1.1 Background of the study

In most African countries, the Western world, and even globally, a family’s socioeconomic position is typically correlated with the family’s income, parental education level, parental employment, and social standing among their relatives (Chidubem, E., et al., 2018). Excellence in all academic subjects, both inside and outside of the classroom, is regarded as academic achievement. Include, among other things, good sportsmanship, self-assurance, communication abilities, punctuality, assertiveness, the arts, and culture. Anything that has been accomplished or performed has been done so through effort: as a result of diligent work (Fan W., et al., 2011).

For society to advance, education is essential. A society becomes more civilized and disciplined the more educated its members are. In the end, it is the job of the family to socialize kids so they can become contributing members of society. Children are more likely to succeed academically and develop into responsible adults if their parents are actively involved in their education ( Hafiz M. et al., 2013). Academic success among students is inextricably linked to the social and economic well-being of the nation. Academic achievement of students is essential in producing top-notch graduates who will serve as outstanding leaders and labor for the country and thus be responsible for its economic and social progress (Ali et al., 2018). One of the most challenging areas of academic literature is student academic performance assessment, and scientific student performance is influenced by social, psychological, economic,

variables that are personal and environmental. These traits differ from person to person and from country to country, but they have a significant impact on student achievement.

The family is where a child’s education starts at a very young age. The first teachers for a child are their parents. Informal education is the term used to describe this type of training. Children are first introduced to education as a tool for social change in the context of their families (Machebe C. et al., 2014). The socioeconomic status of parents, which includes their level of education, family’s income, living situation, and way of life, has a big impact on their kids’ academic achievement and behavior in public (Amarveer S. et al., 2014).

1.2 A description of the issue

Schneider J. and Coleman H. claim in

The socioeconomic status of a child’s parents has a significant impact on that child’s grades in 2000, and students from lower-income homes are less likely to succeed academically. He added that parents with low levels of education might not have the knowledge or skills necessary to participate in their kids’ education. As a result, students’ academic performance might suffer. As a result, parental involvement metrics could significantly affect how well their kids are doing in school. This suggests that parents who are more involved in their kids’ education may give academic success a higher priority, which may result in improved academic performance.

1.3 Purpose of the investigation

The following is the study’s main goal:

1. To determine whether parental income in Nigerian students’ academic performance.

2. To determine whether the educational level of parents influences their children’s academic performance in Nigeria.

3. To determine whether the academic performance of students and their parents’ socioeconomic status are related.

4. To learn about methods for raising academic performance among students in Nigeria.

1.4 Research Prompts

For this study, the following query has been prepared:

1) Do parents’ income levels in Nigeria have an impact on their children’s academic performance?

2) In Nigeria, does a student’s academic performance depend on their parents’ educational status?

3) Is there a connection between a student’s academic success and the socioeconomic status of their parents?

4) What are the methods that Nigerian students can employ to enhance their academic performance?

1.5 Importance of the research

This research looks at socio

This study will be important because it will identify some factors that may be to blame for students’ poor academic performance. Economic status of parents and how it affects academic performance of students.

The academic community will benefit from this study as well because it will add to the body of knowledge.

1.6 Study’s purview

This study explores whether parental income has an impact on children’s academic performance in Nigeria. Additionally, this study will look into whether parental education levels in Nigeria have an impact on their children’s academic performance. The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is a connection between student academic performance and parent socioeconomic status. Finally, this research will discover methods for raising students’ academic performance in

Nigeria. As a result, the scope of this study will be the Ambrose Ali University in the state of Edo.

1.7 The study’s limitations

The following are some of the factors that limited this study:

Similar to any other research, there may be obstacles to collecting data, such as a lack of reliable sources for the topic at hand.

The researcher encountered financial limitations when attempting to obtain pertinent materials, print questionnaires, and compile them.

Time factor: The researcher’s discomfort comes from having to juggle writing the research and doing other academic work at the same time, which poses another constraint.

1.8 Definition of key words

A group of people with similar characteristics is known as a socioeconomic class.

Academic performance: the evaluation of students’ performance in different academic

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