The National Electricity Authority was established by the NEPA Act of 1972. The law has authorized the merger of the activities of the Niger Dam Authority and the Nigeria Electricity Authority. The Operating Subject Clause reads, among other things:
“The authorities may direct us to develop and maintain an efficient, coordinated and economical power supply system for all parts of the Commonwealth and their purposes.

generate or obtain electricity,

providing bulk electricity for distribution within or outside Nigeria;

Provide electricity to Nigerian consumers from time to time, as may be approved by the authorities.

A close examination of NEPA’s performance over the years has shown that the aforementioned provisions of the statute are not being effectively complied with. A World Bank report estimates that inefficiencies in Nigeria’s energy sector alone cause losses of more than US$800 million annually (World Bank 1994). Today, investment cost calculations are flawed in that they do not take into account the cost of self-sufficiency in electricity, but the wealthy do have their own generators for their homes.

Plagued by overall inefficiency and inadequate investment strategies, NEPA suffers transmission losses of 15% to 20% due to poor distribution expectations. 15% to 20% of that performance is unmeasured, so no revenue is generated. This means that 30% to 40% of NEPA output does not generate revenue. Expected loss by international standards is 5% 10%. Harsh practices are notoriously prevalent within systems due to poor operational practices and inadequate management tools and skills. (World Bank 1995).

Running a successful business means working with and through people to achieve your company’s goals. If management has the unrealistic and narrow-minded notion that labor is primarily a complement to machines and should be purchased from the cheapest market, the organization will become inefficient and human resources will suffer. will be wasted and workers will find the organization undesirable. . Human resources are an organization’s most important asset, and attempts to retain human resources for development purposes are fatal to the company.

Human-centered management recognizes the fact that individuals enter organizations with different motives and motivations, both financial and psychological. Such managers therefore design and maintain an organization in which employees meet their own wants and needs while contributing to the overall interests and goals of the organization. He needs personal needs met while also organizational goals.

Against this background, motivation is understood to mean a motive that enables employees to achieve the morale boost and psychological well-being necessary for increased productivity. Therefore, this study focuses on NEPA to determine how well organizations value the comprehensive benefit sketch of employee engagement. All of these gains have an attendant (positive or negative) to organizational performance.

Political instability aside, the state of the region’s energy economy poses a major obstacle to improving economic prosperity and development in the West African region. Typical West African countries such as Nigeria, Benin, Gambia, Mali and Togo consume less than 150 kWh of electricity per person.


This is significantly lower than the developed world average of 1900 and 6000 kWh.

The slow pace of development of the West African power sector is due to the form of ownership and management of the institutions that produce and distribute power in the region. Generally, the power industry within the subregion is under government control, with a utility company or agency having a complete monopoly on generation, transmission and distribution.

Because of this domination and monopoly, the business environment does not encourage any form of competition or foreign capital investment. The resulting impact is a decline not only in the energy sector, but also in industrial development. A country like Nigeria in particular, whose primary source of foreign exchange is crude oil exploration and export, remains the largest oil producer in all of Africa with an estimated 124 trillion cubic feet (tcf), an estimated 1.88 million barrels per day. I’m here. With proven gas reserves and huge hydropower reserves, it has great potential to become an industrial giant and mainstream exporter to the West African sub-region. But years of non-economic government planning, regulation, and management of the energy sector have prevented these important instruments of the economy from getting the attention they deserve.


Historically, motivation has evolved primarily in three directions.

1. Conventional model

This model is based on the assumption that people work only for money. The job of management, therefore, is to develop a system of pay and punishment that clearly defines work and maximizes employee performance. 2. Relationship model

This is based on the assumption that people come to work for social interaction. The manager’s role is therefore to arrange work in such a way that employees achieve the optimum level of social interaction. This is expected to create social harmony and optimize worker performance.

3. personnel or behavioral model

It assumes that people work to meet higher needs such as responsibility, achievement, and job description. This mindset school believes that managers focused on job fulfillment and global expansion create an environment that enables excellence.

Ultimately, motivation can be described as the process of stimulating people to act in order to achieve a desired goal or to accomplish a given task. Yes, all are equal. Motivation can also be viewed as a function that managers perform in organizational goals. This is one of the most puzzling aspects of management. It refers to the way in which the basic symptoms of individual tension—the urges, desires, needs, and aspirations—are harnessed and channeled into smooth, constructive, and cooperative action toward the achievement of organizational goals. . All human behavior is motivated by the need to meet physical, emotional, social, or psychological needs. In the jargon of theoretical and experimental psychologists, a stimulus acts on an organism to induce a behavioral response. Using the concept of homeostasis, this means that feeling or recognizing a need creates tension in the individual and leads to actions aimed at relieving the tension created.


The purpose of this study is to examine the root causes of employees’ negative attitudes at work, particularly in relation to motivation. Workers’ responses to motivation and motivational techniques used by managers to gain workers’ cooperation and support. This study also intends to examine punishment or submission systems, or both, and their applicability. This is because researchers mostly believe that problems with a particular method depend heavily on its applicability.

For this reason, some of the areas this research aims at are:

1. Demonstrate the motivating factors her NEPA manager uses to induce overt behaviors that increase worker productivity. 2. Investigate and identify potential administrative issues related to NEPA motivation.

3. Show the impact of motivation on employee productivity.

Four. Provides solutions to management deficiencies identified in motivational management.

5. Finally, document the results for future interested researchers.


1. To what extent, in your opinion, does motivation determine an employee’s job performance? 2. Will bureaucratic processes prevent companies from developing and implementing effective employee motivation techniques?

3. What do you think is the right way to motivate your employees?

Four. how to build a relationship

5. How can I build a relationship with my boss?

6. How does your salary match up with the services you provide to the organization between you and your manager?

7. How does your salary match the services you provide to the organization.


We attempt to test the following hypothesis by examining the effect of motivation on organizational productivity in the case of NEPA enugu.

(1) Promotion as a means of motivating NEPA employees is not a factor of education, qualifications and hard work.

Hi her NEPA PhD as a motivating factor is academic background and manual factor.

(2) Ho The boss-subordinate relationship does not affect the productivity of the organization as a whole.

Hi Managers and subordinates have an impact on the productivity of the entire organization. (3) bureaucratic processes do not prevent companies from developing and implementing effective employee motivation techniques;

Hi Bureaucratic processes are preventing companies from formulating and implementing effective employee motivation techniques.


This research is expected to be of great importance to NEPA’s business decisions, other top researchers, and the nation as a whole. In particular, this research will help:

Me. This makes NEPA administrators fully aware of the importance of motivation in this type of large organization.

ii. This allows administrators using NEPA to identify the causes of the relationship between productivity and motivation. iii. This enables workers to learn the nature of dignity and morale in their work and to understand the concept of service.

IV.The result, if dealt with properly, will be efficiency gains and as a result he will be more productive in NEPA.

v. This will be a tremendous guide for future researchers seeking to explore and understand more motivational concepts, especially in service organizations like NEPA {PHCN}.


For clarity, the subject of this research paper is focused on examining comparative assessments of experiences in similar or related organizations. This survey is intended to cover the activities of NEPA.

It is scientifically incorrect to claim that this kind of research was not impeded. As a result, financial constraints, time factors, and other factors have posed significant hurdles to the progress of this research work. The lack of relevant textbooks and the exorbitant cost of available textbooks due to the prevailing economic situation in the country also limit this research work.

Overall, this study aims to minimize the impact of these limiting factors on the production of this work.


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