Impact Of Computer On The Practice Of Journalism


Chapiter 1




History of the Study

Investigating and reporting on newsworthy events, problems, and trends is what journalism is all about. The goal of journalism, despite its various variants, is to provide the intended information about a variety of subjects, from commercial and government organizations to societal cultural aspects like art and documentaries.


The news media have taken the lead in providing information and opinion about public issues in today’s society, however the internet is changing the nature of journalism’s position in addition to other kinds of mass communication.


ICTs serve as an information generator, checker, controller, processor, filing system, and system for preparing reports in media organization setup. It quickly completes tasks like news processing and simple, repetitive secretarial tasks and graphics that have traditionally been handled by humans. It even completes some tasks that managers would have completed.


ICTs are described as electronic devices that have the ability to store, arrange, and find information, perform calculations, and operate other devices.


The earliest humans had the concept of ICTs. For instance, the farmers used to tally the number of pebble and succulent stem heaps they had created. This is an example of an ICT since it facilitates counting using this idea. Additionally, the computer-based four-figure table used in mathematics is a counting aid. Our elderly people now preserve their memories of past events by making references to the charcoal strokes they have made on the walls of their various homes and can still recall when necessary.


ICTs have, however, taken on a new dimension in the shape of electronics as a result of the world’s rapid technological growth. The use of ICTs in journalism has improved in the jet age thanks to its tools, which allow for better productivity and efficiency of news with the use of ICTs spreads through journalism more quickly and completely than other new technologies.


The penetration of ICTs into journalism has provided a problem for journalism instructors despite the fact that its influence has been felt across the globe.


1.2 Definition of the Issue


It is widely acknowledged that the lack of efficient tools for gathering and transmitting information is one of the main issues impeding broadcast efficiency in the majority of developing nations, including Nigeria.


Such data may occasionally be collected in fragments that are never properly identified and grouped together. Even for journalists with adequate technical skills and experience, it would be challenging to retrieve the dispersed material.


ICTs have significantly improved human and industrial operations, including the media, in the areas of information collecting and news distribution, it suffices to remark. Despite the fact that some organizations use it, others do not. Even journalists, who are expected to utilize ICT effectively, fall short in several areas and some lack ICT literacy.


Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine how ICTs affected the productivity of journalists at AKBC Radio and Television.

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