The integration of digital media, which includes electronic text, images, moving pictures, and sounds in a structured computerized environment that allows people to engage with the data for proper reasons, is referred to as social media. The Internet, telecommunications, and interactive digital television are all examples of the digital environment. The Internet has become an integral aspect of the communication, sales, and service industries. It has an impact on corporate processes. Its technical restrictions limit the amount of material available and the speed with which it may be accessed. The network is mostly dependent on telephone line connections, therefore the better they are on a given territory, the more dependable the service will be. The limitations of sending vast volumes of digital data over telephone lines have had an impact on the industry.

It is undeniable that there is a link between social networks and the impact they have on young people’s conduct. As a result, communications can reach target audiences and groups in real time, causing changes and trends. Younger generations nowadays grow up in close contact with a variety of social media platforms. “Easily acquire digital culture and live in a digital world where only naturalized citizens are grownups.”

Tapscott (1998) refers to young people growing up in a digital environment as the “network generation.” Children come together in a hybrid virtual world to study in a new way, create new language, and apply multicultural values (Tappscott, 1998). Independence, emotional and intellectual openness, inclusivity, freedom of expression, and strong leadership are the fundamental features of the N-Gen culture.


According to Livingstone (2008), the online domain might be eagerly embraced since it symbolizes their place, visible to their peers rather than adult vigilance, and an exciting yet reasonably safe opportunity to execute the job. Psychological social adolescence is the process of developing, experimenting with, and presenting a project of self-reflection in a social setting, as well as, for some, circumventing communication rules and engaging in other dangerous behaviors. 4 Technology-based social networks are a great tool, but today’s youth are misusing them. The cell phone and the Internet are the two most common ways for young people to access social networks, and both have had a significant impact on their way of life. Given the current prominence and ease of access that these organizations provide to young people,


The goal of this research is to look into the impact of social media trends on young people’s behavior patterns, utilizing Lagos as a case study. The study’s objectives are as follows:

1. To find out how Lagos State’s young use social media in their daily lives.

2. To see if the young of Lagos prefer social media to conventional methods of communication.

3. To determine the effects of social media on the behavior of Nigerian youths.


The following is the study hypothesis:

1st Hypothesis

HO1: In Lagos State, the youth do not prefer social media to traditional ways.

HO1: In Lagos State, the youth prefer social media to traditional media.

2nd Hypothesis

HO2: The social media trend has had no substantial impact on the conduct of Nigerian youngsters.

HO2: The social media trend has a substantial impact on behavior changes among Nigerian youngsters.


The findings of this study are supposed to compensate for a lack of evidence on the effects of social networks on young people and behavior modification. The findings of this study may be relevant to decision-makers in a variety of government areas. For instance, in the

When educational program producers create a program for the education sector, they will be notified. It will assist doctors in the Ministry of Health, particularly those in charge of counseling. To communicate effectively with other young people, young people need to know what tools to utilize. The findings of these studies are likely to affect academic study by other academics who are interested in this field of knowledge and want to start something new.


The study’s goal is to determine the effects of the youth’s use of social media on behavior modification in Lagos. The research was hampered by a lack of time and financial resources.


The research is divided into five sections. This is the opening chapter, and it provides an overview of the research. The second chapter is devoted to a review of the relevant literature. The research methodology is presented in Chapter 3; the data analysis, as well as the interpretation and discussion of the results, are presented in Chapter 4. The findings and recommendations are summarized in Chapter 5.


Websites and programs that allow users to produce and share content or participate in social networking are referred to as social media.

Behavior change (public health) is a broad term that refers to a variety of activities and techniques that focus on individual, community, and environmental influences on behavior.

A social media influencer is a user who has acquired credibility in a certain field through social media.

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