994).


Over the times, women has played a significant part in sports as they’ve their own world of sport, and sporting conditioning either competitively or else. There are numerous ways in which women can be involved in sports, besides playing or guiding. With the largely institutionalized nature of sports moment, a variety of places live taking professionals in the interests of sports. Since the athlete can’t share in life’s sports, there’s a need to insure that there’s provision for her withdrawal( Parks,J. & Zanger,B. 2012). therefore, this paper highlights career options available to the sports girls, piecemeal from the traditional tutoring professional after scale. She’d thus be at liberty to draw on any of these options to earn a living. The avenues where she can accessibly use her recently acquired vocation are one of the major enterprises of this study. Hence, this study evaluates the career options available for Nigerian girls in the sporting sector.


Statement Of The Problem


There are colorful womanish sports actors, similar as amateurs,non-professionals and professionals and recreational sports actors in Nigeria. still, because athletes are unfit to perform in life due to physiological and physical limitations, there’s a need for her to have a way to earn a living in withdrawal so that she doesn’t return to the order of poor people in the country. likewise, due to the largely institutionalized nature of sports moment, a variety of job openings that bear professional moxie in the field of sports are beingcreated., endured womanish athletes in Nigeria have been set up idle after withdrawal as a result of ignorance of what other sport or aspect of sport they should use their moxie and experience( Fordham 2011). According to Siedentop,( 2004), there are a variety of careers available to womanish athletes, which include sports administration, sports drug, guiding, officiating, sports psychologists, sports sociology, sport journalism/ broadcasting, sports marketing and photography, and groundsmanship. Hence, this study is conducted towards relating the career options available to all womanish athletes in Nigeria.


1. 3 Ideal Of The Study


The general end of this study is to assess the career development options for Nigerian girls in sports. Below are the specific objects of the study.


1. Examine if women play a significant part in the world of sport.


2. Examine if women can still share in other aspects( services) of sport after withdrawal.


3. Identify the career options available to Nigerian womanish athletes away from being among the major actors in a sports association.


Exploration Thesis


H01. Women don’t play any significant part in the world of sport.


H02 Women after withdrawal ca n’t share in other aspects( services) of sport.


Significance Of The Study


This study will punctuate career options available to womanish athletes, piecemeal from the traditional tutoring profession, after scale. the study would also serve as the bases for them draw on any of these options to earn a living indeed after withdrawal. this study will as well indicate and advise them on the avenues where they can accessibly use heir at law acquired chops. this study will be applicable to parents and preceptors as well, as it’ll help them in guiding a womanish child through her choice of a sports career.


More so, this study would be of great applicability to the exploration community as it’ll add to the body of literature which formerly exists on this subject of study, thereby being useful to experimenters, scholars and other Intellectualist.


Compass Of The Study


This study is limited to examining if women play a significant part in the world of sport, examining if women can still share in other aspects( services) of sport after withdrawal, and relating the career options available to Nigerian womanish athletes away from being among the major actors in a sports association. Hence the repliers for this study will be attained from Ibom Angels Football Club; women football club in Akwa Ibom State.


Limitations Of The Study


In the course of carrying out this study, the experimenter endured some constrains which include time constrain, fiscal constrain, language walls, and station of the repliers. still the experimenter was suitable to manage these challenges just to insure the success of this study.


Description Of Terms


Career This is an occupation accepted for a significant period of a person’s life and with openings for progress.


Sport This is an exertion involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or platoon competes against another or others for entertainment.


Retirement Retirement refers to the time in life when one chooses to permanently leave the pool before.


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