As a result, transportation infrastructure is critical for countries all over the world to further their national and economic growth. Land transportation is divided into three categories: pipe transport, rail travel, and road transport. Road transport is the most common of the three modes stated above, accounting for more than 70% of all people and commodities transit worldwide (IRTAD 2014). This is likely due to the fact that land transportation is the most accessible to humans due to its relative profitability and safety. As a result, vehicular travel has become an important part of mankind, as it plays an important role in man’s economic activities. Transportation is a great illustration of this. truckloads of critical stuff. It goes without saying that the unplanned movements of such trucks might disrupt the flow of traffic and jeopardize public safety and welfare. As a result, human security is jeopardized, and national objectives are hampered. The burden of sickness and mortality in developing nations like Nigeria is rising as a result of a mix of factors including as fast motorization, poor roads and speed infrastructure, and road user behavior. In contrast, the indexes in technologically sophisticated countries are declining. RTC is the eighth leading cause of death worldwide, with developing countries bearing the brunt of the burden. Each year, over 1.3 million people die as a result of speeding accidents, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General, also stated that “road speed fatalities impose an intolerable high toll, especially on impoverished people in underdeveloped countries.” (WER) 90 percent of road deaths occur in low and middle income nations because to a lack of proper security regulations, inadequate infrastructure, and poor enforcement. These countries’ annual economic costs equal to about $100 billion (Khazan, 2013).

According to Bloomberg Philanthropies, countries including Russia, China, Turkey, Egypt, India, Vietnam, Kenya, Brazil, Mexico, and Cambodia are responsible for over half of all traffic deaths. The country with the most deaths is India, followed by China and the United States of America. Meanwhile, Eritrea has the worst rate of traffic deaths in Africa (48.4 per 100).

According to WHO projections, road deaths would be the sixth leading cause of death by 2030. The UN estimated that dealing with the problem would take a decade due to its magnitude. The United Nations started a “Decade of Action” in 2011 with the goal of stabilizing and lowering mortality globally by 2020.

According to Sung and Rios (2015), 50 million people are injured in speeding accidents each year, with various broad economic losses.

Many countries’ GDP ranges from 2% to 5%. Furthermore, speeding accidents on the streets have a huge impact on families that lose money, both in terms of emotional anguish and loss of income, especially in underdeveloped nations with insufficient safety nets and for accident victims.

I’m sure I could. Accelerating accidents are becoming less of a concern in industrialized countries such as Western Europe, North America, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand (Aderamo 2012). However, there are still a lot of traffic deaths in Nigeria, South Africa, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, and Uganda.

Nigeria, like other developing countries, is rapidly increasing its motorization without proper road safety measures to manage the rising number of accidents and speeding offenses. Pedestrians, cyclists, and public transportation riders are the principal casualties, as documented in other low and middle income countries (Downing, 1991). For the past fifty years, Nigerians have been particularly concerned about vehicle accidents. The trends in the RTC statistics, as recorded in the FRSC (Annual Report 2015), reveal that in Independence.

In 1976, the number of cases rose to 4,0881, with 6,761 deaths. The number of RTC instances had dropped to 25,792 by 1988, but the number of deaths had risen to 9077 (see Annex VI for RTC statistics in Nigeria 1960-1988).

In this environment, the government of General Ibrahim Babangida, which was created in 1988 as a child out of necessity to combat these heinous tendencies on Nigeria’s streets, is in play. The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) has approved Decree No. 45 of 1988, as revised by Decree 35 of the Speed Management Agency of 1992, which requires the FRSC to tackle road safety issues and management in a comprehensive manner. Nigeria has a lot of speed.

Their constant efforts, inventiveness, and unwavering commitment have been the hallmarks of FRSC since its inception.


High-speed crashes are common in Nigeria, despite the efforts of the Federal Road Safety Corps and other road traffic management organizations, with disastrous effects for human and economic resources.

originating from the countryside According to the FRSC referenced by Bernard (2015), RTCs cost Nigeria roughly 3% of GDP per year. The money lost in Nigeria as a result of speeding accidents in 2009 was more than the GDP of twenty African countries combined. In 2013, 6450 Nigerians died on our roads, while 40057 individuals were injured, according to Adedokun (2015). This figure is identical to that provided by the FRSC in 2013, which revealed that a total of 13,583 accident incidents were documented. With 6544 individuals on the road, there is a lot of speed.

Websites and programs that allow users to produce and share content or engage in social networking are referred to as social media.

