Assessing The Effect Of School Location On Students Educational Performance


Chapter One




Background of the study


The establishment of Universal Primary Education in the 1970s, followed by the Primary Education Development Plan( PEDP) in 2002, redounded in a fast growth of secondary seminaries in Nigeria. As a result of the growth of primary education( PE), a demand forpost-PE has arisen, challenging a sufficient force of preceptors and a suitable literacy terrain in seminaries as an added incitement to finish primary academy. In certain Nigerian locales, secondary academy point wasn’t given former critical study in order to satisfy the demand for access and completion of education. antonio stole( 2015). The establishment of seminaries didn’t take into account aspects that may contribute to high- quality education and enhanced academic achievement, similar as learners’ and preceptors’ trip distances to and from their seminaries. Expanding registration by erecting further seminaries closer to people has been a significant step toward universalizing education since all eligible children would be suitable to attend academy and share in all of the listed conditioning. Secondary seminaries are located each across the world, far from the homes of the pupils. As a consequence, academy children, especially ladies, have been negatively affected by the lesser walking or transport distance from home to academy/ council. likewise, a study on the impact of trip distance on the quality of education among scholars in community seminaries set up that the maturity of pupils came late, sick, and apathetic in literacy, performing in low academic achievement. Quality access Education is necessary for the creation of an engaged pool that will contribute to socioeconomicprogress.Involvement of educational stakeholders is supposed respectable in achieving a high- quality pool. In this respect, the engagement of stakeholders( original development activists and policymakers) in enhancing the quality of the literacy terrain, including the academy’s position, has a significant impact on secondary academy scholars’ academic performance.


Statement Of Exploration Problem


Several enterprise have been put in place to guarantee that scholars get high- quality literacy issues. still, the performance of several community seminaries in Akwanga original government community seminaries in the National Examinations has remained poor. This generated some enterprises about their low performance in relation to their geographic position, egging this disquisition. disquisition was judged necessary because, without it, seminaries would continue to operate in the same manner, with no progress in pupil performance, compromising public sweats to produce trained and competent people.


Objects Of The Study



The primary ideal of the study is as follows


l To probe the extent to which academy position affects the academic achievement of academy scholars in Nigeria


l To find out factors that determined position of community seminaries in Nigeria


l To determine conditions used to allocate pupils to seminaries, and Applicable strategies to ameliorate secondary academy scholars performance


Exploration Questions


1. does academy position affect academic performance of academy pupil in Nigeria?


2. Are there factors that determine position of community academy in Nigeria?


3. Do you suppose the conditions used to allocate pupil to academy is right?


4. Do you suppose there can be an enhancement in academy pupil performance


Significance of the study


This study provides information to itineraries, policy makers, preceptors, parents,


community members and academia about the significance of applicable position of the community seminaries on learners ‘ academic performance. thus, findings are


applicable in unborn planning and practice in erecting new secondary seminaries on


proper strategies to launch better literacy terrain. Further, as long as academy


position was likely to affect academic performance of the learners, the findings open


new avenues for unborn studies in different community secondary seminaries


Compass Of The Study



This study intends to assess the effect of academy position on scholars educational performance. Hence, this study is demarcated to many secondary academy in Akwanga original government area in Nassarawa state.


Limitations of the study


This study was constrained by a number of factors which are as follows


fiscal constraint is ineluctable considering the present profitable situations. Due to lack of finance at the experimenters disposal to get accoutrements and in printing of questionnaires. it wasn’t possible to visit some of the communities that have been agonized by bandit conditioning.


In developing countries like Nigeria, there’s the problem of inadequate data.


Time factor time factor disguise another constraint since having to shuttle between jotting of the exploration and also engaging in other academic work making it uneasy for the experimenter


Functional Description Of Terms


Assess estimate or estimate the nature, capability, or quality of.


Effect a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.


School position this refers to the community in which the academy is located,


Scholars a person who’s studying at a university or other place of advanced education.


Educational relating to the provision of education.


Performance an act of presenting a play, musicale, or other form of entertainment.


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