Behavior change (public health) encompasses a wide range of activities and techniques that concentrate on the individual, community, and environmental influences on behavior.

A social media influencer is a person who has built a reputation in a certain field through their usage of social media.  The lack of coordinated efforts across numerous government agencies (federal, state, and district), nongovernmental agencies, the commercial sector, and other organizations / stakeholders interested in road safety is impeding the realization of this dream. Most of the time, road safety does not receive the attention it deserves from politicians. Furthermore, in Nigeria, well-intentioned road safety policies are being hampered by a lack of money for road safety. The high frequency of cars unworthy of roads on the roads, as well as the excessive weight on axles, particularly on tankers and trailers, is a serious issue that works against efficient highway speed management and the reduction of speed accidents. The employment of inexperienced and underage drivers, as well as the usage of narcotics by driversBetween 2007 and 2011, according to FRSC data on PSTN involving commercial vehicles in Nigeria, there were 2094 crashes that killed 1150 persons and wounded 5865 others. Despite its extraordinary success, the FRSC remains to be 41 deaths per 10,000 vehicles six years away from its 2020 goal of 3.2 deaths per 10,000 vehicles (data from the FRSC 2012). According to a similar FRSC data published in its 2015 annual report, LAGOS had the greatest number of accidents in the country in 2014 and 2015. (see Appendix VIII). As a result, immediate action is required to alleviate the situation. 1.2 The study’s main goal The purpose of this study is to look into the relationship between road speed management and road reduction.


Identify the causes of road speed shocks in the lakes is one of the study’s specific aims. ii. Determine the frequency of speed-related collisions and the fatality rate of road-related crashes in the Lakes. iii. Investigate the impact of road speed management on accident reduction in Lagos.


I What are the regulations for road management in Lagos? …

What is the level of adherence to these guidelines by motorists?


What is the frequency of road speed crashes in Lagos, and what is the mortality rate of road speed related crashes?


What is the FRSC’s institutional capacity in Lagos for managing road speed crashes?


What are the factors affecting LAGOS road speed management?


What recommendations and implementation techniques could be made to reduce the number of people killed in road speed crashes in Lagos?


The FRSC and other road speed control agencies, including as the Nigeria Police Force, Directorate of Road Speed Services, and State Government-owned road speed management organizations, will benefit from the study. Based on the identified causes of RTC, these authorities can use the findings of this study to make educated judgments on speed management strategies targeted at minimizing road speed crashes.

In addition, the Federal Ministry of Power, Works, and Housing might use the findings of this study to develop policies for roads that have been designated as crash-prone. The Ministry can also pay attention to periods with a high collision rate, such as night travel, in order to implement interventions and preventive measures. The research is also expected to contribute to


The research will look at FRSC’s road speed management initiatives in Lagos from 2010 to 2015. This time period is notable because it saw a rapid development in motorization, traffic congestion, and an alarming increase in the rate of RTCs in the LAGOS. The FRSC also increased its initiatives in speed management and road safety during this time.

Become a signatory to the United Nations Decade of Road Safety 2011-2020 to embed a safety culture. The causes of road speed crashes, as well as the total number of fatalities and injuries, were investigated, as were the efforts of the FRSC and other statutory authorities involved in road speed management policies during the time period.


The greatest issues that arose throughout this inquiry were some of the respondents’ misunderstandings and contradictory information about the questionnaire. In addition, not all of the questionnaires were completed and returned. There was a problem with insufficient PSTN detection in the NPF, which would have been utilized to support the FRSC’s secondary PSTN data. Due to the limited timeline, polling the leaders of the agencies involved in highway speed management proved challenging. During the study, however, the researcher used the information gathered from the interviews, secondary data, and his background as a road safety officer to overcome these limitations.


I Road: A road, according to the Nigerian Road Code (2013), is a land corridor by which vehicles, people, and animals can travel. It provides a safe and efficient means of transporting products and people from one location to another.

ii Vehicle speed management: this refers to the organization, direction, control, and monitoring of a vehicle’s movement and speed on the road. As a result, RTM denotes the coordination of all factors involved in the transportation of commodities, goods, and people. These are the essentials, but


It includes, but is not limited to, regularly maintained cars, well-kept roads, and well-trained and equipped regulatory authorities (FRSC 2014).


iii Road speed accident: According to Schwela (2008), a road speed accident occurs when two or more road users collide unexpectedly.

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